Розробка уроку для 5 класу з англійської мови за підручником Enterprise I. Тема "Мій улюблений дім", мета: формувати граматичну компетенцію, навчити описувати кімнату, автоматизувати вживання прийменників місця, розвивати навички розуміння на слух, розвивати світогляд учня. У розробці використані різноманітні форми роботи.
Білоцерківська гімназія № 2
Відкритий урок
з англійської мови
в 5-Б класі
по темі «Мій улюблений дім»
Підготувала: вчитель англійської мови
Бочкарьова І.О.
Theme: My Lovely Home.
The type of lesson: the formation of grammatical competence on the Prepositions of place
The kind of lesson: combined lesson
Methods and techniques used in the lesson: explanatory and illustrative method (information-reproductive); the method of stimulation and motivation.
Work in class: collective, individual
The equipment of the lesson: textbook Enterprise I, workbook, notebook, audio snippet, video presentation.
Good morning, children! (Good morning,)
Introduction of the theme.
Jim's room is light
And very clean.
The ceiling is white.
The walls are green.
And now let`s train the proverbs:
1) East or West home is best.
2) There’s no place like home.
3) Home is where the heart is.
4) My home is my castle
Today we are going to speak about your houses or flats. We'll learn: where is the TV-set, where is the sofa, where are the different things in the room.
1) But first let`s remember the types of houses. Look at slides and say what kind of house is it?
Now, say What house do you live in?
2) Now, remember the kinds of rooms. Name the rooms, please. Say what kind of room is it?
Game « Guess the Room»
Perfect! Look at the screen and name other parts of the house. – A master bedroom, a garage, a study, a garden, a dining room, a basement, an attic. Nice work.
3) Now, let`s remember the names of furniture. Name the pictures.
A dishwasher, a sink, a fridge, a cooker, a table, cupboards. –We can find in the kitchen.
A sofa, a bookcase, armchairs, cushions, flowers, TV– We can find in the living room.
A mirror, a bath, a washbasin, towels. – We can find in the bathroom.
A bed, a lamp, a computer, toys, bookshelves –We can find in the bedroom.
4) Well done. So, let`s remember the Prepositions of place. Look at screen and name.
in, on, under, behind, next to, in front of.
5) Open your WB p 13 Ex 6. Fill in correct preposition.
6) The auding text. Listen and fill in the gaps. Work with cards.
There is a table in the room. There is a vase on the table with some flowers in it. The book is in front of the vase. There is a ball under the table. There is a chair next to the table. The plant is behind the chair. There is a poster on the wall next to the plant.
Now, change please your cards with your partner. And correct the mistakes. (Check with the screen)
7) Let`s play the game. Say What is it and where is it?
Extra: GB ex 6 p14.
8) Summarizing
Homework .
– You have worked hard today and I think you are almost ready to do your homework. You should describe your room in your exercise-books.