Урок "In the Kitchen" за підручником Full Blast 3

Про матеріал
In the Kitchen Aims: - to introduce the topic of the lesson and activate students’ background knowledge; - to give students practice in listening for specific information; - to give students practice in creating a recipe through pair work and prepare them for writing task through group work.
Перегляд файлу

Topic: In the Kitchen


  • to introduce the topic of the lesson and activate students’ background knowledge;
  • to give students practice in listening for specific information;
  • to give students practice in creating a recipe through pair work and prepare them for writing task through group work.

Book: Full Blast 3.

Equipment: napkins, question-cards, coloured forks, different dishes, students’ books “Full Blast 3”, CD, letters, pictures, tablecloths, rubber fruit and vegetables, pinafores.


Картинки по запросу "aims cartoon""1.Greeting

2.Aims of the lesson





C:\Users\User\Desktop\28-289007_ask-you-a-question.png3.Warm up

 Take the napkins and answer the questions in them.

  • What can you with potatoes? Say 4 actions.
  • What is your favourite dish? How can you prepare it?
  • Are you fond of cooking?
  • Name the dish. H:\доки\English\6 кл\конспекти\food\anglijskie-deserty1.jpg
  • How can you cook this dish? H:\доки\English\6 кл\конспекти\food\images.jpg
  • What do you need for eating this dish? H:\доки\English\6 кл\конспекти\food\Як-варити-суп-рецепти-298x248.png
  • What modern conveniences do you have at your kitchen?
  • Do you help your parents to cook?








1) Pre-listening




 - divide into 2 groups according to the colours of the forks you have;

 - open you books on p.39, Ex.4



 - look carefully at the tests, what is the listening text about?

 - look at the dishes on the table and say, which of them are talking in the text?


2) Listening ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ghACEO_KY2tbZCvbM6KMa-pBUXySvmT3/view?usp=sharing )

 - listen to the text and check up your answers

 - explain your answers

 - listen again


3) Post-listening

 - do Ex.4, p.39 – choose the right answer

(teacher gives students rubber vegetables or fruit for their answers)


(keys: 1.a          2.a         3.b          4.b)


C:\Users\User\Desktop\Prata1.jpg5.Speaking. Pair work and group work.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\images.jpg - Divide into pairs according to the rubber vegetables or fruit you have.

- Do Ex.5, p.39. What should you do? (Create a silly sandwich)


C:\Users\User\Desktop\group_work.jpg- Divide into the same groups and share your ideas about a silly sandwich. Make mini-project working in groups. Each person must do the special roles:

1) Chef – the leader of the group

2) cooks – create a recipe

3) illustrators – draw the pictures of your dish

4) waiter or waitress – present the project


Картинки по запросу "homework cartoon""6.Summarizing.



 So, what do you need for preparing meal using the recipes?

(create words using the letters from word RECIPES)


R   E   C   I   P   E   S











At home write down the best recipe that you notice during the lesson today.

24 березня 2020
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