Урок на тему "Мій улюблений предмет"

Про матеріал

Урок розрахований на учнів 5-7 класів за підручником А.Несвіт. Інформацію можливо використати і для інших підручників.Можно зробити презентацію за даним уроком.

Перегляд файлу

Тема:  Мій улюблений предмет.

Мета: повторити й узагальнити лексико-граматичний матеріал, продовжувати формувати навички читання, ММ та ДМ, розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів,фонематичний та інтонаційний слух,мовну здогадку,увагу, пам'ять, виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови та культури спілкування.

Обладнання: карточки, мультимедійна дошка, комп’ютер, дошка

Тип: узагальнення знань.

                                      План уроку

І. Організація класу.

Teacher- Good   morning dear guests and pupils! We are glad to invite you to our lesson! Look at the blackboard and name the topic of our lesson. (висвічується MYFAVOURITELESSON)

(висвічується)Today I want you show your knowledge on the topic and improve your skills. I wish you good luck and let’s start. Today we’re going to

-speak about different school subjects;

-repeat and practice words and word combinations on the topic;

-revise grammar;

-work in pairs;

-educate the interest to study foreign language.

It’s the most important thing.

 ІІ. Мовна хвилинка

Answer my questions

-What do you like about school? What don’t you like about school?

 Фонетична  зарядка

Let’s remember the English sounds and words on the topic “School subjects”. Let’s play the game “Remember the words” with ball (на екрані висвічується підтеми за темою:

 subject (1 row), cabinets (2 row), activities (3 row).


















Now let’s remember poem about school subjects :( висвічується)

Biology and Chemistry,

 Geography and History,

 English and Spanish,

 Music and Art,

 We study at school,

 That’s great and cool!

II Основна частина уроку.

1. Check on homework. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Let’s check on your home task. You had to speak about your favourite school subjects in groups. (учні представляють проекти:математика, зарубіжна літ.,анг.мова,співи)

2. Outstripping task (Драматизація декількох учнів).Some pupils had to remember and find the plays about school. Let’s listen to them.

 3.    a) Firstly you have to make up school subjects from the letters. You have one minute. (на мультимедійній)

  1. AMSUTIHSCM               (Maths, Music)
  2. ERANTHSGIL                  (English, Art)
  3. HEGSOTORGYRYAPHI  (Geography, History)
  4. UKRATARNINIAN          (Ukrainian,  Art)
  • b) run, speak, sing,  ant  ______________________
  • enjoy, glass, ice,  shelf ______________________
  • morning, usually, idea, camel ____________________

Task №2

Look at the pictures and guess about what school subject is the sentence.  (речення на мультимедійній дошці). Some riddles.

  1. We do sums.                                           C:\Users\Алиночка\Pictures\0018-020-DOSKA-i-MEL.jpg   ( Maths)
  2. Draw vase, fruits and vegetables.       C:\Users\Алиночка\Pictures\0017-019-Kraski.jpg  (Art)
  3. Take the map.         C:\Users\Алиночка\Pictures\0030-032-Globus.jpg                                   (Geography)
  4. Read about war.             C:\Users\Алиночка\Pictures\0_9f3e_9aeff10b_XL.jpg                           (History)
  5. Play football.                   C:\Users\Алиночка\Pictures\jhbball.jpg                           (P.T.)
  6. Learn foreign words.              C:\Users\Алиночка\Pictures\abc_apple.jpg                    (English)

Next task. Solve the puzzle. Fill in the names of school subjects.

C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Мои документы\My Pictures\Samsung\SCX-3200_20140222_12010609.jpg

  1. Fill in the right word


  1. Look at our …! There are a lot of new subjects.
    a) paper   b) uniform c) timetable.
  2. Students like to go to ….
    a) school  b) the bank c) the hospital.
  3. What … languages do you learn at school?
    a) interesting  b) dull  c) foreign.

Give the English equivalents for the following

  1. Я люблю ходить до школи.
  2. На уроці фізкультури ми бігаємо та  граємо.
  3. У понеділок  у мене 6 уроків.
  4. Я хожу до школи щодня.
  1. Письмо.

T: Now open your exercises –books and write down the date. Now children let`s practice grammar Present Perfect. You can see 3 sentences. You have to find one mistake in each sentence, and write correctly it.

  1. He have read the book.
  2. She has just do sum.
  3. We have never been in Kyiv.
  1. Фізкультхвилинка (за комп’ютером). Now I see you are tired and let’s have a rest.
  2. Аудіювання.(учні слухають і виконують завдання)


Do you like to speak English?

Why do you know English?

-Now listen the text twice and write on the paper true or false.

Different languages can be like walls between people. English is very popular in the world now. It can help us to learn more about English-speaking countries, their culture. It helps to make new friends and learn a lot of about interesting things.

Many English words are international. You can easily guess what these words mean. English has got many words from other languages. People want to read and understand newspapers, magazines, and books from other countries. They want to watch and understand TV programs.

People want to travel to different countries. That’s why they learn foreign languages. The English language helps people to work together. It is the language of international communication and friendship. Let’s study English!

  • Now let’s change your paper with partner and check on. True or false.

1. Nowadays English is popular in the world.

2. English helps to study about English-speaking countries.

3. By means of English you mustn’t find new friends.

4. English words and word combinations aren’t international.

5. There are many words from other languages in English.

6. People can read foreign literature without knowledge of English.

7. People want to watch different TV programmers.

8. People wish to travel to other countries.

9. English joins together in the work.

10. English is the language of communication and friendships.

Give me your paper.

  1. Work in pairs. (робота з діалогом)

Now we are going to work with the dialogue. Kate is speaking with Tom about his new school and his timetable. We are going to work in pairs. Your task is to complete the dialogue.

You should choose the correct phrase from the list to fill in the dialogue below.

  1. thanks a lot
  2. Can you help me?
  3. on your timetable
  4. Do you like your school?
  5. What is your favourite subject?

Kate: Hello, Tom! 1) …

Tom: Oh, yes, I do. It’s very interesting to go to my school.

Kate: How many subjects are there 2) …?

Tom: Nine.

Kate: What about English lessons?

Tom: I’ve got English five times a week

Kate: 3) …

Tom: My favourite subject is Maths because I am good at it.

Kate: But I have some problems with Maths. 4) …

Tom: Of course, I can. See you later.

Kate: Bye and 5) …

2. Драматизація діалога.

T: Read the phrases you have chosen. Read the whole dialogue.

Kate: Hello, Tom! Do you like your school?

Tom: Oh, yes, I do. It’s very interesting to go to my school.

Kate: How many subjects are there on your timetable?

Tom: Nine.

Kate: What about English lessons?

Tom: I’ve got English five times a week.

Kate: What is your favourite subject?

Tom: My favourite subject is Maths because I am good at it.

Kate: But I have some problems with Maths. Can you help me?

Tom: Of course, I can. See you later.

Kate: Bye and thanks a lot.

T: Now in pairs make up similar dialogues using your own ideas instead of the words in bold. Think of your own timetable and your favourite subjects. (Учні змінюють на інформацію про себе).

T: Well done, your dialogues are good and informative. So your home task is to learn the dialogue by heart.

  1. Домашнє завдання – вивчити  діалог  напам’ять із змінами чи без, за бажанням.
  2. . Підсумки уроку.

T: So our lesson is coming to an end. We have discussed your school subjects and you have done all exercises very well. You have sad and merry smiles. What is your mood? Show me the sad or the merry smile! (учні показують смайлики).

Thank you for your work and listen to your marks.

17 липня 2018
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