Тренувальні тести по темі Займенник

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Тренувальні тести з теми займенники для підготовки учнів 9-11 класів до здачі ДПА та ЗНО.
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  1. … likes to travel by air.

A  you


C we

D she


  1. … arrives according to schedule.

A  they

B it

C we




  1. Does … go to London?

A they

B you

C we

D he


  1. … like to spend their summer holidays at the seaside.


B you

C they

D we


  1. … is our neighbor here.

A you

B we


D she


  1. I shall speak to … .

A he

B his

C him

D himself



  1. He has not yet seen … .

A hers

B herself

C she

D her


  1. My brother gave … a very interesting story to read.


B my

C me

D myself



  1. Where is my umbrella? I left … in the corner.

A her

B it

C him

D them



  1. You must go to see … .

A they

B their

C them

D themselves



  1. What’s … first name?

A you

B yours

C yourself

D your



  1. … name is Arthur.

A he

B him

C his

D himself



  1. Tom and … wife have got two children.

A her

B she

C he

D his



  1. Can you help … friends?

A you

B yours

C yourselves

D your



  1. John has lost … book.

A he

B himself

C his

D it



  1. I’ve eaten all … apples.


A me


C myself

D my



  1. They were talking about … problems.

A them

B their

C they

D themselves



  1. We are all ready to defend … country.

A its

B ours

C ourselves

D our



  1. You can leave … things here.

A its

B yours

C your

D yourselves



  1. The travelers took … seats.

A me

B they

C you

D their



  1. She felt down and hurt … .

A  I

B we

C he

D herself


  1. Children like to hide … here.

A  they

B their

C themselves

D we



  1. In the morning I wash … with cold water.

A my

B mine

C his

D myself



  1. He learned to dress … many years ago.

A  they


C my

D himself



  1. John, you must do this work … .

A himself

B herself

C yourself

D yourselves



  1. She poured … a cup of tea and drank it.

A  herself

B himself

C ourselves

D themselves



  1. They must stick the stamps on the envelopes … .

A ourselves

B yourself

C myself

D themselves



  1. The cat hurt … climbing over the gate.

A  myself

B itself

C yourself

D ourselves



  1. We enjoyed … in London.

A yourself

B yourselves

C themselves

D ourselves



  1. The children helped … to the cream cakes.

A herself

B himself

C themselves

D yourself



  1. We liked .. from our first meeting.

A he

B his

C she

D each other



  1. The pupils spoke to … .

A my

B ours

C one another

D their



  1. Two girls greeted … .


B we

C mine

D each other



  1. The father and son met … at the station.

A his

B ours

C each other

D theirs



  1. The two sisters resembled … very much.

A  she

B each other

C hers

D ours



  1. During the interval the children spoke to …

A one another

B mine

C his

D yours



  1. … are our friends.

A this

B that

C these

D their



  1. … winter is rather cold.

A these

B those

C they

D this



  1. I know … boy over there.

A this

B that

C these

D those



  1. I was shocked by … news.

A that

B those

C these

D theirs



  1. Where did you find … a pretty picture?

A this

B such

C that

D those



  1. I don’t like … a weather.

A  this

B that

C such

D those



  1. I’ve never heard of … a thing.

A this

B that

C these

D such



  1. It was … a nice day.

A so

B such

C that

 D this



  1. There are difficult exercises in … book.

A these

B those

C this

D they



  1. She has to take … medicine once a day.

A those

B these

C theirs

D this



  1. … is his house.

A that

B these

C those

D they



  1. … are my flowers.

A this

B that

C their

D those



  1. Are … your chocolates?

A this

B that

C those

D their



  1. … idea is mine.

A that

B these

C those

D theirs



  1. … lives in this house?

A whom

B who

C whose

D which



  1. … did you speak to ?

A which

B whose

C whom

D what



  1. … can help her?

A who

B whom

C which

D whose


  1. … books are there?

A whom

B which

C whose

D who



  1. … are you writing now?

A which

B what

C whose

D that



  1. On … days do you take English lessons?

A whose

B whom

C who

D what



  1. … day is more convenient for you, Monday or Tuesday?

A who

B which

C whose

D whom



  1. … is your sister? She is a teacher.

A whom

B who

C what

D which



  1. … knows where Nick lives?

A which

B who

C whose

D what



  1. There are three pencils here … is yours.

A who

B whom

C whose

D which



  1. The girl … is talking to me now is my friend.

A whose

B who

C whom

D which



  1. The book … is on the table is mine.

A what

B who

C whose

D which


  1. There are many pupils … can speak English fluently.

A who

B whose

C what

D which



  1. Yesterday I met an old friend of mine … I had not seen for a long time.

A which

B what

C whom

D where


  1. Where is the article … you have translated?

A whose

B who

C what

D which



  1. … he said is quite true.

A which

B who

C whom

D what



  1. … came first was unknown.

A who

B whose

C which

D whom



  1. The problem is … to do.

A which

B whose

C who

D what



  1. I don’t know … was here before.

A whom

B whose

C who

D why



  1. She early became … she is now.

A  whose

B whom

C which

D what



  1. They will tell us … about their family.

A every

B each

C everything

D other



  1. I just wanted to tell you … about myself.

A everybody

B other

C another

D everything



  1. … child at the party had a piece of cake.

A everyone

B both

C each

D everything


  1. … of us know him.

A everything

B other

C another

D both



  1. Nearly … shop is shut today.

A both

B everything

C every

D all



  1. I didn’t know he had … sister.

A another

B each

C every

D both



  1. One student suggested a play … students wanted a concert.

A everyone

B everybody

C each

D other



  1. … pupils received prizes.

A some

B any

C somebody

D one



  1. We didn’t meet … people in that lonely street.

A one

B anyone

C someone

D any



  1. She told me … interesting.

A someone

B something

C some

D any



  1. … was here before us.

A  somebody

B any

C anything

D some



  1. Did he leave … for me?

A some

B one

C anything

D something



  1. You may come at … time.

A something

B anything

C anyone

D any



  1. … must try to do one’s best.

A any

B one

C some

D something



  1. I saw … interesting there.

A no

B none

C neither

D nothing



  1. There is … light in the room.

A neither

B no

C nithing

D none



  1. There is … in this box.

A nothing

B no

C anything

D none



  1. … knows what happened.

A none

B no

C no one

D nothing



  1. Have you a pencil to give me? No, I have … .

A no one

B none

C anything

D neither



  1. … likes children who are rude.

A no

B no one

C nothing

D none



  1.  I invited Alice and Ann but … came.

A neither

B none

C no

D nothing



  1. … sound reached that room.

A nobody

B nothing

C neither

D no



  1. Don’t get angry, please. I’ve said … bad.

A neither

B none

C nothing

D some



  1. … was said about it.

A many

B much

C few

D a few



  1. Say … and do much.

A many

B few

C a few

D little



  1. I know … poems by heart.

A little

B much

C many

D a little



  1. I’ve got … friends.

A little

B a little

C much

D a few



  1. … pupils were absent.

A few

B much

C little

D a little



  1. …. work has been done by them.

A a few

B few

C many

D little



  1.     We’ve spent … time there.

A many

B much

C few

D a few






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