Про матеріал
До теми "Спорт", яка вивчається у ІІ семестрі в 7 класі. На уроці використовуються різноманітні прийоми для розвитку навичок спілкування учнів - робота з картками, обговорювання ситуацій в парах та групах, опрацювання прочитаного тексту. Учні висловлювають своє ставлення до спорту та різних видів спортивної діяльності.
Перегляд файлу




                                                             THE WORLD OF SPORT

(Конспект уроку)



  • to revise vocabulary related to sport;
  • to develop communicative skills using the active vocabulary;
  • to improve pupils’ listening skills;
  • to involve pupils in discussion.

Equipment: Kalinina L.V. English 7, pictures, cards, instructions, tables, a computer, texts for reading, Learning . apps. Ярцева А. В. Английский язык. Устные темы с вопросами и заданиями.

                                 Procedure .

I .Introduction

T. Glad to see you children. How are you today?

At our previous lessons we began speaking about sports, physical exercises and leasure activities. Today we continue our work. The theme of our lesson is “The world of sports”

II. Warming-up.

Look at the blackboard and read after me.

Sport is very cool

People think it’s good

Only swimming pool

Really raises mood

Try to do it!

T. Can sport really raise your mood? (Pupils’ answers.)

Thank you.

   Look attentively at the photos on the blackboard and name these sports. Add some information. (There are photos of such kinds of sports as gymnastics, judo, swimming, skiing, cycling, golf, football, boxing, tennis).

III. Vocabulary revision.

T: You are divided into two groups.


  1. Group the given activities into indoor and outdoor sports.









ice hockey









Indoor sports

Outdoor sports



F:\спорт картинки\71601b6fd7fc74a9f4eea8e6c1b43d35_XL.jpg
















2. Find the “Odd One Out” and write down this word.

  1. boxing, rowing, team, football, tennis____________________________
  2. basketball, volleyball, baseball, skating, football____________________
  3. badminton, fencing, soccer, tennis_______________________________
  4. weight-lifting, figure-skating, kickboxing, judo_____________________
  5. chess, skiing, skating, running__________________________________
  6. championship, medal, competition, game__________________________
  7. athlete, runner, football player, gymnast, match_____________________

IV. Reading.

Quiz: What kind of sport is it?


  1. It is game. Both men and women can play it. The players have a ball. They play the ball with their hands. There are 6 players in every team.
  2. It is most popular game in England and in our country. Both men and women can play it now. The players have a ball. The game lasts for 90 minutes. It has 2 halves. The players kick the ball and run after it. There is a referee on the pitch. He blows a whistle from time to time. The players try to score a goal.
  3. It is one of the most popular games in the world. It was played first in Canada. It is a team game. It is a winter game. Only men and boys can play it. Many people like watching the game on TV. The players don’t run on the field. They skate. They have sticks in their hands.
  4. It is a very beautiful kind of sports. It gives the sportsmen strength, rhythm and grace. The sportsmen do some exercises or dance to the music. The sportsmen have beautiful costumes on.
  5. This game is played everywhere in our country: at schools, universities and sports clubs. It was played first in the USA. The team has 5 players. They bounce the ball on the floor up and down with one hand. They try to throw the ball into the basket.
  6. You play this game in the swimming pool. You need a ball and two goals and you must be a very good swimmer.

(1. Volleyball. 2. Football. 3. Ice-hockey. 4. Gymnastics. 5. Basketball. 6.  Water polo.)

V. Speaking.

G:\спорт картинки\OHYf-5AyFTo.jpg“Various sports”. (Presentation)
     (Слайд №1)







(слайд №2)








(слайд №3)





(слайд №4)


(слайд №5)







(слайд №6)






 (слайд  №7)






(After the presentation pupils answer the questions).


P.1. What kinds of sports are dangerous?

P.2. What sports do a great number of people like?

P.3. What do athletes need for certain sports? What equipment?

T: OK. Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned?

What is your opinion?

P.1. I think that dangerous sports should be banned because a sportsman may lose his health and even life.

P.2. In my opinion almost every kind of sport has some risk. For example going for running or figure skating you may injure your leg. I think gymnastics, cycling, skiing are dangerous sports too. Sportsmen shouldn’t take unnecessary risks.

         P.3.My point of view is that nobody can force you to go in for dangerous sports. Everyone makes their own choice. Some people can’t live without excitement. Dangerous sports give them that feeling. I think dangerous sports shouldn’t be banned.

T: I see your opinions differ.

P.4.Speaking about sport we should mention that there is a great number of different physical activities, which are especially beneficial for our health. Among them are exercising, walking, jogging, going to the gym, aerobics, shaping, swimming and other kinds of physical activities.

I’d love to say that they make us feel full of energy all the time and free us from tension and stress.

Moreover exercises help us to lose our weight, to relax and to keep fit and healthy.

We should always remember an English proverb which tells us that good health is better than wealth, because wealth is nothing without health.

VI. Pair work.

T: Let’s find out how much you like sport.

1. Read the questionnaire. Answer the questions.

Are you a sports fanatic?

1 .It’s a cold wet Sunday afternoon. Do you:

a) go out and play a game?

b) watch sport on TV?

c)  read book?

2. How often do you do sport every week?

a) Every day;

b) Two or three times;

c) Never.

3. Do you look forward to your P.E. lessons at school?

a) Yes. I love them.

b) Not very much.

c) No, I hate them.

4. Your new friend wants to play tennis on Saturday. Do you:

a) agree and practice every day?

b) go, but say you’re not very good?

c) say you are not interested and suggest going to the cinema?

5. The sports teacher is talking to the class about organizing a sports day. Do you:

a)  volunteer for every event?

b)  choose one event you’d like?

c)  hide behind a big student?

6. World Cup Final is on TV. Do you:

a)  watch the match?

b)  study and listen to the match on the radio?

c) go to your bedroom and play on your computer?



  1.                    5 points
  2.                   3 points
  3.                    0 points


6 points or less – You hate sport.

7-18 points – You quite like sport.

More than 18 points – You’re a sports fanatic!


2. In pairs, interview your partner and find out his/ her score.

VII. Vocabulary revision and practice.

  1.                   Look at these sentences:
  1.                    You go swimming.
  2.                   You play football.
  3.                    You do athletics.

Which verb do we use for:

  1.                    ball games?
  2.                   most sports that end in – ing?
  3.                    other sports?

F:\Марковна( англ) (7).Movie_Копия экрана.jpg2. Write “play”, “go” or “do”.                                 

- tennis;

-  exercise;                                     

- jogging;

- judo;

- hockey;

- aerobics;

- skiing;

- badminton;

- windsurfing.




VIII. Quiz: “Bigger! Stronger! Faster!”
1. Where were the first Olympic Games held?
  a) in Greece;                     c) in Egypt;
   b) in Rome;                      d)in London.
2. What was the prize for the winner of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece?
a) a golden medal;             c) a golden ring;
b) a bunch of flowers;       d) a crown of wild olive.
3.  In Greece the Olympic Games were held in honour of;
a)Zeus;                                c) Odysseus;
b) Aphrodite;                     d) Homer.
4. How many countries participated in the first modern Olympic Games?
a) 13 ;                                      c)7;
b)10;                                      d)15.
5. What does the symbol of the Olympic Games (five rings) mean?
a)continents;                        c) historical events;
b) greatest champions;       d) host countries.
6. The Olympic Games take place every?
a)2 years;                             c) 4 years;
b)3 years;                            d)5 years.
7. What game is called «soccer» in the USA?
a) rugby;                              c)volleyball;
b)football;                           d) baseball.
8. How long does a football match last?
a)80 minutes;                   c)100 minutes;
b)90 minutes;                   d)120 minutes.
9. What is the national sport of the United State?
a)baseball;                       c)cricket;
b)basketball;                    d)soccer.
10. Where is the oldest tennis championship held?
a) Reading;                       c) Cambridge;
b)Oxford;                         d) Wimbledon.
11. Sumo is a form of?
a) hunting ;                       c) ball game;
b)skating;                          d)wrestling.
12. What was the symbol of the Olympic Games held in Moscow?
a) a space rocket;            c)a bear;
b) a red star;                   d) a dove of peace.

13.When did London welcome the Olympic Games last?
a) in 2012;                      c) in 2015;
b)in 2008;                       d) in 2006.




IX. Summing up.
T: So, our lesson is nearly over. Your home task is to write down the proverbs about sports and to find their Ukrainian equivalents.
Thank you for your great work today. Goodbye!











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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 7 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
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