Тести для тематичного контролю з англійської мови 7 клас

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Архів містить дві тестові роботи для перевірки рівня засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу за темами "Домашні обов'язки" та "Здоров'я" Можна використовувати для індивідуального та дистанційного навчання

Зміст архіву
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Doctor! Doctor!

  1. Fill in the gaps

Morning      headache      take      throat      flu      thirty-nine      sore             stay in bed


D o c t o r. Good 1)_______________. What’s the matter?

P a t i e n t. Well. I’ve got a terrible 2)_____________throat. And I’ve got a 3)_________, too. And my muscles ache. I just haven’t got any energy at all. I feel really weak.

D o c t o r. Let me have a look at your 4)_________. Mmm, yes. Have you had a temperature?

P a t i e n t. Yes, I have. Last night it was 5)___________.

D o c t o r. Well, I’ll just 6)_________your temperature again. Mmm, you’re right, you have got a temperature. I’m afraid you’re got   7) ______. There’s a lot of it around at the moment. You’ll have to 8) __________for a couple of days and take aspirin. And you must drink lots of  liquid, that’s very important, lots of  lemon or orange juice.

P a t i e n t. Thank you, doctor.

2) Match the problem with the advice.

1) I’ve got a headache                    a)You shouldn’t smoke so much.

2) I’ve got a cough                         b) You shouldn’t eat so much.

3) I’m always tired                         c) You should take an aspirin.

4) I’m getting fat                            d) You shouldn’t go to bed so late.

5) I’ve got a stuffy nose                 e) You should put some antiseptic on it.

6) Mary has cut her hand               f) Use some nasal spray.


3) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Perfect.

  1. Jason ________________ (return) home before the storm broke out.
  2. _____________________ (Lusy/pack) her suitcase by the time you called her?
  3. The children ____________ (finish) doing their homework by nine o’clock.
  4. ________________ (Julie/ type) the letters by the time her boss came to the office?
  5. I______________ (not/finish) my lunch when uncle Bill came.
  6. After Sarah ______________ (do) the shopping, she had coffe with her friends at a café.
  7. When I got to the garage, the mechanic ____________ (not/repair) my car.




Doctor! Doctor!

1)Fill in the gaps

Morning      headache      take      throat      flu      thirty-nine      sore             stay in bed


D o c t o r. Good 1)_______________. What’s the matter?

P a t i e n t. Well. I’ve got a terrible 2)_____________throat. And I’ve got a 3)_________, too. And my muscles ache. I just haven’t got any energy at all. I feel really weak.

D o c t o r. Let me have a look at your 4)_________. Mmm, yes. Have you had a temperature?

P a t i e n t. Yes, I have. Last night it was 5)___________.

D o c t o r. Well, I’ll just 6)_________your temperature again. Mmm, you’re right, you have got a temperature. I’m afraid you’re got   7) ______. There’s a lot of it around at the moment. You’ll have to 8) __________for a couple of days and take aspirin. And you must drink lots of  liquid, that’s very important, lots of  lemon or orange juice.

P a t i e n t. Thank you, doctor.

2) Match the problem with the advice.

1) I’ve got a headache                    a)You shouldn’t smoke so much.

2) I’ve got a cough                         b) You shouldn’t eat so much.

3) I’m always tired                         c) You should take an aspirin.

4) I’m getting fat                            d) You shouldn’t go to bed so late.

5) I’ve got a stuffy nose                 e) You should put some antiseptic on it.

6) Mary has cut her hand               f) Use some nasal spray.


3) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Perfect.

  1. Jason ________________ (return) home before the storm broke out.
  2. _____________________ (Lusy/pack) her suitcase by the time you called her?
  3. The children ____________ (finish) doing their homework by nine o’clock.
  4. ________________ (Julie/ type) the letters by the time her boss came to the office?
  5. I______________ (not/finish) my lunch when uncle Bill came.
  6. After Sarah ______________ (do) the shopping, she had coffe with her friends at a café.
  7. When I got to the garage, the mechanic ____________ (not/repair) my car.




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Test Doing Chores

1. Fill in the missing letters

1. to    d_ _ _   the   f _ _ _ _tu _ _

2. to    c_ _ _ _    the   _ _ _ pet

3. to    _ _ k _    the    l _ _ _es

4. to    _ w_ _ _    the      f _ _ _ _

5. to    _ o    the   sh_ _ _ _ _ _

6. to    m _ _ _    the    _ _ _

2. Translate into Ukrainian

1. to feed the cat

2. to mop the floor

3. to cook dinner

4. to tidy up the room

5. to iron the clothes

6. to vacuum the carpet

3. Choose the right answer.

1.Have you seen my shoes ? I can't find them ___________.


2.Doesn't ___________ know the answer to this question ?


3.He doesn't know    __________  about sports.



4.I can't find the book    __________  .



5.I don't need   __________  to help me.



6.I told them about it, but   __________   listened.



4.Fill in the gaps.

vegetables        water          beetroot          cream        frying pan          cooked


Put the chopped _________, carrots and green beans into a saucepan with about 2 litres of ________ and cook for a while. Then, add the rest of the vegetables, dill and salt and cook until _________ are tender, adding more water if necessary.  Fry the finaly chopped onion in oil in a small ________  and add flour. Stir until smooth. You use this to thicken the soup: add this to the borshch when the vegetables are ___________. Add some ________ and the freshly chopped garlic and cook for about 5 minutes more. Serve.

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 липня 2018
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