Урок на тему "Риси характеру. Зовнішність"

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Дата:  25.09.2014

План конспект уроку № 7


Тема:  Я, моя сім’я, мої друзі

Підтема:  Родичі: риси характеру, зовнішність


Практична: ознайомити учнів з  новими лексичними одиницями з теми «Зовнішність», навчити описувати зовнішній вигляд своїх рідних, формувати уміння монологічного мовлення, повторити та автоматизувати граматичні конструкції y Present Simple.

Освітня:  навчити учнів розповідати про себе, свою родину та друзів.

Розвиваюча: розвивати комунікативні здібності школярів, пам'ять, увагу, уяву, мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів, самостійність у праці.

Виховна:  виховувати любов до близьких людей.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, аудіо запис «My family».

Хід уроку

  1.                Початок уроку.

1.1. Організація класу.

T: Good morning, pupils. Nice to see you. I hope you are ready for today’s lesson, aren’t you?

So, tell me please, who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

So let’s start. Today we are going to speak about the appearance of your family members. We’ll listen to a little text about the father and then we’ll try to do some exercises. Besides, we’ll revise some grammar material.

1.2. Фонетична зарядка.

I want to start our lesson with a phonetic drill. Let’s remember how we should read the letter “a” in open syllable. We should pronounce it as two sounds [ei]:

My name is Ann.

Her name is Man.

His name is Ben.

Say it again.

You can see a little poem at the blackboard. First, I’ll read it and then we’ll read it all together.

1.3. Мовленнєва зарядка.

And now let’s check the active vocabulary of our topic. Your task is to listen to the music and say what family members are mentioned in it.

Family: mum, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, cousins.

  • Game “Guess the person”.

Well, to revise the active vocabulary denoting traits of character and appearance let’s play a game. One of you should come to the blackboard and choose one person of the class to guess. The rest of the class should ask him 10 questions concerning the appearance and character traits of this person and then guess who it is.

And now, let’s check your hometask. You had to make up a short dialogue about the appearance of your relatives. Who wants to dramatize it?

ІІ. Основна частина.

2.2. Активізація лексичного і граматичного матеріалу.

  •        Scanning reading.

And now, let’s read and translate the text “My Father”.

Pre-reading activity

Before we start reading, look at the blackboard where you can see some words which can be difficult for you to understand. Let’s read and translate them.

To be fond of – захоплюватися

To enjoy – насолоджуватися

To be proud of – пишатися

Write down this words to your vocabularies.

While-reading activity

Let’s read and translate the text. Find in the text adjectives denoting the appearance and character traits.

My Father

My father’s name is Taras. He is a tall man. He has got a round face. His eyes are grey. His hair is dark. His cheeks are rosy. He is a handsome man.

My father loves making models of planes. It is very difficult but he is patient. He is also fond of sport. He is sporty. His favourite sport is football. We often play together at the weekend. My dad enjoys reading. He is very intelligent man. I am proud of him. He also likes fishing. I think that my father is the best.

Words: a round face, a tall man, eyes are grey, hair is dark, handsome, patient, sporty, intelligent.

After reading activity

  • Answer my question.
  1. What does the father look like?
  2. What does he love?
  3. What does the father enjoy?
  4. What traits of character does he have?
  5. Why is the author proud of his father?
  • Monologue speech

Speak about your family member. Use the text as the example.

  • Grammar work

Well, and now let’s revise the grammar material of the topic. Your task is to translate sentences into English using Present Simple Tense. Work in your exercise-books.

  1. Моя мама – худа.
  2. Мій тато – товстий.
  3. Його очі – коричневі.
  4. Її волосся – біляве.
  5. Вони – вродливі.
  6. Джон – високий.
  7. Тітка має довго волосся.
  8. У дядька кирпатий ніс.
  9. Ми – гарні.
  10.          Я – маленький.

III. Заключна частина уроку.

3.1. Підведення підсумків.

Well, today’s lesson is going to be over. We’ve done a lot of tasks to practise the active vocabulary and now I hope it won’t be difficult for you to say some words about your family. And now, open your daybooks and write down your hometask. At the next lesson we’ll speak about your friends, so you hometask will be the next.

3.2. Домашнє завдання:  write a short list of bad and good features of your best friend.  Now I want to thank you for a good work at the lesson. I hope it was interesting for you. You work very well today, so your marks are …

The lesson is over. Good bye!


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