Урок на тему "Спорт в житті людей"

Про матеріал
Урок з використанням проектних технологій, який узагальнює знання з теми, надає учням можливість виконати групові або індивідуальні проекти.
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Конспект уроку з англійської мови  для 7 класу

Тема уроку.      Sport in Peoples Life (Спорт в житті людини)

Тип уроку.        A Project Lesson

Мета уроку.

Практична:     Здійснити контроль вмінь та навичок учнів користуватись ЛО в усному й

                           письмовому мовленні в рамках теми «Спорт в житті людини».

Виховна:          Пропагувати спорт як засіб гарного самопочуття, підтримки здоров’я, належної 

                           форми і спосіб змістовного відпочинку.

Розвиваюча:    Розвивати навички аудіювання, зв’язного мовлення. Продовжувати

                            удосконалювати  комунікативні вміння учнів.

Обладнання:    Підручники, зошити, словники учнів, демонстраційна дошка (комп’ютерний

                           екран), комп’ютерні презентації, створені учнями.

План, хід уроку

І.   Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.  Привітання, бесіда з черговим, постановка задач уроку. (Слайд №1 Sport in Our Life)

T. Today we are having the last lesson on the topic “Sport in People’s Life”. It is a project lesson, during       

    which you are to show what words, expressions, phrases and interesting facts about sport you have

    learnt and to present your projects, individual and group ones.

    OK. Let’s start with warming up.

2. Warming up. (Слайд №2 A Sport Questionnaire)

T. Well, look at the board. You are welcome to practice a Sport Questionnaire in order to revise kinds of

    sports, to characterize sports, to mention great sport events. So try to name:

    1   example of a great sport event;

    2   nouns (sports) with – ing forms;

    3   nouns (sports) without – ing forms;

    4   adjectives to characterize sports;

    5   verbs dealing with sports;

    6   nouns – winter sports;

    7   nouns – summer sports;

    8   nouns – extreme sports;

    9   nouns – outdoor sports;

    10 nouns plus numerals – cities where Olympic Games took place and dates.


Possible answers:

1. Olympic Games;

2. Wrestling, jumping;

3. Chess, cricket, gymnastics;

4. Exciting, interesting, cooperative, adventurous;

5. To train, to jump, to exercise, to play, to develop;

6. Skating, skiing, ski-jumping, tobogganing, hockey, figure-skating;

7. Swimming, volleyball, cycling, football, basketball, water polo, tennis;

8. Parachuting, paracending, motor-racing, windsurfing, yachting, rafting, scuba diving, mountain


9. Golf, boating, diving, surfing, skiing, tobogganing, windsurfing, climbing, horse-racing;

10. 1896 – Athens;

      1900 – Paris;

      1904 – Chicago;

      1906 – Athens;

      1908 – Rome;

      1916 – Berlin;

      1924 – Paris;

      1928 – Amsterdam;

      1980 – Moscow;

      2014 – Sochi. 

T: Well done! You did it!










II. Основна частина уроку.

1. Vocabulary and reading practice. (Слайд №3 Sport Helps People)

T. Look at the board again. Let’s prove that sport gives all of us good opportunities to keep fit, to stay

healthy and to organize our leisure time usefully. So make your own statements to prove that.










Physical exercises



Physical exercising








help (s)













my friend (s)

my classmates

to keep fit.


to stay healthy and be in really good shape.


to develop strong will (character).


to develop the best qualities.


to make new friends.


to spend a useful time.


to unite people all over the world.


to fight diseases.


2. Writing practice. (Слайд №4 The English Questions. Word Order)

T: During the previous lessons we read a lot of interesting texts about famous sportsmen. Now let’s imagine

that we are going to interview one of them. Who would you like to interview and ask questions about his

 or her sporting career?

Let it be Vitaliy Klichko.

Look at the board, it can help you to revise the word order in questions.

Interrogative pronoun

(What? When? Why? Where? Who? How?


How many?

How much …)

Auxiliary verb

(Do,does,did,shall, will,am,is,are,was,were,






Adverbial modifier


Make up your own questions and write down them into your copy-books.

Open your copy-books, write down the day and the date.

Possible questions:

When did you start going in for sport?

What do you do to be in really good shape?

 How often do you have trainings?

 Why have you decided to be a boxer?

 Do you have many trophies?

What would you advise boys and girls who dreams about sporting career?

T: Well done! You have shown good grammar skills! If somebody of you dreams about sporting

career, I wish you be a famous sportsman as well, and be interviewed one day.

3. Speaking practice. (Слайд № 5 Our Projects)

T: Now it’s time to present your own projects, individual and group ones, and prove that sport is your life.

  1. Project 1 “Judo Is My Life” (Individual).
  2. Project 2 “The First Modern Olympic Games” (Individual).
  3. Project 3 “Enjoy Aerobics” (Group one).
  4. Project 4 “We Are the Champions” (The group of the students perform potpourri of such legendary songs of the British Group “Queen” as “We Are the Champions”, “The Show Must Go On” and “We Will Rock You” which can be often heard during the great sporting events just as football championships).

III. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Підведення підсумків. (На робочій дошці поданий постер «Express your opinion»)

In my opinion,…

In my view,…

I think (that)…

Personally, I think…

From my point of view…

If about…

As I see you…

As I see it…

I am sure, …



T: OK, you did well. Our lesson is almost over. Let’s sum up what is important to remember about sport.

(Організація висловлювань учнів у виді підведення підсумків уроку)

 Look at the blackboard. You can use these phrases to agree or disagree with the following:

  • Sport helps people to keep fit and be in really good shape.

      P1: You are right. In my view, sport really helps everybody to keep fit and be in really good shape.

  • Sport is boring.

P2: I disagree with you. Sport is interesting and exciting.

  • Sport helps to unite people all over the world.

P3: It’s true. Sport has always helped to unite people all over the world.

  • Sport can be done only individually.

P4: It’s wrong. Sport can be done both individually and in groups.

  • Sport is a useful hobby.

P5: I agree. Sport is a useful hobby, for example, I spend a good time playing tennis and basketball.

  • Sport is dangerous.

P6: You are not right. Sport is not always dangerous. When doing sport you need to be careful, then it will not be dangerous.

  • Sport helps to fight diseases.

P7: I agree with that. Sport helps to fight diseases.


  1. Оцінювання учнів. Завершення уроку.

T: Our lesson is over. See you tomorrow. Good bye.











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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 січня 2019
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