Урок англійської мови для учнів 7 класів "WE ARE UKRAINIANS"

Про матеріал

Practical aims: to teach the new vocabulary, by the end of the lesson pupils will have revised the information they have learned about Ukraine, will have recollected some facts about our country by doing different tasks: dramatizing the dialogues, working with the maps, making up sentences, completing the table.

Educational aims: pupils will have practiced listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Cultural aims: to foster love for Ukraine, its culture and traditions.

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Позакласний  захід  « We are Ukrainians »

The aims:

Practical aims: to teach the new vocabulary, by the end of the lesson pupils will have revised the information they have learned about Ukraine, will have recollected some facts about our country by doing different tasks: dramatizing the dialogues, working with the maps, making up sentences, completing the table.

Educational aims: pupils will have practiced listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Cultural aims: to foster love for Ukraine, its culture and traditions.

Materials and visual aids: national symbols of Ukraine, pictures, cards, a tape recorder, an audio cassette, strips with letters, blackboard.


 Motto of the lesson

 “ Remember,  you  must  always  love  your  Motherland  with  your  whole  heart.

                                                                                         Prince  Yaroslav  the  Wise

 He  who  loves  not  his  country  can  love  nothing.

                                                                                             George  Byron

 Grow  up,  child,  and  remember :  your  Motherland  is  the  best  land.

                                                                                    Dmytro  Pavlychko


Учень 1 : My native land… A cherry garden flourishing in spring, a quiet river, a field of sunflowers that stretches beyond the horizon.

  Учень 2 :    There’s  no  place  like  home

                   It  may  be  big,  it  may  be  small

                   But  wherever  you  go

                   Motherland  is  the  best  place  of  all.


 Учень 3:    It  may  be  quiet  or  noisy

                   It  may  be  dark   or  bright

                  But  Motherland  is  the  place

                  Where  everything’s  all  right.


Вчитель 1:    Someone’s  motherland  is  a  country  where  they  were  born  and  where  they    feel  a  strong  emotional  connection.   

Вчитель 2:  Ukraine! Ukraine, motherland, homeland are sacred words for everyone. These words are full of deep meaning for all of us.  

Вчитель 1:    Today we are going to show everybody that Ukraine is a nice place to live in.

Slide 4: synonyms  to  the  word  Motherland   (Fatherland, homeland,  native  land, Ukraine,  native  country,  mother country . . .)

Вчитель 2: Look  at  the  board. Here you can read  lovely  and  warm  words   of  some outstanding   people  about   a  strong  feeling  -  their  love  to  their motherland. 

   Slide 5, 6:                                   ( Учні  зачитують  слова  з  презентації)


Вчитель 1: Let’s recollect,  please,  what  proverbs  or  sayings  about  home,  motherland  do  you    know ? Here you can see the parts of the proverbs. Can you match them?

           Slide:7 ( East  or  West,  home  is  best.  

                      There’s  no  place  like  home.

                      Every bird likes its nest.

                      Dry  bread  at  home  is  better than  roast  meat  abroad.)

 Вчитель 2:    Please, match them with their Ukrainian equivalents.  Slide:8

 Учень 4:     Dear  friends !  Welcome  to  Ukraine ! 

                    Ukraine  is  our  native  land,  our  Motherland. Іt’s  an  independent  powerful  state  located  in  the  heart  of  Europe. It’s a very beautiful country. We  can  admire picturesque  slopes  of  the  green  Carpathians  and  the  Crimean  hills, the  green forests  of  Poltava,  Chernihiv  and  Kyiv,  the  endless  steppes  of  Kherson, Mykolaiv  and  Odesa. It is the land of woods, lakes and rivers.

 Ukraine has an ancient history. It has its own original culture and traditions.

                     Let’s make a short trip around our country!

                                         ( Перегляд  відеоролика « Ukraine  invites» )


 Учень 5:    Ukraine  is  a  country  of  ancient  history  and  rich  culture,  a  land  of   beautiful    nature  and  sincere,  hospitable  people. The history of Ukraine is glorious and tragic. 

              For  centuries  Ukrainian  people  had  been struggling  for  liberty  and  independence.  At last  on  the  24th  of  August  in  1991  the Verhovna  Rada  of  Ukraine  announced  the  formation  of   independent  Ukrainian  state. 

  Учень 6:    Since  we  are  a  sovereign  nation  with  our  own  territory,  government, language,  traditions,  culture  and  mode  of  life. Ukraine is sovereign, independent, democratic,    social, legal state. The Constitution is the main law in the country. It was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on June 28, 1996.

 Вчитель 1:  Ukraine’s history knows a lot of brave and courageous people who loved their native land and fought for its independence.   

Вчитель 2: Look at the slides. Do you know these people who are depicted on our currency?  (Slide 10-13)

Учень 7:    The  Ukrainian Constitution states  that  the National  symbols of  the country  are  the  National  Flag, the National  Emblem  and   the National Anthem. 



  Учень 8 :    Look! The national flag of Ukraine consists of two horizontal stripes: blue and yellow. They remind two very important things for people: the peaceful blue sky and yellow ripe wheat, as a symbol of welfare of our nation.


   Учень 9:   Our national emblem is a golden trident on the blue background. The trident is a symbol of power. It’s about 1000 years. The three points of the trident symbolize the trinity of life: Father, Mother and Child. They represent might, wisdom and love. Beside, three is thought to be a magic number. We can find a lot of examples with this numbers in folk tales: three heroes, three wishes, three roads.


   Учень 10: Ukrainian people composed   many great patriotic songs about their Motherland. The  Testament  of  Taras  Shevchenko was  used  for  many  years  as  a  national  anthem. The  song  “Ukraine  has  not  perished  yet…”    became  popular  in  the  end  of  the 19th  century. In  1863  the  Lviv  journal  Мета published  the  poem  of  the poet Pavlo  Chubynsky. In  the  same  year  it  was  set to music by  the  composer  Mykhailo  Verbytsky. This song, as a result of its catchy melody and patriotic text, rapidly became popular. In 1917 it was officially adopted as the anthem of the Ukrainian state. The Ukrainian Anthem raises our spirits, help us to overcome difficulties.


               (  Звучить  Гімн  України. Учні  виконують  Гімн )


   Учень 11:   The Ukrainian people are proud of their country. They keep their traditions with great honour. Almost all people in the world have their favourite plant-symbols.  In  Ukraine  these  are  kalyna or a  snowball  tree,  a  willow  and  a periwinkle. There  are  a  lot  of  legends  and  songs,  proverbs  and  sayings  about  them.

 Учень 12:    It’s difficult to imagine our Motherland without a willow. The Ukrainian  proverb   says  “ Without  a  willow  and  a  snowball  tree  there  is  no  Ukraine”.  Willow is a   symbol  of  beautiful  nature  and  the  tragic  history  of  our  country. It is a symbol of faithfulness. It’s a  favourite  tree  of  the  greatest  Ukrainian  poet,  writer  and  painter  Taras  Shevchenko.


  Учень 13:   Periwinkle  is  a  small  plant  with  light  blue  flowers  that  grows  close to  the  ground.  A periwinkle is a symbol of long lasting marriage.  It  is  used  in  wedding  ceremonies   and  it  is  braided  into  a  wreath.           

  Учень 14:   A  snowball  tree  is  a  symbol  of  beauty,  love  and  happiness. It is associated with rebirth, the Universe, the trinity of the sun, moon and stars. Kalyna berries are red and symbolize blood and immortality. It has become man’s courage and spirit. 

(  Учні  виконують  танок )

Учень 15:                     “A Ukrainian girl”

Many enemies captured me,

Murdered, killed, didn’t let me free,

But their efforts were in vain,

I regenerated all the same.

I was born in Ukraine.

People say I am like a flower,

That my words have magic power,

That my soul sings,

Like a nightingale,

From Ukraine,

I am a proud girl.

Вчитель 1:  Are you tired? I think you are. Let’s listen to a beautiful song  and try to  guess the singer and the song. (Звучить пісня Скрябін - Люди, як кораблі)


Учень 16: Рідна мова

   Ніжна, мила, світанкова,

   Ясна, чиста, колискова,

  Мелодійна, дзвін котюча,

 Дивна, радісна, співуча,

 Лагідна, жива, казкова,

 Красна, чарівна, шовкова,

 Найдорожча, добра, власна,

Мудра, сонячна, прекрасна,

 Солов’їна, барвінкова,

 Українська мова.


Вчитель 2:  Let’s listen to a beautiful song  and try guess the singer and the song. (Звучить пісня KAZKA — ПЛАКАЛА)


Вчитель :   Dear friends !

                     Now  we’ll  have  a  quiz  “ I  know  everything  about  Ukraine”.

You  have  to  answer  the  questions :

1. Ukrаine іs а lаrge … cоuntry.
a) Eurоpean;
b) Asiаn;
c) Africаn.
2. The pоpulation оf Ukrаine іs ….
a) mоre  thаn  45 milliоn peоple;
b) mоre thаn 58;
c) lеss thаn 5 milliоn .
3. Therе arе … in thе Sоuth of Ukrainе.
a) 3 sеas;
b) 2 sеas;
c) 4 sеas.
4. What plant is the symbol of Ukraine?
a) A sunflower ;
b) A birch ;
c) A snowball tree.

Which city is the cаpital of our country? (Kyiv)

What are the state symbols of Ukrаine? (Emblem, anthem, flag)

Whаt Bush is believed to be the national symbol of Ukrаine? (Kalina)

Whаt is the state language in Ukraine ? (Ukrainian)

Whаt is the longеst rivеr in Ukrаine? (Dnipro River)

State Emblem of Ukrаine – is … (Trident)

Whаt color is the State Flag of Ukraine? (Blue and yellow)

The official song of our country is a … (Anthem of Ukrainе)

With what do Ukrainians meet their guests? (With bread and salt)

What is your favorite Ukrainian  food? (Salo, borscht, dumplings)

What is the main meal on Christmas Eve? (Kutya)

Who is the author of  the words of the anthem of Ukraine? (Chubynsky)

How  do we call the fundamental law of Ukraine? (Constitution)

What was the name of  Kyi, Scheck and Khoryv’s sister? (Lybid’)

What does the word “Kossack” mean? ( free and independent man)


Учень 15:  Blue sky and yellow field of grain

      Is on the flag of my Ukraine.

      It’s emblem speaks to all the world

      With Freedom – such a lovely word.

      Bread-salt will give to a friendly guest

      Ukrainian people without request.

      They work and sing the song of praise

      To God  who’s able from ash to raise.

      Ukraine rejoices in the Lord

       Reviving  from His mighty Word

       Forever lives who’s born again.

       Long live and pray, my land Ukraine!


   Учень 16:  Today we can’t but remember our famous countryman Volodymyr Sosiura and his famous poem “Love Ukraine”

        Love Ukraine, like sun that you love

        Like wind, like grass, and like water,

        Whenever you're happy, in moments of gladness,

        At times of trouble, do love.

   P5: “Love Ukraine, like sun that you love

        Like wind, like grass, and like water,

        Whenever you're happy, in moments of gladness,

         At times of trouble, do love.

    P6: My native land, the land of wonders,

         Of autumn rains, and summer thunders.

         The greenest hills and magic lakes,

         The tender breeze, romantic land.

          Amazing land – my dear Ukraine.


   (  Учні  виконують  пісню « Україна»  під  музику  пісні Т.Петриненка )


We  don’t  need  another road,
While  Milky  Way is  shining  us  
I  go  far  away  and  come  back
By  your  native golden  paths. 

I  can’t  help  loving  but  I  love  you
You can’t help  blooming  but  you can
I  have   one reason is  worth living
Since  then  you  started  flourishing. 


  My  Ukraine,  my  Ukraine!
  I  have  reached  a  lot of  lands.
  But  true heart  of  your son
  Always  belongs  only  you


Вчитель 1: Love you dear Motherland,

Love it with your whole heart,

Love Ukraine when the days are happy,

Love when the days are dark,

Вчитель 2: Cherish your mother tongue,

Cherish your family root,

Never stop thinking of your parents

And make their life good.

              Thank you for a well-done job.


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 листопада 2018
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