Тест "Interesting Facts about the UK"

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Тест для перевірки засвоєння учнями матеріалу з теми "The United Kingdom". Тест складається з 20 запитань з 4-ма варіантами відповіді.
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Quest "Interesting Facts about the UK"


1. What is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland made up of? 

Зображення без підпису



  1. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and all the islands round it, including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
  2. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland
  3. England, Scotland, Wales, all the islands off the northwest coast of the European continent
  4. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and several islands off the British coast except the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man



2. "The Union Jack" is the nickname of the flag of ... . 

  1. the UK
  2. Canada
  3. Australia
  4. the USA



3. The UK's flag has the elements of the flags of different parts of the United Kingdom. But one part is NOT represented! Which one is it? 


Зображення без підпису


  1. Wales
  2. England
  3. Northern Ireland
  4. Scotland


4. There are lots of cathedrals and abbeys in Great Britain, but one of them is a very famous one, as every English king and queen has been crowned there. Which one is it?


Зображення без підпису



  1. St. Paul's Cathedral
  2. York Minster
  3. Westminster Abbey
  4. Durham Cathedral





5. The Crown jewels in the United Kingdom are displayed in ... . 

Зображення без підпису


  1. Westminster Abbey
  2. Trafalgar Square
  3. The Tower of London
  4. Buckingham Palace

6. Statues and tombs of famous English writers are situated in ... . 

Зображення без підпису


  1. Hyde Park
  2. St. James' Palace
  3. Poet's corner at Westminster Abbey
  4. St. Paul's Cathedral

7. Which sight is NOT located in London? 









8. What is the capital of Scotland? 

Зображення без підпису


  1. Edinburgh
  2. Manchester
  3. Glasgow
  4. Aberdeen

9. What flower is the symbol of Wales? 


  1. thistle




  1. daffodil



  1. rose




  1. lily

10. Where is Stonehenge located? 

Зображення без підпису


  1. Scotland
  2. Wales
  3. Northern Ireland
  4. England


11.The largest Royal Park in Central London, established by Henry VIII in 1536, is ... . 

Зображення без підпису


  1. National Park
  2. Green Park
  3. Hyde Park
  4. Queen's Park

12. What is the oldest higher education institution in the UK? 


a) University of Oxford


b) Imperial College London


c) University of Cambridge


d) University of London

13. Heathrow, Stanstead and Gatwick are the three airports in ... . 

  1. New York
  2. Liverpool
  3. Belfast
  4. London

14. The London underground is more commonly called ... . 

Зображення без підпису


  1. the Tube
  2. the subway
  3. the metro
  4. the railway

15. The Queen owns all these birds in the United Kingdom. If you kill this bird, you will pay a large sum of money or stay in prison for half a year. Which bird is it? 


a) seagull


b) goose


c) swan


d) duck

16. What is the tallest point of the UK’s mountains? 

  1. Scafell Pike
  2. Ben Nevis
  3. Ben Macdui
  4. Snowdon

17. Where is the town with the longest name located? 

Зображення без підпису

  1. Wales
  2. Northern Ireland
  3. Scotland
  4. England

18. What is the largest fresh water lake in the UK? 

  1. Loch Ness
  2. Windermere
  3. Loch Lomond
  4. Loch Morar

19. What is Big Ben? 

Зображення без підпису

  1. Tower
  2. Palace
  3. Bell
  4. Clock

20. The place where black ravens live is ... . 

Зображення без підпису


  1. Westminster Abbey
  2. The Houses of Parliament
  3. The Tower of London
  4. Buckingham Palace


17 червня 2021
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