Урок "Observe the law and stick to the highest values of life"

Про матеріал


Practical: -to provide opportunities for students' speech fluency throughspeaking,

making up dialogues and forming their own standpoints;

- to develop writing skills,

- to extend students' active vocabulary;

-- to enlarge students' knowledge about the constitution of our country;

Developing: - to stimulate learner's imaginative thinking on the subject

and working in groups;

- to cultivate students' curiosity towards history of their native land;

- to motivate students to discuss their problems, rights and duties, values of life;

Upbringing:- to foster students' love to their native land;

- to teach pupils to stick to the high values of life, to the laws of their native land.

Lesson Plan

I. Introduction

1. Greeting (1 min)

2. Prayer (1 min)

3.Phonetic drills(1 min)

4. Warming-up (7 min)

II. The main part of the lesson

1. Aim presentation (1 min)

2. Vocabulary (writing) (5 min)

3. Speaking -historical background (3 min)

4. Didactic play“Agree or disagree. Prove"(6)

5. Relaxation period (2 min)

6. Guess the article:(6 min)

7. Consolidation: work in groups.(8 min)

III. The end of the lesson

1. Home task (1min)

2. Evaluation (1min)

3. Summing up (2 min)

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Observe the law and stick to highest values of life














Practical:  -to provide opportunities for students’ speech fluency throughspeaking,

                          making up dialogues and forming their own standpoints; 

 - to develop writing skills,

        - to extend students’ active vocabulary;

                      -- to enlarge students’ knowledge about the constitution of our country;                                                 

Developing: - to stimulate learner’s imaginative thinking on the subject

 and working in  groups; 

                        - to cultivate students’ curiosity towards history of their native land;

     - to motivate students to discuss their problems, rights and duties,                  values of life;

Upbringing:- to foster students’ love to their native land;                                                    

 -   to teach pupils to stick to the high values of life, to the laws of                                                                                                         their native land.


Equipment: audio-records, tables,  posters, the Constitution of Ukraine, a computer.

Lesson Plan 

I. Introduction

    1. Greeting (1 min)                                                                                          

2. Prayer (1 min)

3.Phonetic drills(1 min)

4. Warming-up (7 min)

II. The main part of the lesson

    1. Aim presentation (1 min)

    2. Vocabulary (writing) (5 min)

    3. Speaking -historical background (3 min)

4. Didactic play“Agree or disagree. Prove”(6)

5.  Relaxation period  (2 min)

    6. Guess the article:(6 min)

7. Consolidation: work in groups.(8 min)

III. The end of the lesson

     1. Home task (1min)

     2. Evaluation (1min)

     3. Summing up (2 min)



I. Introduction                                                                                                                                    

1. Greeting  (1 min)                                                                                                                                  T.: Good morning boys and girls! Nice to see you.                                                                     Ps.: Good morning teacher! Glad to see you too.                                                                          T.: Take your seats.  How are you keeping today?

 P2: Great, thanks.                                                                                                                       T.: How are you getting on?                                                                                                                              P1:Superb.

P2: On the top of the world.                                                                                                            


2.Prayer :’’Our Father’’(1 min)


   Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed  be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


The motto of the lesson: ’’Stick to the highest values of life, learn  your duties and you will be a real citizen of your native land.”

II .Phonetic drills(1 min).(listening to the tape-recorder).

              Tell me your name again, please.

               Tell me your name.

               Tell me your first name.

               Tell me your last name.

               Spell me your name for me, please.

               Spell your name.

               Pronounce your name  for me, please.

               Say it again.

               What a beautiful name, what a lovely name.

  T:  The people say: Make a name for oneself

     We can speak about the personality only then, when we learn about her deeds and her moral values.  So, what are they these moral values? What is life? What do we live for?  People   have been asking these questions since times immemorial and each generation tries to find the keys to them. Now have round table talk.

III.Warm up.(7 min) What are your values of life? (using spider gram)

             The students’ speech.

      P.1: All of us have different values of life. Mine are love, happiness, health and friendship I cannot say what is more important and what is less. They are correlated: one cannot exist without the other. You cannot be happy without love – be it love of a person, parents, friends or Motherland. Love makes our life complete and full of sense.

P.2: In my opinion to live means to love and to love means eternal sacrifice.

Love is a stream of living water that I drink every day and need it always. Love is the sun that gives me light on my daily road.  Love is the wind that gives me power to sail along the river of life.

P.3: I suppose that it is not easy to love. To love means to unite when the whole world splits into thousand parts. In love one gives hand to another. In love man marries a woman and brings up children. In love people make their homes. In love people are beautiful. I am sure. They change and make other happy.

P.4: Let me admit that love is the highest value in the family. It should be cared, cherished, grown carefully and with patience. Love is the beginning and the end, it’s life itself.

P.5: It should be pointed out that love adds happiness and health. Good health is great blessing. Lack of health deprives our life of its vividness “Good health is above wealth” says an English proverb. Even having money you cannot buy it. That’s why people must do everything possible to be healthy.

P.6: None will deny that happiness is the value of life.  I cannot claim that I know what happiness is. All I can tell you is that when you are happy you feel it with all your heart. When you are happy you always seem to lack worlds. You are not walking – you are flying, you are like the sun, the sky, the flowers.

P. 7: You are quite right. The trees are greener, the stars shine brighter, the moon is kinder. You feel like everything goes right as it should be if you are happy.

 P.8: To my mind we are happy when we love, are kind and tolerant to people around us, make other happy and have something to give them.

P.9:  It’s common knowledge that we are happy when we have beautiful friends. It is necessary to say that it is impossible to live without friends. The more friends we have the safer and happier we are. No wonder, the friends always help us, they support us, give good advice.

P.10: I consider that real friendship is possible only when people respect and trust each other, help each other in trouble, and share their joys and sorrows. It is not in vain that English people say: “A good friend is the sun in winter”, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

P.11: Speaking about values of life, I’d like to mention that we cannot buy them for money. You will probably ask me: “Don’t you need money at all?” Well, I need it only to buy clothes, food and lead a decent life. But we shouldn’t make money the object of our adoration. We cannot buy with it such eternal things as love, happiness, success. You cannot make other people love, respect with the help of money.

P.12: I’m sure that the most important thing to us is to find real values of life while being young and stick to them throughout our lives.


Nobody on earth is perfect, we are no exception. We’re just human beings with many drawbacks, faults and we must try to get rid of them.

We must fight against cruelty and violence. We should forget rude words, avoid gossiping, judging, enviousness and jealousy.

Everybody must have a strong will and desire to improve himself, try to become better. May success succeed you in this.


The main part of the lesson

1.Aim presentation( 1min)

T: We live in the beautiful world. Everyone has the right to have a place in the sun. and we live in the splendid country – Ukraine. It is our native country. If we are the citizens of the state we must observe its laws. So we’ll discuss the Constitution of Ukraine – the standard of   Legitimacy.

         2. Vocabulary (5 min)(writing)

  1. Find  extra  word:
    1. article, chapter, act, economy;
    2.  right, duty, test, freedom;
    3. to adopt, to secure, to watch, to establish.

             2.Match the two columns:

                    to adopt              power

 to exercise         Constitution

 to defend            the laws     

 to observe          native land


             3.Fill in the gaps: (proclaim, symbolize, fundamental, adopted, right)

  1. The Constitution of Ukraine is a ________ Law of our State.
  2. It was ______ on the 28th of June 1996.
  3. The Constitution _______ real rights and duties.
  4. The colours  of  the flag ________ colour of the sun, wheat, sky, water.

              4. Complete the sentences:

                         a)  Our Constitution consist of …   (Chapters and articles ).

                         b) The people of Ukraine have the rights to … (rest, work,    education, medical treatment).

                         c)  Our sovereign state has its own symbols … (Emblem, flag, anthem).



3. Speaking (3 min )

T: All countries all over the world have their own domed of rules which are necessary for regulation human’s behavior, people’s rights and their duties. The word “Constitution” came from the Latin word “constit” which means boards. Constitution is the main Law of the state which showssocial and political board, suffrage , the main rights and duties of its people.

Let’s speak about the Constitution of our country. Firstly we’ll dwell on some historical background.

P:  From the history of the Constitution of Ukraine.

The Constitution is the set of principles adopted by a state for its government.

The first constitutional document in history of Ukraine was the Constitution of Bendery of 1710. The Chief author of the Constitution was Pylyp Orlyk, who was elected  Hetman on April 16, 1710. The Constitution consisted of 16 articles.

The Constitution of the Ukrainian National Republic was adopted on April 29, 1918. It has 83 articles.

The Ukrainian state that arose in 1917-20 has several constitutions (1919, 1929, 1937, and 1978). On August 24, 1991 the act of Ukraine’s Independence was proclaimed on June 28, 1996 on behalf of the Ukrainian people. The Supreme Rada of Ukraine adopted the Constitution of Ukraine.

The Constitution is the basis of public law.


4. Didactic play (6 min)

Chapter I

“Agree or disagree. Prove”

The variants of answers are:

  • I agree with you
  • You are quite right.
  • My opinion is just the same.
  • I disagree with you
  • I am of different opinion.

T: Article 1 says that Ukraine is a sovereign state.

P1: You are quite right. Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic,

 social, law -based  state.

T: The sovereignty of Ukraine doesn’t extend across its entire territory.

P2: I am of different opinion. The sovereignty of Ukraine extends across its entire territory. Ukraine is a unitary state. Its territory is indivisible and inviolable.

T: Our country is not a republic.

P3: I am of different opinion. Article 1 proclaims that Ukraine is a republic .The people are the only source of power. The people exercise power directly and through the bodies of state power and local self-government.

T: The state power in Ukraine is  divided  into legislative ,executive and judicial.

P4: My opinion is just the same. Article 6 reads that state authority in Ukraine is realized on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial power.

T: Our country has no national symbols.

P5: I disagree with you. Article 20 says that state symbols of Ukraine are the State Flag , State Emblem and State anthem.

T: The state language in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language.

P6: Just so. Article 10 proclaims that the state language in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language.

       5 .Relaxation period(2 min  )

T.Before we start discussing Chapter II let us have a bit of relaxation.

    Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you are flying like birds. You see the blue sky, white clouds, the bright sun. Now you are flying over the mountains, seas. You see our planet. It is wonderful! You are feeling at ease and very well. You are happy. You realize that man is born for happiness like a bird for flight. Everyone has the right to have a place in the Sun.

Open your eyes and say we have the right to live. Now we shall discuss our rights and duties.

6. Guess the article (6 min)

T:    All people are free and equal in their dignity and rights.

P 1: Article 21 says about this. There are no privileges based upon race, colour of skin, gender, property, place of residence, language, religion.

T: Every person has the right to life.

P 2: Article 27 reads that no one may deprive a person of his life. The duty of the                   

state is to protect the life of the individual.

T: Everyone has the right to work.

P 3: Every person has the right to work and the right to safe and healthy conditions for work.

T: Everyone who works has the right to rest.

P4: It is Article 45.This right is ensured by the provision of weekly rest days and annual paid vocation time.

T: Everyone has the right to education.

P5:  Article 53     says that secondary education is obligatory. The state ensures access to free preschool, elementary, general secondary, vocational and higher education in different educational establishments.

Expert. I want to  dwell on the main problems of the young people .They are eager to get a good education and well- paid jobs .They want to take a confident stand in life and show their self-realization. Among the problems of the youth are : low personal income, lack of working places. That’s why the young people try to hold more than one job, make things for sale, render paid services to the population, start trading business, go abroad to earn for living. Lets hope that our Government will help the young people to overcome all difficulties .

T:     Defense of the Motherland is the duty of the citizens.

P6: Article 65 proclaims that defense of the Motherland, of the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, respect for state symbols is obligatory for the citizens of Ukraine. We are proud of our soldiers who are defending our native land.

T:   Everyone must care for nature and cultural heritage.

P7:  It is Article 66. Protection of nature is our duty. Earth is our home and we must take care of it.

T:    Everyone must observe the Constitution.

P8:  Article 68 says that all must observe the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine. Ignorance of the law does not release from responsibility.

T: It is goes without saying that we must adhere to the Constitution, we must follow God’s commandments. There is a good formula of the people’s welfare “To succeed means to live not asking for permission under a fare law”.

Children, remember, please, that “God helps them that help themselves.”


 7. Consolidation: work in groups.(8 min)

Task: What would you do if you were the president of Ukraine.

Use the following phrases:

If I were the president of Ukraine I would:

  • do everything possible in order to make the life of the people better;
  • ensure timely payment;
  • increase the wages, pensions;
  • make state power honest, responsible, just;
  • secure reliable medical treatment and education free of charge;
  • protect people by fair law;
  • follow the God’s commandments;
  • observe the law myself  and try to be a person of high moral values;
  • take care of nature.

III. The end of the lesson

        1. Setting home task(1 min)Project: ’’What would you do if you were the president of Ukraine’’.


       2. Evaluation: (1 min)

Many pupils were working very hard .They get good  and excellent  marks.

3. Summing up. (2min.)                                                                                                                       T.: Everybody was very active today. And we’ve done much work. Thank you for the lesson and your excellent job. Stand up! Good bye, boys and girls. See you next time.

   May success succeed you in everything!




1.Давиденко Л. Written Composition in English// Підручники і посібники //

Тернопіль  - 2000- с. 17

2. Закернична А.Ю.Love makes the world better   //Англійська мова та література.//  – 2012.–  №25(359).

3.It’s necessary to know//Посібник//   The Ukrainian Constitution с.3-20   Тернопіль1997

4. osvita.ua›doc/files/news/284…Values_of_Life.

5. docyandex.ua/images›topic values of life



Kovalchuk Liudmyla
23 червня 2018
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