Урок на тему "Театр"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку на тему Театр Мета: навчальна: ознайомити учнів з новими ЛО з теми «Театр» та закріпити їх вживання на рівні фрази та понадфразорвої єдності; виховна: виховувати в учнів шанобливе ставлення та любов до театру; освітня: розвивати в учнів сприйняття театру як культурного явища крізь призму часу та людських вподобань. Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор та презентація в PowerPoint, роздатковий матеріал, малюнки, тематичні картинки.
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План-конспект уроку на тему:

“Theatre as Entertainment”








Вчитель: Т.В.Нестеренко

Клас 6




2022-2023 н.р.



Тема: “Theatre as Entertainment”


навчальна: ознайомити учнів з новими ЛО з теми «Театр» та закріпити їх вживання на рівні фрази та понадфразорвої єдності;

виховна: виховувати в учнів шанобливе ставлення та любов до театру;

освітня: розвивати в учнів сприйняття театру як культурного явища крізь призму часу та людських вподобань.

Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор та презентація в PowerPoint, роздатковий матеріал, малюнки, тематичні картинки.

Хід уроку:

I .Introduction.

T: Good afternoon boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Are you in a good mood today? That’s great that all of you are fine. It is easy to communicate with people who are in good spirits. They can easily understand you. Today we’ll have an interesting lesson because we’ll speak about something that you enjoy, I hope.

Lesson targets children:

  • Understand the play and answer oral questions about it
  • Practice reading
  • Answer true/false, inferential and deductive comprehension questions
  • Name clothes and their countries of origin
  • Understand, practice and produce the key structure future passive





Look at the following pictures.  (презентація)


What do they mean? What can we speak about looking at them? So, today well speak about theatre. Theatre is that special attribute of life that has the immense power. It can may people cry, laugh; surprise and even frighten. It teaches us that love, friendship and dignity really exist. We try to escape from out life problems, pain and troubles into the fantastic world of theatre. The motto of our lesson is "All the world's stage, and all the men and women rarely players" by W. Shakespeare. Let's read all together. What does it mean? Your ideas.

 Open your exercise-books and write down today's date, topic and the motto of the lesson.

I'd like to know some information.

Have you ever been to a theatre? What was the play? With whom did you go to the theatre? Have you ever acted in a play? When? What part did you play?



II. Main part.


T : What is theatre for you? Give your suggestions.



1. Theatre:


  • entertainment;
  • having a good time;
  • learning something new;
  • forgetting problems;
  • pleasure and enjoyment;
  • escape from the monotonous routine of everyday life;
  • spending leisure time.


T: So, some of you acted in different plays or went to the theatre to see a play.


Let's make a mind-map.




What do you need to stage a play? One by one go to the blackboard and express your opinions. But I want to pay your attention to some useful phrases. (на дошцi хмарки з виразами I think. I believe, In my opinion, To my mind, I feel bound to mention...)


2. Discussion.


1. T: In your PB you have read about one play. What is the title of this play?(the most amazing fashion show) Who are the main characters? (Miss Pye, Anna, Lucy, Fred, Joe and Mrs. Barry) What is Miss Pye's job? (a teacher) What does Mr. Barry do? (the owner of the clothes shop)


2. Answer the questions. You have the list of them on your desks.


1. What have the children been learning about clothes? (clothes form around the world)


2. What did Fred think about the Scottish kilt? (it was interesting)

3. What were the children doing the next day? (putting on a fashion showoff


modern clothes)

4. Who chose a green dress? (Lucy)


5. What was Anna wearing?(a cotton jacket and skirt)


6. What did Lucy find in the bag?(a frog costume)


7. What did Fred find?(a pirate costume and a space suit)


8What didn't Anna what to be?(a giant ice cream)


9. What new clothes had Fred got?(shorts and a T-shirt)


T: Well done. And now I'm going to read 8 sentences. Open your exercise-books.


Your task is make them true\false. PB ex.1 p.68


Keys: 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F, 6 T, 7 T, 8 F


Ok, give your works to your neighbour and check the work.


3. Group work.


Now I want to divide you into 3 groupsYour task is to match sentences beginning and endings.


1.Lucy liked     e. the sari from India


2. Joe liked     i. the kimono from Japan


3. Anna liked    j.the sarong from Malaysia


4. Fred thought that the Scotts kilt f.was interesting


5Anna was wearing   a. a cotton jacket and skirt


6. Joe thought that the kilt  d. looked like a skirt


7. Lucy held up    c. a shiny green frog costume


8Joe found     g.the script


9. Miss Pye was holding   h. a large bag


10.Mr Barry brought   c. a shiny green frog costume


Keys: le, 21, 3j, 4f, 5a, 6d, 7c, 8b, 9g, 10h


4. Pair work.


Lets work in pairs. You will get a sheet of paper. In pairs you should colour the picture, name the clothes, who wears it (men or women) and write the country.


(Діти виходять до дошки і презентують свою роботу)


T: Are you tired? Let's play the game "Mime" one of you take a card, read it and mime the action. Another children act the action.


But before playing tell me what the future simple is. (cxeмa)


T: And now it's grammar time. (Presentation)


5. Writing. (Виконання вправ у презентації)


T: So, we have done lots of different activities according to the play "The most amazing fashion show" Do you like forfeits? (діти витягають фанти, пов'зані з виставою)


A part of the play


What happens in the play


The instructions for the actors


What an actor wears


A person in the play


The words the characters say


The powder, cream, etc. that actors put on their faces before a play


The big pieces of cloth that hide the stage before the play starts


A group of people who watch a play


The place at the front of the theatre where actors perform a play


III. Summing-up


T: I hope you enjoy our lesson. It has come to its end. Let's make some conclusions. What have we done today? "Mikpoон"


Home assignment.


Make up a script (or write down some sentences) of your play


Learn the rules of future passive.


T: You were brilliant and so active. Thank you for work. You get the following marks...


Our lesson is over. Goodbye dear children.