Урок "Healthy food"

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Урок англійської мови для 8-го класу на тему: “ Healthy food” Topic : “HEALTHY FOOD “. Aims: - to introduce new words on the topic; - to revise and practice vocabulary on the topic; - to develop pupils’ skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking. Equipment: pictures of food; cards with the texts, a laptop, an audioscript.
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Урок англійської мови

для 8-х класів на тему:


“ Healthy food”



Topic : “HEALTHY FOOD “.


Aims:    - to introduce new words on the topic;

             - to revise and practice vocabulary on the topic;

             - to develop pupils’ skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Equipment: pictures of  food; cards with the texts, a laptop, an audioscript.




1.  Greeting.


2. Introduction to the lesson.

    T: The topic of our lesson is “Healthy Food” and the motto of our lesson is the proverb     “Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you what you are “

          So, today we’ll speak with you about healthy food ,your friends will tell you about healthy food, you’ll tell us about Ukrainian and English meals, we’ll revise the words on the topic and learn some new words ;and then you’ll listen to a nutritionist talking about food and health.


3. Warming up.

     T: Let’s begin our lesson with the poem

                                                    “Who likes what? “


       Some of us like brown bread,

       Some of us like white.     

       Some of us eat a lot of meat,

       Some don’t think it’s right.

       Some of us like apples,

       Some drink juice at night.  

       Some eat many sweets

       Some don’t think it’s right.


      T:  From the poem you see that there are many kinds of food and we can eat everything we like. And as the proverb says “The tastes differ “, we know that different people eat different food.


4. Introduction of new words.


          herbal – трав’яний

          to keep fit – бути у формі

          whole-meal bread – цільнозерновий хліб

          to horrify – шокувати, злякати

          to go jogging – займатися бігом


5 .Training of pupils to use the new words in their speech .

    T: Translate the following sentences using the new words and expressions .Write down your sentences in the copybooks:


     1.  Я люблю пити трав’яний чай ( …herbal tea …)

     2.  Мій тато займається бігом кожного ранку у парку (…goes jogging …)

     3.  Цільнозерновий хліб корисний для нашого шлунку (..good for stomach..)

     4.  Мій товариш шокований тим ,що я їм (..is horrified by what I eat.)

     5.  Я завжди намагаюсь бути у формі (…try to keep fit).


6. Pre-reading task.


T: Read the text “The Food People Eat “ and say who of these two people healthier , and who of them eats healthy food.


7. Reading of the text “The Food People Eat”.


                                                   “The Food People Eat”.


       What about the food the people eat? I know a man who only eats natural food; he takes a lot of vitamins. I’ve never seen anybody who looks so ill.! I like good food and I think most healthy food is really tasteless. For breakfast I usually have toasts and coffee ,and at weekends when I have more time I have bacon and fried eggs .If I get tired in the middle of the morning I have a bar of chocolate , then for lunch a sandwich ( made with white bread ,of course ). After a day’s work in the office, I’m pretty hungry and in the evening I like a big meal of meat and potatoes. My ill-looking friend is horrified by what I eat ; his breakfast is a piece of whole-meal bread with a cup of herbal tea and then for lunch he has rice and in the evening beans and salad .He says it’s a very good for him, but I’m not sure.

         There’s nothing wrong with being healthy and keeping fit but with some people it’s about a religion. Nothing can make me jogging. No, thank you, I’d rather sit and have a cup of coffee while the joggers are out running around the streets. I get my exercises walking to the bus stop оn my way to work.


8. After-reading task (парна робота).


  T: Answer my questions on the text:

  1.     What does the author eat for breakfast?
  2.     Does he eat in the middle of the morning?
  3.     What does he prefer for supper?
  4.     Why is his ill-looking friend horrified by what the author eats?
  5.     Does the author like morning exercises?
  6.     What exercise does he have?
  7.     Who of these two people is really healthy?
  8.     What kind of food do you prefer?


  9. Students’ reports about British and Ukrainian meals.


T: We know that not only different humans eat different food. We can say the same about different nations. Now you’ll listen to the representatives from Great Britain and Ukraine and learn if there are differences between British and Ukrainian cuisine .Your task for today was to find the information on this topic. So the representatives from Great Britain are welcome.


                                                    English meals   

     P(1) It might be useful to know what sort of meals English people have and how they behave at the table .Inmost English homes four meals are served: breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner.

            Breakfast may be served any time from 7 to 9 p.m. It consist of bacon and eggs, fish may be served. Either tea or coffee is drunk at the breakfast.

            Lunch comes at about 1 p.m. It generally consist of meat, potatoes, salad made of lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes or carrots. On the table are pepper, salt, mustard. After that there is bread or biscuits and cheese .Most people drink water at lunch, some drink tea.

    Afternoon tea, taken between 4 and 5 is the most informal meal of the day. If you are a friend of the family, you may drop in for tea without invitation.



    P (2): Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day and is very formal. Many   people wear special clothes for dinner .It is usually served at 6.30. The first course is soup. Then comes fish: there is special knife and fork near each person.

            The next course is the most important. It consists of meat (it may be chicken or duck. With it are served different vegetables, peas, beans, cabbage, cauliflower. Some sort of pudding is generally the 4th course. It must be imagined that all people eat like this. Most of them have their dinner in the middle of the day.


   T:  Thank you. The representatives from Ukraine are welcome  now.


                                                          Ukrainian meals 

P (3): Ukrainian cookery has long been noted for its variety of dishes. These dishes have devised from a wide choice of products: poultry, pork, fish, lamb, vegetables and fruit.

            Breakfast is a simple meal of bread with butter and perhaps boiled eggs.   Homemade   jam with berries in heavy syrup is prized. The meal is followed by tea, coffee or milk. Lunch may consist of a fish dish, a salad or vegetables.


    P (4) : Dinner is the main meal .Soup is made from available vegetables, such as carrots, cabbage and a pies of meat. The second course may include kasha (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice) and salad. Dessert are simple, perhaps small pastries, fruit compote or kvass. Supper is a light meal of boiled potato with sausages, cheese or eggs


10. Discussion.


       T: You’ve listened to the reports and now compare English and Ukrainian meal traditions .

           (Possible answers:

       P (1): Both British and Ukrainian meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper .

       P (2): Breakfast is a simple meal in both countries.

       P (3): For those who were born in England such Ukrainian dish as kasha is an exotic one.

       P (4): English people have mainly cereals for breakfast .

       P (5): Sandwiches are served for lunch in both countries .But it’s not a national Ukrainian dish ,though it’s became popular , etc.


 11. Vocabulary practice. (Student’s book - Move Ahead 2)


               T: Match the words in  A to the definitions in B .


A : carbohydrates        B: - chemicals added to food to give flavour, colour or as preservative;


      starches                      - substances that are essential for our body and which are found in     

                                                fruits and vegetables                             (vitamins)

      proteins                      - substances obtained from potatoes and rice          


      chemical                    -substances, obtained from meat, cheese, eggs

      preservatives                                                                                     (carbohydrates)


       vitamins                     - substances which are found in meat, cheese, eggs


       additives                    - chemicals, added to food to keep it good condition for longer time

                                                                                        (chemical preservatives)

12. Pre-listening task.


          T: Now we’ll listen to the nutritionist speaking about food and health .But before that answer my questions :


  1.     Why do we need to eat different food ?
  2.     Where do we get energy from ?
  3.     How much should we eat ?
  4.     Are there foods that are bad for you ?

( Pupils’  own answers )




        13. Now, listen to the nutritionist and say how she answers these questions. Write down some notes on the topic in your copybooks.       (Student’s book - Move Ahead 2)




              N : Today I’m going to answer the following questions, What do we need when we eat?  And where do we get it from? First of all, the main thing to remember is this: eating and drinking should provide your body with the thing you need for a healthy life: proteins, sugars, fats, vitamins and minerals. A balanced diet will include all of these.

                   Your body will only operate well if you have energy and energy comes from the food you eat. We measure energy in calories .The foods which contain most calories are those which contain large amounts of fats and carbohydrates, which we get from sugar, milk and cheese.

                   You also need protein. Protein is essential to life. Adults need 60 grams of protein per day, children need more. You get the protein you need from meat, fish, cheese, beans, lentils and rice. If you add fresh fruit and vegetables to this mix, they will provide the rest of the vitamins and minerals you need for a balanced diet.

                    The other question is : how much should you eat?-Well, it depends on your age and your lifestyle. If you sit behind the desk all day, you need fewer calories than if you spend all day building houses.

                    The last question is this: are there foods that are bad for us? Take beefburgers or pizzas, for example. If they are made from fresh products, then they are good for you. However if food contains chemical additives, they are possibly bad for you. This is the same for sweets, biscuits, crisps, fizzy drinks and other foods. You need proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins…, you don’t need chemicals which only add colouring and flavouring.


          14. Post-listening task.


               T : How does the nutritionist answers the following questions :

      1) Why do we need to eat different food?

      2) Where do we get energy?

      3) How much should we eat?

      4) Are there foods that are bad for you?


           15. Speaking.

                T: Say what you have learnt about food and nutrition.

                        (Pupils’ answers, based on the text)


             16. Puzzles.


                     T: Make the proverbs from the words you are given and find their Ukrainian equivalents.  Write them down into your copybooks.


  1. An / apple / a / day / keeps / the / doctors / away/
  2. Eat /at / pleasure / drink / with / measure.
  3. Hungry / as / a / hunter.
  4. One / should / eat / to / live /, not / live / to / eat.
  5. After / dinner / sit / a / while / after / supper / walk / a / mile.



              17. Summary .Comments of the marks.


  1. Home assignment: Suppose you are a nutritionist and you have to speak on the topic

        “Food and Health “.  Write the report on that topic.