Урок англійської мови "Our dreams"

Про матеріал
The lesson "Our dreams" allows students to practice the vocabulary on the topic “Parts of the body”.
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Lesson Plan


Grade: 4


Topic: Our dreams



  •        to practice the vocabulary on the topic “Parts of the body”;
  •        to practice reading skills;
  •        to practice listening skills;
  •        to develop communicative skills.


Learning Outcomes


By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  •      talk about funny monsters;
  •      use vocabulary related to the topic;
  •      speak English using prepared and unprepared speech.


Equipment: English World 2 SB, English World 2 Wb, a laptop, a song “They were big”.






2.Warming – up          


         Main part

3.1. Listening (Ex 3, p.90 SB: a song “They were big” – pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening activities)             



3.2. Reading (Reading, p.88 SB, Ex.1, p.89 SB – pre- reading, while- reading, post- reading activities)             


3.3. Mini project: “Our dreams” (Class composition: Ex.1, p.91 SB)



3.4. Presentation of the project.        



4. Evaluation. Summing up.        

5. Home assignment. (Composition practice: Ex.1, p.79 Wb)  




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