Урок на тему "My Town"

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Розробка уроку англійської мови за темою "My town" для учнів 2 класу НУШ, підручник "Smsart Junior-2"
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The 2nd  form

Module 6.

Smart World.

 Theme  My Тown

Aim : to provide s with  сross-cultural information

Vocabulary: church, garden, theatre, museum, door

Structures :  There is/are…

Materials:   “Smart Junior” –SB,  “Smart Junior” – WB,  CD, flashcards,

                    rhyme songs “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”,  “Clap Your Hands”

Outcomes :  by the end of the lesson  the students will be able to name  the places of                                                                

                      interest  and describe the town in the picture 




I. Starter  

Tchr :   Good morning, boys and girls!

             Sit down, please. 

The children sing  “ Hello!”  song.


II.   Warming up

Ss repeat  the words a few times after the teacher  (flashcards)


III .  The  Main Part of the Lesson


    1.  Track 27

a)   Ss open their books on p.72 and point out the words in the vocabulary section;

b)  Ss listen to the CD a few times, point to the words and repeat them;

c)  Ss listen to the words  again in random order, point and repeat them.


  2.   Track 28.

a)   The tchr’s  asking Ss

- what they see (a park, a cathedral, a theatre)

- if they recognise these places

- some questions about Kyiv  (e.g.  Have you ever visited  Kyiv?

                                                         Do you know any famous places in Kyiv?


Physical  exercises (rhyme song  “Clap Your Hands”)


b)    The tchr initiates  a class discussion.

The thcr explains the Ss  that they are going to read and listen to the text about Kyiv.

c)    CD’s playing:   the Ss are repeating each sentence and answering the questions, e.g. Where’s Kyiv? (it’s in Ukraine.)

       Are there theatres in the capital? (Yes, there are.)

d)    Reading the text (some Ss are reading the text aloud)


3.      Ex.2. Read and say  “Yes”, “No”.


           Ex.3. Draw your favourite place in Ukraine.


Physical  exercises  ( rhyme song  “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” )


4. Workbook  (doing tasks):

1. Listening to the sentences mark “True”, “False”

2. Unscramble the words.

3. Track 29 :   Listen and say.


5. Summary.




Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
27 березня 2020
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