Урок "Letters Bb, Gg. The article The."

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Конспект уроку англійської мови в 1 класі на тему "Letters Bb, Gg. The article The."
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Букви Bb & Gg. Артикль the.



Letters Bb & Gg. Article the.




Дата проведення:

Вчитель англійської мови

Михайлівської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів Миколаївського району Миколаївської області

Палівода Тетяна Ярославівна










Тема. Букви В,G. Артикль the.

Мета: вивчити літери Bb, Gg, розширити словниковий запас; ознайомитися з означеним артиклем the, вчитися вживати його в мовленні; розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення, письма, читання, а також пам'ять і логічне мислення; зацікавити учнів у вивченні англійської мови.

    Обладнання: a computer, English alphabet, cards with letters Bb & Gg, pictures, text-books, copy-books, markers.


Хід уроку


     І. Організаційний момент:

Teacher: Good morning, girls and boys! How are you?

Pupils: Very well! Thank you!

T.: Children, today’s lesson is unusual because we have guests. Greet them, please!

P. (looking at the guests): Good morning, good morning,

                                          Good morning to you,

                                          Good morning, good morning,

                                          Nice to meet you!

T.: Thank you, sit down, please. I hope you are ready to the lesson. Show me, please, your books. Show me your pens (copy-books, day–books, exercise-books). O. K. I see you are ready.


ІІ. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T.: Who can tell me what hometask is for today?

P.: It is lesson 9 exercise 5.

T.: Thank you.

At home you’ve read English sentences with their translations. Then you’ve covered the left side of the page and translated Ukrainian sentences into English.

Have you done it? Let’s check it.

On the blackboard you can see the sentences in Ukrainian from our home exercise. On the left side of them there are their translations but covered with stripes of paper. Read the sentences in Ukrainian, translate them, take the paper off and check yourself.

(Pupils come to the blackboard and do the task.)


III. Оголошення теми і мети уроку.

Today we’ll continue learning letters of English alphabet. We are going to learn a definite article. You’ll be able to read and to make up new sentences with definite article.




IV. Основна частина уроку.

  1.   Work with computer.

T.: I offer you to listen to a talk of two men. Your task is to say what their talk is about.

(Dialogue “Meeting”.)

(Pupils listen to and answer.)

T.: Now listen to it once more, repeat every sentence and translate them into Ukrainian. (Pupils translate.)

Good work! Let’s play similar dialogues.

  1.   Speaking in dialogues.

Boys, take these scraps of paper, and girls, take those scraps of paper. Everybody of you got an English name. Greet each other and make the acquaintance using these English   names.

e.g. - Hello! What is your name?

       - Hello! My name is Linda.

(Work in pairs.)

Stop, please! Now I would like you to listen to the dialogue of your classmates. (2 pairs of the pupils speak near the blackboard.)

  1.   Work with alphabet.

Let’s recollect all the letters we’ve learned.

(On the blackboard there is a table with an English alphabet. The letters pupils have learned are written with a black marker, other letters are written with a pencil. Teacher shows the letters, pupils read them.)

  1.   Work with copy-books.

Today are learning letters Bb [bi:] and Gg [dƷi:]. You have to write them in such a way. (Teacher writes on the blackboard and shows the cards with these letters.) Do they look like the Ukrainian letters? Open your copy-books on page 30. Copy these letters. Write and memorize them. Try to write correctly.

  1.   Work at the blackboard.

     Look at our alphabet, find letters B & G there. Take the markers and outline them. So, we know more letters. (2 pupils do this task.)

  1. Sport break.

     You were working well. Let’s have a rest.

I. Hands up, hands down!

Hands on your hips! Sit down!

Please, stand up! Hands aside!

Bend left, bend right.

1, 2, 3, hop! 1, 2, 3, stop!

II. From 1 to 10. From 10 to 1.

(Some pupils assist near the blackboard.)


  1. New words.

Open your books on page 30. Exercise  4. Read the task. (One pupil reads.) Read the words with me. You can see that the letter Bb in the words is pronounced [bi:], letter Gg – [dƷi:].

Say in English: великий портфель, велике порося, велика собака (there are pictures on the blackboard).


Exercise 5. Read the questions below the pictures and answer them. (One pupil reads only one question and ask somebody in the classroom.)

e.g. - Vitia, is it a pen?

       - No, it is not.

9. Writing.

Open your exercise-books, copy today’s date, classwork and exercise 5 lesson 10. Complete the sentences on the blackboard using the pictures of exercise 5.

  1. It is a … (dog). 2. It is a … (pig). 3. It is an … (egg).

 (Tree pupils do this task on the blackboard.)

Copy them in your exercise-books.

10. Grammar.

Look at these sentences again.

It is a dog. – Це є собака.

Let’s speak more about this dog.

We say: This dog is big. This dog is a pet. This dog is happy.

All the time we are speaking about this dog. Englishmen often say the dog instead of word this dog.

What is the? It is definite article, it is not translated, but its meaning is like this/ that. Read the rule on page 31.

11. Practice.

Read the sentences with article the in exercise 8, translate them into Ukrainian.

Look at the pictures on the blackboard. What is this?

P.: This is a bag.

T.: What can you say about this bag?

P.: The bag is big, etc.


V. Домашнє завдання.

Exercise 9 (to read word-combinations with translation), exercise 10 (to write the sentences in English), page 31.


VI. Підсумок уроку.

T.: You were good. What did you do at the lesson? What new letters and new words did you learn? What was easy for you? What is still difficult for you to do?









21 травня 2019
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