Урок "Healthy Food is for Healthy People"

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       Topic: Healthy Food is for Healthy People

     Tasks: активізувати та систематизувати лексичний матеріал, розвивати та                                           

                 удосконалювати навики аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного             

                 мовлення,  читання;                                                                                                                              розвивати навики творчого мислення, комунікативні здібності;

                 розширювати кругозір учнів щодо культури та традицій інших країн.

     Equipment: класна дошка,картки із діалогами,листи з текстом та рецептом

                страви,картки із завданнями.



  1. Starting Moment. Greeting.                                                                                                                    T: Good morning, friends! Today we have guests at our lesson, please, turn and greet them. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Why?                                      Dear children! Today we will speak about food, one of the most essential parts of our life. Food gives us energy and health. We’ll speak about meals not only in Ukraine, but also in Great Britain and in America.
  2. Warming-up.                                                                                                                                           First of all, let’s remind  words and phrases belonging to the topic

                                  I must have a look

                                  What mother is going to cook:

                                  Soup for father,

                                  Meat for brother,

                                  Fish for Natasha,

                                  Eggs for Sasha,

                                  Coffee for Nick,

                                  Tea for Dick.

                                  Let me see what is for me?

Look at the blackboard and tell me, please. What do you think about when you hear the word “Meals”?




T: Today our fridge is full of products. Let’s look inside it and try to refresh a certain portion of words which will be very useful in our further work. Begin your answers with:

I adore...                                              I would like to eat...

I prefer...                                             I can’t stand...

It is so tasty to eat...

T: And now guess the name of the food.

  1. It is a vegetable with a brown skin that grows in our kitchen-gardens. It can be cooked fried, boiled, mashed. Its chips are tasty and popular. (Potato)
  2. It is a vegetable that grows underground and is round and white, rosy or dark-red. It is used for cooking some salads and borsch.  Some white sorts of this vegetable are used for making sugar. (Beet)
  3. It is a bun with a hot sausage inside and some cut vegetables. (Hot dog)
  1. Find a General Word and One Word is Extra.

T: In each list of words find a general word and underline it. Cross out an extra word.

1.Orange, lemon, peach, pudding, apricot, fruit, grapes;

2. Beet, carrot, cucumber, vegetables, plum, onion, garlic;

3. Coffee, milk, biscuit, tea, beer, drink, wine, juice.

      IV.        T: All these products sound so tasty. But tell me, please:

  1. Are you hungry? Why?
  2. Do you always have your breakfast?
  3. What do you usually have for breakfast?
  4. Who cooks your breakfast?
  5. What is your favourite dish?
  1. Listening to the Recipe.

T: Many people have their favourite dishes. I’m not an exception. Listen to the recipe of one of my favourite dishes. This is a recipe of “Potato Cakes”. But first look at the new words under the recipe.

Your task is to listen to the recipe and to put the instructions in the correct order.

  1. Relaxation.

T: Let’s have a short rest. I’ll give you cards with the action written on them. Your task is to read them and to present before the class with the help of pantomime. You may produce some sounds, but not words.

  1. You are drinking tea with a cake. Tea is too hot.
  2. You are frying eggs. Then put the eggs on the plate and eat them.
  3. You are on the picnic. You are eating sandwiches and drinking juice. There are a lot of flies over you.
  1.  Monological Speaking

T: We know that each country has its own national cuisine. Different countries have different traditions. When a person sets a foot in a foreign country the first thing he gets acquainted with is its cuisine. Each group has prepared a short report about national meals in Ukraine, Great Britain and America. Listen to the stories, please.

  1. Work on Proverbs

T: There are many proverbs concerning meals. Look at the blackboard, combine parts of the proverbs and write them down into your copybooks.

  1. Appetite comes                                                   with eating.
  2. Better an egg today                                            than a hen tomorrow.
  3. Neither fish                                                          nor meat.
  1. Reading

T: Many people prefer to have meals at home. I hope that you are not hungry, because it makes your mouth water. If you are, it’s high time to go to the restaurant or cafe. I invite you to the restaurants of the USA and Great Britain. Read the text ”Restaurants and cafes in the USA and Great Britain”.

After the text there are some statements. Read them and say if they are true or false.

  1. There are many kinds of restaurants in the USA – fast food places like McDonald’s, cafes, restaurants of many nationalities.
  2. In most restaurants there are seats only for smokers.
  3. A waiter will bring you a menu.
  4. Usually you have main courses and desserts.
  5. Your tip is half of the amount for your meal.
  6. In most restaurants you will be able to pay with a credit card.
  7. In one of the New York restaurants there are 577 dishes in the menu.
  8. In one English restaurant there are 501 kinds of sandwiches in the menu.
  1. Work on the Dialogues.

T: Imagine, your dream comes true and now you go to the restaurant to have your meal.  Put the sentences in the correct order to make up a dialogue and act it in the classroom.

  1. --I would like a cup of coffee, please.

--Would you like it black or white?

--White coffee, please.

--How many lumps of sugar?

--No sugar, thank you.

                                       2.    – What are you going to have for breakfast?

                                              --I like eggs very much.

                                             --How would you like them soft-boiled or hard-boiled?

                                            --Soft-boiled, please.

                                      3.  –What can I do for you?

                                           --I would like to take chicken soup for the first course.

                                           --And for the second course?

                                           --French fries, please.

                                           --Any drinks?

                                           --Green tea and mineral water.

       XI.          Summing-up. Home assignment

                      T: 1. What new information have you learned today?

  1. Which activities have you enjoyed most?

                              Thank you for your work today. Your marks are...

                              Your hometask for the next lesson is to write down the recipe of  your                        

                           favourite dish. Finally, let me propose you a recipe of Happiness.

                                       --Take a cup of kindness

                                      --Add a dash of charity

                                      --Mix with understanding

                                      --Add a bit of courtesy

                                      --Top it off with patience

                                      --Sprinkle liberally with cheer

                                      --Serve generously to everyone

                                      --And you’ll meet many good people!



The recipe of«Potato Cakes


400 g potatoes; 125 g flour; 40 g butter or margarine; 40 g grated cheese.

  •          Make 12 potato cakes with the mixture.
  •          Peel the potatoes and slice them.
  •          Fry the potato cakes in a frying pan until they are brown on both sides.
  •          Put the potatoes in a saucepan with some water and a bit of salt and boil them for 20 minutes.
  •          Put the mashed potatoes, the flour and butter or margarine into a bowl and mix them with a fork.
  •          Mash the potatoes
  •          Cover the cakes with the grated cheese. Put them in a dish and keep them warm in the oven.


«An expensive breakfast» The innkeeper - власник готелю;

scarce - бідний, недостатній.



           Restaurants and cafes in the USA and Great Britain


There are many kinds of restaurants in the USA — fast food places like McDonald's, cafes, restaurants of many nationalities .In almost any town or city in the USA there is usually a restaurant that will suit your taste and your budget. When dining in most restaurants, a waitress will normally greet you and show you to a table. Often, you are asked whether you prefer the smoking or non-smoking section. Once seated, a waiter or waitress will bring you a menu and tell you about the special dishes which are served in this restaurant.

Your waiter or waitress may seem you very friendly. He / she may say you "Hi" and introduce him / her.

Usually you have a starter (soup, some snack, fruit juice), main courses (meat or fish with vegetables) and desserts (cake or pie).

When you get the check, you will need to leave a tip, normally 15 % of the amount for your meal, depending on the quality of the service. In most restaurants you will be able to pay with a credit card. And at last some interesting facts about the restaurants. The owner of one of the New York restaurants approves that his institution has world's superiority on length of the menu. He has all bases for such statement: length of the menu of his restaurant is equal 115 centimetres and 177 dishes listed in it. One more applicant for world's glory is the restaurant "The Cheerful Farmer" in England. It differs by a magnificent choice of sandwiches. In the menu there are 501 kinds of this traditional light snack of the Englishmen.



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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
12 липня 2024
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