The world of painting. Artistic traditions in Ukraine. Petrykivka style.

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Natalia Nesterenko

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To introduce and practice the new topic; To use the words on the topic in oral form and writing; To revise previously taught vocabulary on the topic; To improve reading and writing skills; To activate thinking and creative imagine; To encourage interest in artistic tradition in Ukraine; To express personal attitude to paintings and art; To practice in Petrykivka style of painting.

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СКІЛЬКИ ВИДІВ МИСТЕЦТВ? У сучасному академічному середовищі, мистецтво поєднується з гуманітарними науками або є їх частиною. Види мистецтва поділяють на сім частин: живопис, архітектура, скульптура, література, музика, театр кіно. HOW MANY TYPES OF ARTS? In today's academic environment, the arts are combined with, or part of, the humanities. Art forms are divided into seven parts: painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, theater cinema.

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ЖАНРИ ЖИВОПИСУ ЖАНР (франц. від лат. – рід, вид)- стійкий різновид художнього твору, що склався історично. В образотворчому мистецтві основні жанри визначаються за предметами зображення. GENRES OF PAINTING GENRE (French from Latin - genus, species) - a stable type of artistic work that formed historically. In visual arts, the main genres are defined by objects of the image.

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Portrait painting Self-portraits Landscapes Battle genre Real life scenery History painting Mythological genre Animalistic genre Religious painting / icon-painting Fairy tale genre Портретний живопис Автопортрет Пейзажі Батальний жанр Побутовий Історичний живопис Міфологічний жанр Анімалістичний жанр Релігійний живопис / іконопис Жанр казки

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Номер слайду 10 1. A … is an image of a person or animal. picture portrait painting 2. A … shows objects, such as flowers, food, or musical instruments. still life landscape real life scenery A … captures life in action (a busy street, a beach party, a dinner gathering, or anyplace where living goes on.). battle genre real life scene fairy tale genre 4. A … of art shares a religious message. religious work folk picture mosaic and frescos 5. … is traditionally dominated by floral motifs (floral patterns, the images of people, birds and animals) It is a traditional decorative-ornamental style . Petrykivka painting Folk picture Real life scenery

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Religious work Real life scene Petrykivka painting Portrait Still life

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I.Marchuk, M.Prymachenko, T.Shevchenko, K.Malevych, M.Pymonenko, R.Bilokur

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Petrykivka painting is the Ukrainian arts and crafts patterned folk style that originated from the village of Petrykivka (today it is the center of the Petrykivsky district of the Dnipropetrovsk region) and takes its name from this village. Task: Listen and read the text. After reading take the test.

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Petrykivka painting is traditionally dominated by floral motifs. The floral ornament depicts various flowers (asters, dahlias, roses, and chamomile) and fruits, which are combined in fantasy compositions of plants and shrubs. Sometimes floral patterns are combined with the images of people, birds and animals. The artist Yevheniia Evenbach carried out the first professional research of the Petrykivka painting in 1911-1913 during the expedition to Katerynoslav area. In 1958, a workshop of Petrykivka painting was created on the grounds of a garment factory, which began to specialize in varnished painting. For many years, Fedir Panko was the main painter of the workshop

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The traditions of decorative painting of the interior of the peasant huts created the artistic basis of Petrykivka style. In the Dnipropetrovsk region, there was a tradition to decorate the walls of the houses with rich floral ornaments. Drawings on the walls of the houses were not durable. Before the important religious holidays, people whitewashed the walls of their homes and re-applied them with new flower ornaments. Women mainly did this type of arts and crafts. In the village, there were one or two folk artists, who had special skills in painting.

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Already in the first quarter of the 20th century, the public knew the names of folk painters, the masters of the Petrykivka painting - Nadiia Bilokin, Tetiana Pata, Yaryna Pylypenko. The next generation was famous for the names of Fedir Panko, Vasyl Sokolenko, Vasyl Vovk, Vira Pavlenko, and Nina Turchyn. In 2000, 2001 and 2013 "Ukrposhta" (National postal operator of Ukraine) issued a series of stamps, and, in 2016, the National Bank of Ukraine minted a commemorative coin with a value of 5 hryvnias, devoted to Petrykivka decorative art. In 2012, the Petrykivka painting was recognized as part of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage, and, in 2013, it was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

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Юнацька бібліотека Управління культури Лозівської міської ради Харківської області On the eve of Lesya Ukrainka's birthday, inspired by her poems, our "Petrykiv residents" created murals based on their favorite works.

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On February 19, a memorable date is celebrated, which reminds of the establishment of the state symbol - the Day of the State Emblem of Ukraine. The group "Petrikivka on Saturdays" together with Yu. Bilous dedicated their next lesson to our Trident. It turned out great! I suggest you try yourself in the art of Petrikivka painting. With the help of coloring the sample, you will be able to create a drawing of a Petrikivka picture.

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