Тест "Контроль навичок письма" ( 7 клас 1 семестр за підручником О. Д. Карп'юк)

Про матеріал

Тест на перевірку навичок письма учнів 7-го класу рівня стандарту після 1 семестру навчання, який повністю відповідає підручнику та програмі. Тест поділено на 2 варіанти

Перегляд файлу


Form 7

Variant 1


Task 1 Fill in with there is/there are

1. There _____ thirty students in my class.

2. There _____ some books in my bag.

3. There _____ some computers in the library.

Task 2 Fill in the appropriate modal verb: must/mustn’t/have to/has to/don’t have to :

1. Visitors to the zoo __________  feed the animals. It is not allowed.

2. You  ________ drive so fast; we have a lot of time

3. You _________ to wear a tie if you want to go to that restaurant. It's one of their rules !

4. You  __________ put salt in her food; the doctor said she can’t eat salt.

5. It's raining outside. Tim ________ take his umbrella.

Task 3 Fill in too or enough.

1) I don't like this coffee. It's not ______________    (sweet).
2) Nobody could move the piano. It was _______________ (heavy).
3) We couldn't climb over the wall. It was _______________(high).
4) I don't wear this jacket in winter. It isn't _______________ (warm).

Task 4 Underline the correct variant.
1) There's someone/anyone at the door.
2) Does anybody/anything remember him?
3) There's nowhere/nothing you can do.
4) I've seen you something/somewhere before.

5) We stopped for anything/something to eat.

6) Somebody/Anybody broke the mirror in the bathroom.

Task 5 Fill in the blanks with "a few" or "a little" to complete the sentences.

 1)Susan needs ___ cucumbers for the salad.

2)There is only ___ water in that glass.I want some more.

3)There are ___ coloured pencils and a book on the table.

4)Mr.Sad is unhappy because he has got only ___ money.



Form 7

Variant 2

Task 1 Fill in with there is/there are

1. There _____ a blackboard in the classroom.

2. There _____ a CD player on our teacher´s desk.

3. There _____ some posters.

Task 2 Fill in the appropriate modal verb: must/mustn’t/have to/has to/don’t have to :

1. You  __________ smoke in here; smoking is not allowed

2. This room is a mess, I really ___________  find time to clean it !

3. If you want to work in the USA you _________ to speak good English.

4. You  ___________ apologise; it isn’t necessary.

5. I _________  remember to feed the dog every day. It’s necessary.

Task 3 Fill in too or enough.
1) I can't eat the soup. It i s _______________            (hot).
2) We can't sit in the garden. It's not ______________ (warm) outside.
3) I can't understand this rule. It is _______________ (difficult)
4) He can't drive a car. He is not _______________ (old)

Task 4 Underline the correct variant.
1) Have you found anything/everything interesting?
2) I could go anywhere/anybody in the world.
3) We stopped for anything/something to eat.

4) There's someone/anyone at the door.
5) Anybody/Nobody was saying anything.

6) It was so boring at the party that everybody/anybody left.

Task 5 Fill in the blanks with "a few" or "a little" to complete the sentences.

1)There are ___ students at the bus stop.

2)I can see only ___ apples in the bowl.

3)The cook is putting ___ olive oil into the vegetable soup.

4)I want ___ sugar for my tea.Can you add it, please?

Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 3
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Карась Лідія
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Ямщикова Наталія
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  3. Сова Юлія Михайлівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 січня 2019
Оцінка розробки
4.8 (3 відгука)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
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