Administrative law regulates:
One the main branch of law is:
Common law system is currently present in:
Legal provision:
Legal norms are:
Civil law regulates:
An offence is an act commited by a person, which
In continental (civil) law system:
In common law system:
The rules created in law making process are
Which of these statements is true:
The Constitution in force in Poland was enacted in:
The Polish Constitution regulates inter alia:
The Republic of Poland:
In Poland international agreements are ratified and renounced by:
International agreements are entered into by:
Acts of Parliament (statutes) are:
The promulgation of the legal acts in Dziennik Ustaw (Journal of Law) is:
In Poland the conformity of statutes and international agreements to the Constitution is adjudicated by:
The process of application of the law includes inter alia:
What can be an evidence:
In Polish law:
The expression "lex retro non agit" means that:
What method of law interpretation may be used:
Legal definitions are used by legislators on purpose to:
Directives issued by the EU institutions:
Regulations issued by the EU institutions:
The process of integration which ultimately led to the creation of the European Union was started by creation in 1951:
The European Union as an organisation with a legal personality was established in
How many official languages are there in the European Union:
The four freedoms of movement that are the basis of a single market in the EU include :
The members of the European Parliament:
The Court of Justice (the EU institution):
The European Commision:
Which of the EU institution is an executive body:
Civil law is a part of:
Which feature is typical of civil law:
Dispositive nature of legal norms means that:
The most important legal act concerning civil law in Poland is:
The principles of community life:
The Polish Civil Code regulates inter alia:
A natural person is:
John Smith is 2 years old. He:
A person may be completely incapacitated if he or she:
An act in law performed by a person who has no capacity for acts in law is (as a rule):
Legal persons are:
A legal person acts:
As a rule:
An enterprise within the meaning of the Civil Code is:
Things (within the meaning of Civil Code) include:
Immovable properties include:
The term "act in law":
Which term refers to the method of concluding the contract:
As a rule in accordance with Polish law:
If statutory law stipulates for an act a form of a notarial deed the act performed without the observance of that form:
The authorization to act on behalf of another person may be based:
General power of attorney:
Under Polish law, the basic period of limitation in civil law is:
The ownership right is:
In accordance with the Polish law a contract creating an obligation to transfer the ownership of an immovable property:
Usucaption is:
Perpetual usufruct (in Polish law):
Easement (servitude) is:
The parties of the obligation are generally named:
The essence of the obligation is that:
Which of these events may be a source of an obligation:
Freedom of contracts means that:
The expression "pacta sunt servanda" means that:
A tort is:
The term "damage" covers:
Tortious liability is based:
Under strict liability:
One of the obligations of the seller is:
Modern conception of human rights was developed:
Which document had a significant impact on the development of the concept of human rights:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed in:
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
The Council of Europe:
The state may be held responsible for breach of prohibition of forced labour (under ECHR):
The European Convention on Human Rights in its original version:
The European Court of Human Rights has its seat in:
Applications to the European Court of Human Rights can be made:
The idea of consumers protection was firstly created and developed in:
In the EU the consumers are protected:
In the European Union law a consumer is:
To be treated as a consumer a person has to act:
The consumer should be protected:
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