Презентація для 7 класу "Ukrainian Christmas Dishes"

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Інтерактивна презентація до плану-конспекту уроку за темою "Ukrainian Christmas Dishes", який розроблено для ознайомлення учнів 7 класу з традиційними українськими стравами та їхнім культурним значенням.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Friday, the fifteenth of December. Classwork. Ukrainian Christmas Dishes

Номер слайду 2

By the end of the lesson you will:-be able to understand, explain, and share the recipes of the Ukrainian Christmas dishes;-improve your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. -able to work as a team with your classmates.

Номер слайду 3

The motto of the lesson. Follow the link and unjumble the sentence:https://wordwall.net/play/65242/494/857

Номер слайду 4

“While the soup is cooking, friendship is developing.” Ina Garten. What does the quote mean?Do you agree or not?The motto of the lesson

Номер слайду 5

Think and say:1. What colour is Christmas?2. What does Christmas smell like? 3. What does Christmas taste like?

Номер слайду 6

Flipped task. How much were the prunes? What Ukrainian city is in the video?What is uzvar made from?What should you do with wheat and poppy seeds before cooking?For kutia you need two table spoons of peanuts. What is this process called?What are the main ingredients of kutia? What is Vertep?100 UAHLviv. Water, dried fruit, lemon and sugar. Soak. Falls: 2 tbsp. of walnuts grinding. Wheat, dried fruit, poppy seeds, walnuts and honey. Christmas puppet theatre

Номер слайду 7

Flipped task. Choose ?

Номер слайду 8

Choose the correct answer. What is the name of the Christmas Eve meal in Ukraine?a) Christmas Supper;b) Sviata Vecheria;с) Kutia Feast.style.color

Номер слайду 9

Choose the correct answer. Why are there 12 fasting meals on the Christmas Eve table?a) They symbolize the 12 apostles of Christ.b) They represent the 12 months of the year.c) It's a lucky number in Ukrainian culture.style.color

Номер слайду 10

Choose the correct answer. What is the symbolic meaning of Kutia in the Ukrainian Christmas tradition?a) Prosperity;b) Unity and connection between the living and the dead;c) Good luck for the coming year.style.color

Номер слайду 11

Choose the correct answer. Why are dumplings (varenyky) included in the Christmas dinner tradition?a) They represent the 12 apostles.b) Ukrainians love dumplings very much.c) They symbolize prosperity.style.color

Номер слайду 12

Choose the correct answer. What does lean borshch symbolize?a) Peace and harmony;b) Tears of the Mother of God;c) The warmth of the holiday season.style.color

Номер слайду 13

Choose the correct answer. Why do Ukrainians place a coin in one dumpling during Christmas?a) To make the dumpling more valuable.b) To bring good luck and wealth for the whole year;c) It's a fun holiday game.style.color

Номер слайду 14

Choose the correct answer. What does the dish Holubtsi (cabbage rolls) symbolize?a) The joy of Christmas;b) Symbol of the dove representing God's love, beauty, strength, and the Holy Spirit;c) Symbol of the sun.style.color

Номер слайду 15

Choose the correct answer. Why are fish dishes common on the Ukrainian Christmas table?a) Fish is a symbol of Christ.b) Fish is healthier than meat.c) Because Ukrainians love seafood.style.color

Номер слайду 16

Choose the correct answer. What do Sichenyky symbolize in the Christmas tradition?a) Winter snowflakes;b) Tears of the Mother of God;c) Symbol of Christ.style.color

Номер слайду 17

Choose the correct answer. What does Uzvar stand for in the Ukrainian Christmas tradition?a) Tears of the Mother of God;b) Life, health, a fresh start, and keeping away bad spirits;c) It's just a tasty drink.style.color

Номер слайду 18

Номер слайду 19

Say if the sentence is true or false The Christmas Eve meal in Ukraine is called "Sviata Vecheria" or Holy Supper. T

Номер слайду 20

Say if the sentence is true or false There can be 10-12 fasting dishes on the Christmas Eve table. F

Номер слайду 21

Say if the sentence is true or false The number 12 is chosen for the 12 dishes because it symbolizes the 12 reindeer of Santa Claus. F

Номер слайду 22

Say if the sentence is true or false Kutia is considered the most important dish and symbolizes the connection between the living and the aliens. F

Номер слайду 23

Say if the sentence is true or false Holubtsi, or cabbage rolls, symbolize God's love, beauty, strength, and the Holy Spirit. T

Номер слайду 24

Say if the sentence is true or false Ukrainians have a custom of placing a coin in a dumpling for good luck and wealth. T

Номер слайду 25

Say if the sentence is true or false Traditionally varenyky on the Christmas table are filled with meat. F

Номер слайду 26

Say if the sentence is true or false Fish dishes are included because fish is a symbol of Christ. T

Номер слайду 27

Say if the sentence is true or false Ukrainians pick up and kiss bread if it falls, believing it brings good luck. F

Номер слайду 28

Say if the sentence is true or false The last dish on the Christmas table is Christmas pudding, symbolizing joy and celebration. F

Номер слайду 29

Номер слайду 30


Номер слайду 31

Group work1. Join a breakout room.2. Join Jamboard (group 1=frame 1, group 2=frame 2,…)https://jamboard.google.com/d/1 Jn. G-Uzl. NW-_M_B_z. DQ1n1 Fsx. Cy. Nq. Ej. Qh. Bqffc6s. CDLA/edit?usp=sharing3. Look at the name of the Christmas dish and a list of the ingredients. Choose the ingredients which you need. Delete the rest. Explain your choice.4. Think and answer:-What does the dish or its ingredients symbolize?-Do they cook it in your family?-Do you have any special memories or traditions connected with the dish in your family?-Can you share a recipe with a step-by-step instruction?5. Present the dish to the rest of the class.

Номер слайду 32

Grow Next time try to…I think you should…It could be helpful to… Glow I like how you…You did a good job when…I think the best part is…I am impressed by …I like the way you…

Номер слайду 33

Homework. AT HOME:1. Work in groups. 2. Create a new recipe for Ukrainian Christmas.-Think what ingredients you will use and why. -Do they symbolize anything?3. Post your recipe here: http://linoit.com/users/77ninulya77/canvases/Our%20new%20 Christmas%20recipe4. Look at the recipes of your classmates and leave a comment. IN CLASS: Present your recipe.

Номер слайду 34

Reflection https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1 FAIp. QLSefo. HDk. JJUTmbx. Fop7 SY6 O1a3 O3lue. P7 Eqnj. OBWBUwf. Wak. Zv. Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

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