Урок на тему: “Famous British Travel Writer Gerald Durrell” «Environmental protection”

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Урок на тему: “Famous British Travel Writer Gerald Durrell” «Environmental protection”,дозволяє ознайомити учнів з інформацією про відомого англійського письменника -натураліста Джеральда Дарелла через відпрацювання навичок читання.
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“Famous British  Travel Writer

Gerald Durrell”

«Environmental protection”



Natalia Svatkovska,

the teacher of English.















The demonstration lesson in the form 9-A

Subject: “Famous British writer of travel books Gerald Durrell”. “Modal verb must”.


  • Practical: to practice pupils’ reading skills;
  • Educational: to attract the pupils’ attention to the English culture, to compare  English and Ukrainian grammar;
  • Developing: to develop memory and reading skills;
  • Instructional: to develop positive attitude towards British culture

Equipment: cards with new words, additional text about Gerald Durrell, information about modal verb “must”, grammar book by Holitsinskyi.

Introduction: T: Good morning to everyone! How are you? Now tell me, please, what season is it now?

P1: It is winter.

T: How many months does winter have?

P2: Winter has 3 months.

T: What are they?

P3: They are December, January and February.

T: What month is it now?

P4: It is February.

T: What is the weather like today?

P5: The weather is fine. It is sunny, but it is cold.

T: What temperature is it now?

P6: It is 7 centigrade below zero.

T: So today we’ll be talking about Gerald Durrell and our grammar topic will concern the modal verb “must”.

The main part: T: Tell me, please, have you ever heard the name Gerald Durrell?

P7: I know that he is a famous British zookeeper.

T: Yes, you are right. But he also wrote books. Most of them were autobiographical ones. Can you name some of them? No? I hope that today you’ll learn more about this writer and his works.

Now, please, look at your cards with new words and read them all together after me:

To amass [ə'mæs]  - збирати; скупчувати, нагромаджувати

fortune ['fɔːʧ(ə)n - багатство; достатки

to bring up – виховувати

outbreak ['autbreɪk] - раптовий початок

well off -  непогано жити

abundant [ə'bʌndənt] - рясний, багатий

wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] - жива природа

to inherit [ɪn'herɪt] - діставати в спадщину, успадковувати

estate [ɪs'teɪt] – майно

in advance – заздалегідь

best-seller [ˌbest'selə] - бестселер, ходова книга

Beast [biːst] - звір, тварина;

humorous ['hjuːm(ə)rəs] - гумористичний; смішний, забавний, комічний

          fauna ['fɔːnə] – фауна (тваринний світ)

          ashespl прах, останки

          memorial plaque [plɑːk] - меморіальна дошка


T: Now read the text and try to understand it.

Gerald Durrell

Gerald "Gerry" Malcolm Durrell, (January 7, 1925 – January 30, 1995) was a naturalist, zookeeper, writer of travel books and television presenter. Durrell had an unusual childhood. He was born in India. Durrell's father was a hard-working railway engineer who amassed a small fortune and then died suddenly when Gerald was only three, leaving his mother, Louisa Florence Durrell, to bring up four children on her own.

After father’s death Durrell’s family came to England in 1928, but were not happy there. So they moved to Corfu, Greece, in 1935 when Gerald was 10. They stayed there until the outbreak of World War II in 1939. These five years were very important in Durrell's development. The family was relatively well off, so they didn't work. The boy liked catching and studying the abundant wildlife and became a fanatical collector of any sort of animal he could find.

 In 1947, when he reached the age of 21, he inherited a sizable sum from his father's estate. He decided to use this to fund his own animal collecting trip and got promises from various zoos that they would buy the animals from him when he returned, although nobody would pay in advance.

Because of lack of money he began to write books about animals. His books rapidly became best-sellers. They showed great respect for the animals in his care and opened the eyes of many readers to the wonders of nature: «Birds, Beasts, and Relatives», «The Garden of the Gods»,» My Family and Other Animals» etc.

«My Family and Other Animals» is an autobiographical work telling of the part of  Durrell’s  childhood he spent on the Greek island of Corfu between 1935 and 1939. It describes the life of the Durrell Family on the island in a humorous manner, and also richly discusses the fauna of the island.

He also found his own zoo – the Jersey Zoo, which was ready to open to the public in March 1959. His ashes are buried under a memorial plaque in this zoo.

T: Please, look at the tasks after the text and let’s do them together (the teacher uses the general questioning).

  1. Match the beginning with the end of the sentence:
  1. Gerald Durrell                                                  a) born in India
  2. He was                                                             b) fanatical collector of any sort of animal
  3. The boy became                                               c)  was a naturalist, zookeeper
  4. “The Garden of the Gods”                               d) is an autobiographical work
  5. “ My family and other animals”                       e) showed great respect for the animals
  1. Is the statement True or False?
  1. Gerald Durrell was s famous poet.
  2. He was born in China.
  3. The boy became a fanatical collector of any sort of animal and plant.
  4. “My family and other animals” is an autobiographical work.    
  1. Choose the right variant:     
  1. He inherited a sizable sum from his father’s
  1. sister; b) money; c) estate
  1. Because of lack of money he became
  1. a hard-working railway engineer; b) a writer; c) a vet
  1. He spent his childhood in Greek island of Corfu between
  1. 1935-1939; b) 1935-1938; c) 1936-1939
  1. His zoo was open to the public in
  1. March 1956; b) in March 1959; c) in March 1958
  1. Finish the sentences using the words from the brackets:
  1. They showed great (respect, interesting, duty) for the animals.
  2. Because of lack of money he began to (sell, write, read) books about animals.
  3. So they moved to Corfu, (Greece, England, Italy), in 1935 when Gerald was 10.
  4. They stayed there until the (beginning, outbreak, end) of World War II in 1939.
  5. His ashes are buried under a memorial plaque in this (church, park, zoo).

T: I see that you understood the text. And now look at your copies with the theory (the teacher explains it):

Mustце модальне дієслово, що виражає:

а) повинність, зобов’язання (obligation)

You must come in time.

б) необхідність (necessity)

We must prevent natural disasters.

в)обов’язок (duty)

You must go to school today.

На укр. мову мод. дієслово «must» перекладається як «повинен» «необхідно» «треба».

Заперечна форма – mustnt або must not виражає заборону (prohibition) і перекладається на укр. мову як «не можна», «не повинен», «не треба».

You mustn’t go there.

«Must» - лише в теперішньому часі.

В майбутньому і минулому – «will have to» чи «had to».

  1. I’ll have to go there next week.

I won’t have to go there next week.

Will I have to go there next week?

  1. I had to do this in such a way.

I hadn’t to do this in such a way.

Did I have to do this in such a way?

Різниця між «must» та  «to have to»

«to have to» може виступати не лише у формі еквівалента «must», а й у якості самостійного модального дієслова, що виражає зобов’язання чи необхідність, зумовлені певними обставинами (obligation or necessity arising out of circumstances) і перекладається на укр. мову – «змушений», «доводиться».

«Must» може виражати ще й припущення і перекладається на укр..мову – «напевне», «мабуть».

It must be cold outdoors.

На вулиці напевне холодно.

He must have taken a lot of photos while he was on the island.

Він мабуть зробив багато фотографій, коли був на острові.

Але в майбутньому часі припущення виражається за допомогою мод. слів «evidently» (очевидно)  «probably» (напевне, мабуть).

She will probably come tomorrow.

Вона мабуть приїде завтра.

Evidently she will go on a business trip next month.

Очевидно вона поїде в ділову подорож наступного місяця.


T: So, now we will check your understanding of our grammar topic. Open your grammar books at page 425 and find exercise 530 (the teacher uses general questioning).

Translate into Ukrainian and explain:

  1. She must be the youngest child in this group.
  2. I had to read the letter twice before I understood it.
  3. He must have read the letter many times.
  4. What must you think of me?
  5. They must be talking about us.
  6. He had to take it.
  7. You must try to find the lost stamp.
  8. The children must have been held up at school.

Home task: T: Ex. 3 p. 124- to read and to translate; Ex. 529 p.424 (grammar book) - to translate into Ukrainian using the modal verb “must”.

Summing-up: T: You were quite good today. Your marks are the following… . Our lesson is over. Good bye!