Урок англійської мови в 10 класі за темою "Екстремальні види спорту"

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Урок англійської мови за підручником Англійська мова, 10 клас.Нерсисян М.А., Піроженко А.О. за темою "Екстремальні види спорту"
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Ічнянський ліцей № 4





Урок англійської мови

 у 10 класі

з теми «Екстремальні види спорту»







Учитель: Кириченко А.М.






Тема: Екстремальні види спорту

Мета: вчити учнів вести бесіду про екстремальні види спорту та причини, чому люди займаються ними;

            розвивати навички читання для отримання загальної інформації,      навички усного мовлення (діалогічного та монологічного);

            практикувати вживання у мовленні різних видів запитань;

            виховувати любов до спорту та до здорового способу життя.

Обладнання: схеми питальних речень, смартдошка, картки з завданнями.

Хід уроку

І. Організаційна частина.

Good morning. I’m glad to see you. How are you? Why?

II. Введення в тему.

Watch a video and guess the topic of our lesson. Right you are – Extreme Sports. What sport does the man from the video practice? – skiing and base jumping

So, today we will talk about extreme sports:

-         Why do people do extreme sports?

-         What extreme sports would you like to try?

  III. Мовна розминка.

OK, let’s start with your knowledge about extreme sports – what extreme sports do you know? Let’s make a mind-map “Extreme Sports”


Extreme Sports


To the end of the lesson we will add other kinds of extreme sports.

IV. Формування зорових навичок (робота з текстом у групах).

How do you think is it dangerous to practice extreme sports?

OK, now open the link I’ve sent you with article  “The reasons why you’ll become addicted to extreme sports”, read the first part of the article about the reasons why people do extreme sports and complete the sentences. Then read them.

Now let’s complete another mind-map about the reasons why people do extreme sports (main ideas).

Why extreme sports

V. Творче завдання – інтерв’ю.

And now you will work in pairs. Each pair will read a part of the article about one kind of extreme sport and using the information about the sport from the article and make up a dialogue-interview (imagine that one of you is a celebrity and is fond of extreme sports).

  1.      But first let’s revise the types of questions. When you want to get as much information as possible you should use different types of questions.
  2.     Let’s practice using these types of questions (Learningapps).
  3.      And now take any stripe with a kind of sport. Let’s complete our mind-map. Read short information about it and make up an interview with a celebrity. Dramatize your dialogues.

VI. Підсумок уроку.

What extreme sports would you like to try and why? Use mind-maps.

VII. Домашнє завдання: Make a photo of mind-maps, learn the words. Read the article about sports again and write short descriptions of all sports what should you do while practicing this sport.

















Group 1

  1. When people practice extreme sports it make them ………………………….            


and almost invincible.

  1. Extreme sports is a different way …………………………………………….


and to find a deep well-being.

  1. People like the feeling of adrenaline because it improves …………………...


  1. Extreme sports work as a ………………………………………………..


…… and to overcome them.

  1. Extreme sports invite people …………………………………………………


















Group 2

  1. Extreme sports help people push ………………………………………….


and reach new goals.

  1. Practising extreme sports people feel……………………………………...


  1. Extreme sports push people ………………………………………………



  1. Extreme sports learn people ……………………………………………..


  1. Extreme sports help burn …………………………………………………






Volcano  boarding


















What ……………………………………………consist of?

It requires …………………………………………., ……?

What …………………………………part …………….?

Where ………………………………………….practice?



How …………………………………………of adrenaline?

When ……………………………………………practice this sport?

It is recommended …………………………………., ……….?

Where ………………………………………………….waves?



Why ………………………………………..complete extreme sport?

Can ………………………………………………………..this sport?

It’s mandatory ………………………………………, ……..?

What is …………………………………………………part?




Is this ……………………………………………………………….?

What ……………………………………………………ground?

What …………………………………………………….require?

The feeling …………………………………strong, ………….?


Volcano boarding

What ……………………………………………………….consist of?

Nicaragua ………………………………practice, ……………………?

Where will …………………………………………to slide down?

How …………………………………………………..do it?



What ……………………………………………………..consist of?

How many meters ………………………………………placed?

What ……………………………………………………feel?

Where ………………………………………..?

In this sport ………………………………………fundamental, …..?




















or       n’t





Why extreme sports


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