Урок на тему "Говоримо англійською: подорож у минуле"

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Урок розроблено за навчально-методичним комплексом "Family and Friends 3" для учнів 4-5 класів.
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з англійської мови

 5 клас




«Розмовляємо англійською: подорож у минуле»



Вчитель: Давиденко О.В.










Розмовляємо англійською: подорож у минуле




формування ключових компетентностей

  1. комунікативної: працювати з отриманою інформацією; активно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи; постійно застосовувати мову, що вивчається; знаходити, розуміти та за потреби передавати отриману інформацію.
  2. загальнокультурної: вміння аналізувати та оцінювати досягнення людства, навчати культурі бесіди, поваги один до одного.
  3. формування предметних компетентностей:  повторити  лексичні одиниці, звуки, граматичні структури та закріпити вивчене в усному мовленні; розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність; поліпшувати фонетику та вимову звуків.




наочність, роздатковий матеріал, ІКТ, підручник та зошит НМK “Family and Friends 3”


Хід уроку

  1. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

Hello, children! How are you today? Look at your scale of emotions and choose the smile

Customer Satisfaction Rating. The Scale Of Emotions With Smiles. Royalty  Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 112273778.

Did you have a good rest yesterday? Did you go somewhere? What kind of transport did you use?

Let’s play a memory game and recollect the means of transport

Look at the pictures on the board  for 1 minute. Then I’ll take them away. After that you have to fill in the table. Follow the order you saw the pictures on the board

Ferries in Istanbul - Wikipedia

Motorbike definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Higer Bus Company Limited Official Website

L.A. Startup Wright Targets 100-Seat Electric Plane by 2027 - Bloomberg

How Helicopters Work | HowStuffWorks

Tram line 38, Bytom: лучшие советы перед посещением - Tripadvisor

Osceola train crossing study could mean overpass or underpass

Сервис Shark-Taxi в Алуште!


e.g. ferry








Good job!

Which means of transport are there in our town today? Which means of transport were there in our town 50/100/150 years ago?


  1. Основна частина
    1.             Speaking. Let talk about our town in the past
  • Were there many people in the town?

(Yes, there were / No, there weren’t)

  • Were there cafés, libraries or theatres 200 years ago?

(Yes, there were / No, there weren’t)

  • Were there cars, trains or planes 200 years ago?

(Yes, there were / No, there weren’t)

  • Were there cars, trains or planes 50 years ago?

(Yes, there were / No, there weren’t)

  • What was there in our town 50/100/150 years ago?

There was a par / a theatre…..

Well done!

  1.   Open you Class book, please. Page 88 exercise 1

Look at the picture and answer

  • What were there in London 200 years ago?
  • What were there in London 50 years ago?
    1.   Group work.

Each student takes a small card from a box. Then they male groups according to the pictures: transport, animals, flowers, furniture. Each group gets pieces of the same picture.

  • Do the puzzle and make up a picture
  • Describe the picture: tell what you see

A view from the past - photographs of 10 world cities in the 1800s


  1.   Listening, reading and writing. Work in pairs. Open you Class book, please. Page 88 exercise 3.

Exercise 1

Listen and tick what you heard

Town  Shopping mall  Library Hotels  Trains Restaurant

Parks   Theatres Markets Motorbike

Good job!


Exercise 2

Listen and write the word

ago    history   weren’t   was     picture   were     there    hotels

Our town has a 1)________

Here’s the 2) ______of our town

Two hundred years 3) ______

There 4) _______buses then

5) ____weren’t any motorbikes

There 6) _____shops and markets the

And there were 7) _____, too

There 8) _____a lot to do

You are amazing!


Exercise 3

Listen and say “true” or “false”. Correct the wrong sentences

  1. The town is not very old
  2. This is the picture of the town hundred years ago
  3. There were buses the
  4. There weren’t any trains
  5. There weren’t any planes
  6. There were motorbikes
  7. There weren’t shops
  8. There were markets
  9. There were parks and hotels
  10. There wasn’t a lot to do

Well done!


Exercise 4

  • What do you remember about the town?

Write in your notes, please. And two students write on the board

  1. Заключна частина

3.1 So, how are you feeling at the end of the lesson? Take your scales of emotion and colour the smile, please


Customer Satisfaction Rating. The Scale Of Emotions With Smiles. Royalty  Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 112273778.

What did you like most of all?

You were attentive and active today. Thank you for your amazing work!

Have a nice day!