Урок англійської мови у 10 класі "Смаки. Уподобання"

Про матеріал
Урок на повторення та закріплення матеріалу з теми "Харчування". Розвиток навичок говоріння.
Перегляд файлу

Тема:  Tastes. Preferences. Project work.

 Смаки. Уподобаня. Проектна робота

Мета :

навчальна - систематизувати вивчений матеріал з даної теми , закріпити вживання

лексичних одиниць, розширити кругозір учнів; тренувати їх в монологічному , діалогічному мовленні;

розвиваюча–розвивати увагу , логічне мислення,формувати  уміння висловлювати свої думки , заохочувати учнів правильно харчуватися;

виховна – виховувати самостійність , зацікавленість у вивченні іноземної мови, дбайливе ставлення до їжі як до складової свого здоров’я, прищеплювати правила здорового харчування.

Обладнання: проектор, зошити, малюнки.


                                                          Хід уроку


I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу

І. Introduction

  1. Greeting.

T. - Good afternoon,  children ! I’m glad to see! How are you today?

Today we will continue speaking about food. We will do some reading, speaking ,  and writing exercises. So let’s start!

  1. Warm- up.

T. Food is a very important part of our life. All like to eat delicious dishes. But everyone has his favourite food.                                         

 (2 slide  Let’s speak about your preferences. Let’s read the phrases :

I prefer…

I would like to eat…

Now tell me what you prefer for breakfast.



             II.Основна частина уроку. The main part of the lesson

1.Writing and speaking.

T.-As a proverb says : “ We live not to eat , but we eat to live”. Do you agree with this proverb?

So, you know that all food is necessary for people, to be healthy and happy.

Let’s brainstorm types of food .








T.-Well done . We have already revised types of food.

(slide 3 )Next task is to unscramble the words . What does it mean?

You need to put letters into the right order. When you finish this task, you will see what tasty food is it.

(slide 4 )

  • And play a game “ Be attentive “. Make a small two groups. On the blackboard you can see groups of words . Your task choose words which connects  with food. You have 2 minutes.

And the winner is…

Фізкультхвилинка Let’s have a break. Close your eyes, listen to music and have a rest.

Match the words. You must match the words with translate. (slide 6)

Chain of letters (slide 8)

(slide 9)

Here you see jumble sentences. You task to put these sentences into the right order.

2.Reading. (slide10)

2.1 I have a small text with pictures for  you. You should read it and name the pictures.

2.2 The pupil’s presentations

Okay , as you know tastes differ. And every person has its own preferences to food.

  1. “Ukrainian  food”
  2. “British food”
  3. “American food”

3.Speaking  Two pupils act the dialogue “At the café”

The customer and the waitress :

  • Good day!
  • Good day! Welcome to our café! Can I help you?
  • A table for one  please.
  • What would you like to start with? Here is your menu.
  • I will start with tea and chocolate.
  • Anything else?
  • No, thanks.
  • Can you bring me the check, please.
  • Your check.
  • Thank you very much. All was delicious. Good bye.
  • Good bye.

III.Заключна частина уроку. Summarizing part of the lesson

T. In the end of our lesson I have several questions.

  • What is the traditional British breakfast?
  • What are Britons famous for?
  •  How many meals a day do English people have?
  • What do American people like to eat ?
  • Do you like Ukrainian food?
  • What is your favourite dish?

The lesson is over. Thank you for you work, attention. Your marks for today are…

Have a nice day. Good bye !





       Tastes. Preferences.Project work

Смаки. Уподобання. Проектна робота






                                                                                 учитель англійської мови

                                                                                 Меньшеніна С.В.




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