Тести " Базова граматика" для учнів 7 класів.

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Тести з граматики для учнів 7 класів Adverb frequency manner time degree too/enough+adverbs of manner Clause let/make smb do smth comparisons with as...as, so...as сlauses with so, not (I think so. I hope not) Modality must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to, need/needn’t, should/shouldn’t, be allowed to Preposition with by + agent Pronoun reflexive pronouns as object/complement (myself, ourselves, etc.) indefinite and negative pronouns some/any/no Verb Past Perfect Active and Passive of previously learnt verb forms
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Grade 7

Variant 1

Choose A , B or C to complete the sentences.

  1. He is the_______ man in the world.

A  most tall       B most tallest     C tallest

  1. Lucy_________long hair.

A  haven`t got       B  have got      C has got

  1. I don`t mind________ to the cinema.

A  to go         B go         C going

  1. My mother______ come  back from Paris tomorrow.

A  will     B  willn`t      C shall

  1. Look at him! He________ a bike.

A rides     B is riding     C riding

  1. Mr Brown_______ for me when I arrived.

A waited    B was waiting   C has waited

  1. You________ study hard to pass the exam.

A  may        B must        C  could

  1. It is important to sleep enough,_____?

A  is it        B isn`t it      C  are they

  1. We get presents____ Christmas.

A  at         B on        C in

  1. Emma went to bed____ the film ended.

A so      B  when        C then

  1. They are Tim and Tom._____ address is 67, Bond St

A his     B them      C their

  1. I`ve had this phone ____ ages –I want a new one!
    A  since       B  for       C to
  2. My father`s sister is my_______

A  aunt     B uncle      C  cousin

  1. I am very busy these days and I have _____time for myself.

A very few       B very little     C  much

  1. My cousin is very_____, other children can`t play with her toys.

A  selfish     B short             C silly

  1. People often travel on_______.

A  foot     B bus         C  car

  1. Take a deep _______ and tell me what happened.

A breath     B breeth     C breathe

  1. The first month of the year is.

A December       B July        C January

  1. ________ works in a restaurant making the food for customers.

A  Mechanic      B Chef      C Hairdresser

  1. Which one isn`t a dairy product?

A cream       B cottage cheese    C salmon




Grade 7

Variant 2

Choose A , B or C to complete the sentences.

  1. Bill`s bedroom is ______ than his brother`s.

A the biggest     B bigger       C big

  1. We ________ an English test today.

A  has got        B have got         C hasn`t got

  1. She doesn`t mind______ tennis.

A to play        B play    C playing

  1. They______ go to school tomorrow. They`ll stay at home.

A will       B   willn`t        C won`t

  1. What ______ in the kitchen, Tom?

A  do you    B  you do     C are you doing

  1. Kate______ the plate when she was having dinner.

A  broke      B was breaking       C breaks

  1. We________ arrive to school on time.

A  must      B  may          C can

  1. Let`s have something to eat,______?

A shall we      B will we     C will they

  1. We went to the hospital to see__ doctor.______ doctor examined us carefully.

A  a, the     B the, the      C a, a

  1. I love football, _____ I want to become a professional footballer.

A  so         B  because       C or

  1. We are from Liverpool._______ address is 78, Main St.

A We            B Our         C  Us

  1. We`ve been here_____ ten o’clock this morning.

A  for    B  since       C at

  1. Our teacher is French. She is from_______

A  Frence     B France       C  Franse

  1. _____ people entered the competition but there can be only one winner.

A Much      B  Lots of     C Few

  1. Everyone loves Sue –she is very ______.

A shy      B popular       C cruel

  1. You can see Toby is getting old, he`s got  a few______

A wrinkles    B glasses      C freckles

  1. The dog jumped over the _____ and ran away.

A field         B door        C fence

  1. London stands on the banks of the _____ Thames.

A river      B capital         C channel

  1. Travelling by ______ is called voyage.
    A  bus      B plane     C ship
  2. Which one isn`t meat?

A lamb     B beef         C tuna






Grade 7

Variant 3

Choose A , B or C to complete the sentences.

  1. Susan is younger_____ Emilie.

A of        B from       C than

  1. She_______ new trainers.

A  haven`t got     B have got        C has got

  1. I don`t mind________to the theater.

A to go    B go   C going

  1. Next month my father will______ a new car.

A  buy   B  buys      C bought

  1. Be quite! The baby_______.

A  sleep   B  is sleeping   C sleeps

  1. Lilly_______ the table when we came.

A  was laying      B was lying         C   lays

  1. You _______be late for school.

A  would       B mustn`t     C can

  1. They spent great time together,______?

A  did they     B didn`t they     C are they

  1.  Maria_______ opened a present

A  slowly     B slow     С  slower

  1. This is the town________ the earthquake destroyed last year.

A   where         B  which      C who

  1. I don`t want to live in London, ______ I hate big cities.

A so     B because    C  till

  1. We haven`t seen our friend Mark _____ a long time.

A  for      B since      C ago

  1. My mother is my father`s_______.

 A  husband     B wife       C daughter

  1. My granny knows_____ people in her village.

A  many      B much     C little

  1. Tina thinks she is______, so she wants to lose weight.

A fat          B friendly       C fascinating

  1. Days are very short in______.

A   summer        B autumn       C winter

  1. _______ my opinion.

A In     B On       C To

  1. Jane is slim and has got a dark_______.

A  complexion     B build      C skin

  1. There are a lot of tourist_______ in London.

A places       B views           C attractions

  1. What isn`t a bakery product?

A  candy cane    B  bun       C bagel






Variant 1

Variant 2

Variant 3

  1. C

             1. B

            1. C

  1. C


            2. C

  1. C


            3. C

  1. A



  1. B



  1. B



  1. B


            7. B

  1. B



  1. A



  1. B



  1. C


          11. B

  1. B


          12. A

  1. A


          13. B

  1. B



  1. A


          15. A

  1. A


          16. C

  1. A



  1. C



  1. B



  1. C










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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 травня 2020
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