Урок "Junk and healthy food"

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Конспект уроку з теми "Junk and healthy food" для 7 класу (підручник О,Карп'юк) з інтерактивними вправами
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Lesson plan

Class: 7

Level 12-13 (A2)

healthy and unhealthy food – DeNu Foods

Topic: Junk and healthy food

Aims & Outcomes

      Linguistic aims:

         to review vocabulary related to healthy and harmful food;

         to teach pupils to use lexical material on the topic in speech;

         to develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills;

         to develop memory, thinking, attention;

         to develop culture of communication.

The digital literacy:

         searching for information on a topic and evaluating the credibility of a source, and watching videos online.

         develop students' ability to critically evaluate digital information related to food, including online recipes, nutrition facts, and culinary trends.

Autonomous learning aims:

         Provide students with meaningful choices consistent with learning objectives

         and exercises that encourage self-monitoring of their comprehension

Learning outcomes:

         The students will be able to use learned lexical material from topic Food in their speech;

         speak about the food they like, don’t like, hate, would like to eat, are crazy about, it is so tasty to eat;

         describe the following dishes  using the cinquain.

Time: 45 min.

Resources: Wordwall, Quizlet, Liveworksheets, baamboozle


Introduction (10 min.)

Before students join the meeting


Warm-up: write the name of the foods


Introducing the lesson topic

Vocabulary review (10 min.)


Reading activity (20 min)

Pre-reading – give answers to the questions


While-reading – listen and read the topic

After-reading – make the exercises after the topic (words matching, make sentences about food)


Reflection and homework (5 min)

Sort out


Students feedback



                    - students know and use food’s vocabulary;

-         they improved active reading skills;

-         they demonstrated and improved speaking skills through interactive tasks;

-         they developed their digital and collaboration skills;

-         they discovered the different ways of giving feedback.

Post lesson task: Students are asked to make an interview feedback with their families and friends about healthy and junk food.




До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 лютого 2024
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