Урок "Food, glorious food"

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Конспект уроку для учнів 7 класу з теми "Food, glorious food" за підручником Enterprise 2.
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 Тема: Food,  glorious food

 Цілі уроку: освітня:          поглибити знання учнів з теми «Food» про корисну та

                                              шкідливу їжу;

                      практична:     систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми,

                                              тренувати учнів у побудові речень, використовуючи

                                              Countable/Uncountable Nouns, неозначені та кількісні

                                              займенники; формувати вміння і

                                              навички сприймати англійське мовлення на слух,

                                              працювати в малих групах, в парах; практикувати

                                              навички письма, читання, аудіювання та говоріння.

                       розвивальна: розвивати комунікативні здібності, слух, память,

                                              увагу, чітку і правильну вимову, соціокультурну

                                              компетенцію, пізнавальну цікавість учнів

                        виховна:       виховувати позитивне ставлення до здорової їжі,

                                              виховувати культуру спілкування.

Методично-дидактичне забезпечення уроку:

                                              Презентація Power Point, ілюстрації, роздавальний

                                              матеріал, записи  на дошці, ноутбук, телевізор,

                                              відео фільм, проектні роботи, «турнірна таблиця» для їх  


Тип уроку:  узагальнення та систематизації знань.

                                Хід уроку 

І. Організаційний момент (Introduction)

1. Привітання. (Starting moment. Greeting.)

T: Good morning, pupils.

P: Good morning, teacher.

T: How do you do?

P: How do you do?

T; I hope you are well.

P: We hope you are too.

T: Dear pupils, today we’re having an unusual lesson, because there are guests with us. So, I believe that you are ready to show your good knowledge of English. Be active. Please, prepare everything necessary for the lesson.

2. Бесіда з черговим учнем. (Conversation with the pupil on duty)

Т: Who is on duty today?

P:  I’m on duty today. Class 7A is ready for the lesson. The board is clean, there is chalk and a wet duster at the board. All are present. Today is Thursday, the 19th of February.


 3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. (Introducing the topic &  the aim of the lesson.)

T: Dear pupils, today we sum up your knowledge on the main topic “Food, glorious food”. During the lesson you’ll listen, watch and read interesting information about food and you will be able to do many interesting tasks. So, let’s start with the conversational warming-up.

4. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. (Warming up.)

T: Look at the monitor, read the questions and answer them.

P1: What do you usually eat and drink:

  • at school
  • on a picnic
  • at a fast-food restaurant
  • at an expensive restaurant?



P1: My food is usually very simple at school. I like to eat sandwiches, fruit, sometimes chocolate bars and drink juice or water.

T: That’s right.

P2: On a picnic I eat boiled eggs, an apple pie, fruit, sandwiches, fried chicken and drink lemonade.

T: Fine.

P3: I think fast-food is very bad for our health, but it is very tasty. Sometimes I go to the fast-food restaurant and eat chips, hamburgers, salad, drink coke and milkshakes.

T: You are right. Fast food is really bad for our health.

P4: At an expensive restaurant I usually eat mashed potatoes with meat or fish, different tasty salads, desserts – as for me I like a fruit salad, a strawberry ice-cream and a chocolate cake.

T: Well done. Does anybody want to add something?

5. Перевірка домашнього завдання. (Check on homework.)

T: Let’s go down to your homework for today. What have you done?

P: Our hometask for today was to prepare two projects “Ukrainian cuisine” and “The World’s best cuisines”. We were divided into two groups and we had a week for this work.

T: Now, pupils, you’ll present us your projects.

The teachers will be a jury and they have to charge each group. Let me introduce the jury. Dear jury, pay attention to such criteria:



Ukrainian cuisine

The world’s best cuisines













4. Time for presentation no more than 3 min.(час) -2p






T: So, who wants to be the first to start? Well, you are welcome.

( Захист 1 проекту.)

T: Very well. Thank you. Welcome group 2.

(Захист 2 проекту.)

T: Excellent. I’m glad you’ve done your hometask well. Thank you for your answers.

T: So, children, you’ll have your results at the end or after the lesson, it depends on time.

II. Основна частина уроку. The main part of the lesson.

6. Vocabulary practice. Лексична практика.

T: Let’s have a running review of the vocabulary.

Look at the pictures of food and drinks and put them to the right category. Try, please.

(На дошці написи Healthy; Fatty; Junk. Учні виходять до дошки і розміщують слова у відповідні колонки.)

HEALTHY                                  FATTY                            JUNK

Freshly-squeezed carrot juice     Sausages                           Bacon & cheese sandwich

Wholemeal bread                        Chocolate cake                 Chips

Watermelon                                 Doughnut                         Fried chicken

Lettuce                                         Lamb

Yoghurt                                       Olive oil

Brussels sprouts

T: Let’s see how you have coped with the task. Read the columns, Ігор, Юля, Марта.

That is quite correct.


7. Listening. Аудіювання.

а) Pre-listening activity

T: Let us watch and listen to the episode of the film “What do the stars eat?” Before you watch the story let me introduce the film stars mentioned in it. (На дошці прикріплені фото відомих зірок, вчитель називає їх).

T: Be attentive while watching.

(учні дивляться відео)

b) Post-listening activities

T: So, you have the tasks to the video on the board. The first: to match the stars to the things they like to eat or drink. The second: to match the stars to these headings dieters, junk-food lovers, fussy eaters.

  1.         Demi Moore                         a) bacon sandwiches                           DIETERS
  2.         Helen Hunt                           b) fried chicken
  3.         Eddie Murphy                      c) watermelon (without seeds)
  4.           Whoopi Goldberg                d) turkey sandwiches                   JUNK-FOOD lovers
  5.         Bill Murray                           e) carrot juice
  6.         Mickey Rourke                     f) poached eggs                             FUSSY EATERS

(Учні виходять до дошки і виконують завдання).

T: Rise your hand if you know the answer. Will you come to the board?

T: Well done, and in summing up I’d like you to talk about what the stars like to eat.

P: Some actors only eat law-fat foods. For example, Demi Moore enjoys turkey sandwiches, Basmati rice, green beans with lemon. Helen Hunt likes poached eggs, brown rice with vegetables. Some actors eat junk food: Eddie Murphy likes Kentucky fried chicken, Whoopi Goldberg eats bacon sandwiches, a lot of butter. Some actors are fussy eaters. For example, Bill Murray won’t eat watermelon with seeds in it; and Mickey Rourke won’t drink freshly squeezed carrot juice if it sits for more than 6 minutes.

8. Speaking.

T: And now, my dear, tell us, please, Who of you are Dieters? Junk-Food Lovers? and Fussy Eaters?

P:  I’m a junk-food lover, because I like to eat a few sweets after each meal.

P:  I’m a fussy eater, because I like to have some cherries in the salad.

P:  I’m a dieter, so I prefer much low-fat and healthy food. For example, fruit and vegetables.

9. Grammar. Узагальнення знань учнів з граматики.

T: Fine. During your speaking you have used some, any, many, much, a few, a little? Tell us the grammar rules of using them.


-We use some in affirmative sentences with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.

- We use any in questions and negations with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.

T: Continue please


-We use many with countable nouns in questions and negations.

-We use much with uncountable nouns in questions and negations.

-We use a few with countable nouns and a little with uncountable nouns.

T: You are right, girls. And now look at the board and do this exercise to make sure you have understood the rules. Fill in some, any, much, a few or a little. Will you come to the board.

(на дошці роздрукована вправа, учні виходять і заповнюють пропуски.)

T: Let’s practice the dialogue in pairs. Act out it, please.

         A: Have we got what we need for the cheeseburgers?

         B: Let me see. Well, there are some burgers, but there aren’t any rolls at all.

         A: How many rolls do you need?

         B: Just a few. I need some cheese, too.

         A: How much cheese is there in the fridge?

         B: Not much, but I only need a little.

         A: Is there any ketchup left?

         B: Only a little, but we don’t need much, so don’t buy any. We haven’t got any mustard at all, though.

         A: I’ll buy some, then.

T: Super. Sit down, please.

10. Presentation “Healthy eating”

T: There is a good proverb that I like very much: “We eat to live, but do not live to eat.” I think this is true because food is something that we need to stay alive. Food is a source of energy. So, for some people food is a source of pleasure, too. But the food that we eat should also be healthy. I’d like to show you the presentation about “Healthy eating”


  1.       Presentation (reading)

(вчитель показує слайди, учні читають короткі відомості про важливі елементи харчування)

  1.       Tasks to the presentation (pick up which food belongs to each group)

(вчитель демонструє завдання до презентації у вигляді тестів, учні виконують)

  1.       Group work. Game. (Fill in the “hand” an answer the questions)

2 min.

(вчитель поділяє групу на дві команди по 5 чоловік, і ставить перед ними завдання заповнити «руку» на пальцях вписуючи продукти харчування, які відносяться до 5 груп та дати відповіді на запитання:

1 група – What gives people energy?

2 група – What helps your body to fight sickness?

T: Now we are going to do some group work. Divide into groups of five and form two teams with a leader in each team (учні діляться на групи). I’m going to give you these “hands” Your task is to complete the hands writing a classification of food. Which of the foods can you put under these categories?

Write on each finger.

T: There are a few minutes in your disposal.

Now the time is over. Put your hands on the board. (учні вивішують руки на дошку)

So, group 1 – you’ll begin.

(лідер 1 групи зачитує і відповідає на запитання).


P: Proteins: meat, eggs, beef, turkey, tuna, sausage.

    Diary: cheese, yoghurt, milk.

    Carbohydrates: pasta, bread, cereal,

    Vegetables & Fruit: watermelon, strawberries, pineapples, cabbage, cucumber, potatoes, banana.

    Nutritious: nuts, avocados.

  • Carbohydrates group gives people energy to work and play.

Т: Good for you.

    Group 2, your turn, please.

(виступає учень 2 групи)

P:Proteins: lamb, chicken, meat, fish, mussels, veal.

    Diary: butter, milk, cream.

    Carbohydrates: bread, spaghetti, pasta, seeds,

    Vegetables & Fruit: peaches, olives, apricots, apples, pears, broccoli, lettuce, carrots.

    Nutritious: avocados, nuts.

Vitamins and minerals help your body to fight sickness.


T: Both groups were doing well. Thank you.

  1.       Physical activity. Song “5 Food groups”

T: Let’s summarize our presentation by physical activity singing a song “5 Food groups”

(Учні співають пісню і виконують рухи)



10. Homework. Домашнє завдання.

T: So, it’s time to put down your homework for tomorrow. Open your daybooks and write down Ex.14 (writing) p.43. Open photo File Section at the end of the book. Your task will be to write a leaflet about healthy eating use the prompts and the pictures. Before doing this exercise refresh the grammar material of using Countable/Uncountable Nouns.

11. Summarizing. Підсумки.

T: Our lesson is coming to the end. I hope it was interesting for you.) Let’s remember what have we done today:

P: We’ve talked a lot about food and 5 food groups useful for our health

P: We have watched the video about stars’ eating habits.

P: We’ve refreshed the using of some, any, many, much, a few, a little.

P: We have sung a song.

P: We have done many interesting tasks.


T: In conclusion I’d like to thank you for your creative work at the lesson. Your marks are excellent.

I hope you will be able to use your knowledge of the food groups to plan a healthy meal.


Everybody knows the sayings “An apple a day makes me smile at you”. It’s true. There are thousands of different varieties of apples including Fuji, Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious. You know some of them. Let’s sing a song about apples together.

12. The song. Пісня “An apple a day makes me smile at you” (Діти співають пісню про сорти яблук)

13. Presents. Подарунки. (Вчитель показує на постер з цікавим фактом про яблука).

Т: Do you know that one medium apple contains just 70 calories and is a good source of vitamin C? I have special presents for you. Take these apples and be healthier!

(Вчитель роздає учням, а учні гостям яблука)

14. Слово журі.

15. Закінчення уроку

T: The lesson is over. I wish you good luck. See you tomorrow. Goodbye.



  Конспект  відкритого уроку

 з англійської мови в 7 класі


  «Food, Glorious Food» 

                                    Методична розробка

                                вчителя англійської мови

                 Збаразької ЗОШ №2


                                                                         Довгаль В.В.




                                                Збараж 2015


















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