Test "Getting Started" for Matrix Foundation

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This test will be interesting for teachers, who likes Oxford University Press "Matrix Foundation".
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Test paper №1. “Getting started”

Variant 1

I. Write down what’s the time?

a) 01:00              b) twenty seven past three;

     05: 30                 quarter to seven;

     16:45                 five to eight.

II. Make negative sentences:

1. Mark is a good boy and he is clever.

2. Julia is thirty years old.

3. I’m early.

4. You’re my best friends.

5. Trees are green in winter.

6. I’m cold, I’m angry.

III. Translate the sentences:

1. У Сколе немає басейну.

2. Мʼяч є під столом.

3. Моє день народження є 3-ого листопада.

4. Я умиваюсь о 8.45 вранці.

5. Він іде в напрямку до школи.

6. Чи є у коробці зошити і ручки?

IV. Answer the questions about yourself:

1. Are you at school now?

2. Are you fifteen years old?

3. Do you have pet? Who is it?

4. Do you love your parents? Why do you love them?

5. Do you want to buy a car? 




 Test paper №1. “Getting started”

Variant 2

I. Write down what’s the time?

a) 13:10            b) five o’clock;

    06: 30               quarter past nine;

    18:55                 twenty six to one.

II. Make negative sentences in Present Simple (do or doesn’t):

1. I like sunset on the seaside.

2. Larry buys tomatoes at the market.

3. They have three sisters.

4. Tony has six lessons a day.

5. We sing carols in winter.

6. Sofia goes to the cinema in October.

III. Translate the sentences:

1. Він не любить прокидатися рано.

2. Ми є у школі, ми не є на канікулах.

3. Вони не є пізно.

4. Це не є твій портфель, він є мій.

5. Террі не є розлючений.

6. Чи ви ходите до церкви по неділях?

IV. Answer the questions about yourself:

1. Are you short?

2. Are your eyes blue?

3. Are you interested in art?

4. When is your birthday?

5. What do you like to do on Sunday?


Victoria Potokina
23 травня 2022
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