Урок по темі Їжа. Час сніданку

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Підсумковий урок з теми " Їжа", на якому тренуються вивчені ЛО, монологічне, діалогічне мовлення учнів, граматичні структури How much, How many, розвиваються комунікативні навички, мовна здогадка, уява, пам*ять.
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Ніжинська гімназія №3







It's time for breakfast






Form 6-A

Teacher I. K. Vasylenko














Підтема «Час сніданку»


-         тренувати учнів у вживанні ЛО, засвоєних  на попередньому уроці;

-         формувати навички монологічного мовлення на рівні мікровисловлювання, навички читання;

-         практикувати у вживанні граматичних структур How much/many

-         розвивати мовну інтуїцію, розвивати фонематичний та інтонаційний слух, уміння передавати зміст почутого, розвивати комунікативні навички, мовну здогадку, уяву, пам’ять, увагу;

-         розширювати світогляд учнів на основі ознайомлення із культурою харчування,  дисциплінованість, виховувати культуру спілкування, слухання, заохочувати до вивчення нового.

Тип уроку: формування навичок та вмінь.


  1. І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


T: - Good morning, pupils!

T: - Glad to see you!

2. Now I want you to say a chant together in order to create a positive atmosphere in the classroom and train sounds [ƞ], [w], [i:], [a:], [θ], [ei], [h].


Things are getting better

With every passing day.

Every day in every way

We are getting better.

                      Who’s the most enthusiastic?

Ps: We are!

Who’s the smartest?

Ps: We are!

Who’s the most creative?

Ps: We are!

Who’s the most attentive?

Ps: We are!

Who’s the most careful?

Ps: We are!

Who’s the most energetic?

Ps: We are!

Who never gives up?

Ps: We do!

T: I see you are in a good mood. Am I right?

P:  Yes, that’s true.

    We are in a good mood,

    And what about you?

T: I am in a good mood too.  

3. T: Do you know what our mood depends on?

Ps: It depends on the weather, school marks, seasons, friends,  our meals

T: Of course, you are right. All of us like tasty food.( слайд 1)

4. Look at the blackboard. There is a sentence here. But all the words in it are written together. Try to divide these words and read this sentence.


People must eat healthy food

This is the motto of our lesson. Today we are going to speak about food we have for breakfast and at the end of the lesson you must give the answers to the question   “Why do the people need healthy food?”

  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Warming up

T: As for me, I like poems very much. And what about you? Do you like poems?

Cl: Yes, we do.

4. T: OK. Let’s listen to a wonderful poem “Breakfast Time”. ( слайд 2)

                         Breakfast Time

                    (by Georgie Adams)

The juice in the mixer goes whee-whee-whir.

The cereal in my bowl goes crickle-crackle-snap!

The milk from the jug goes splish-sploosh-splosh!

The bacon in the pan goes sizzle-fizzle-splat!

The bell on the stove goes ping-ting-a-ping.

The coffee in the pot goes puff-podle-pop!

My teeth on the toast go crunch-crunch-crunch.

And daddy in the car goes peep-beep-pool!

It’s time to go to school!”

 T: Now tell me what the boy has for breakfast?

P1: The boy has juice, cereal, milk, bacon, coffee and a toast.

T: OK. And what about you? What do you have for breakfast?

P2: I have a sandwich and a cup of tea.

P3: I like to eat porridge with milk for breakfast.

P4: As for me I usually have bread and butter, eggs and cocoa, etc.

  1. Основна частина уроку.
    1. Answer the questions. 

T: As for me, I like to eat tasty food. I like chocolate very much and also I like meat, fish, fruit and, of course, vegetables, especially cucumbers and tomatoes. But I don’t like onion and garlic.

T: What are your favourite dishes?

                                 P: My favourite dishes are pizza and varenyky.

T:  What are your favourite drinks?

                                    P: My favourite drinks are cocoa and apple juice.

T: What kind of food do you eat?

                                     P: I eat fruit, vegetables and dairy products every day.

P: I usually eat porridge, meat, soup or borsch.

T: Why must you eat vegetables and fruit?

         P: We must eat vegetables and fruit because they have got a lot of vitamins.

T: Are vitamins very important for you?

            P: Yes, vitamins are very important for our eyes, skin, bones, hair.

T: Do you always eat healthy food?

       P: I think I don’t always eat healthy food . I like pizza, cakes, sweets.

        P9: As for me, I like hotdogs, hamburgers.

T: What food do you like to eat? What food don’t you like?

       P: I like to eat meat, vegetables and fruit but I don’t like dairy products.

T: What food do you think is bad for you?

         P: To my mind, ‘fast food’ is bad for me.

T: How many meals a day have you got?

           P: I have got four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.

T:  What do you usually have for breakfast?

        P: I usually have cheese or sausage sandwiches and a cup of tea for breakfast.

T: What do you usually have for lunch?

        P: I have lunch at school. For lunch I usually have potatoes with a cutlet,      porridge with meat and a cup of tea.

T: What do you usually have for dinner?

          P: I usually have soup or borsch, potatoes or pasta, a cup of tea for dinner.

T: What do you usually have for supper?

           P: I usually have porridge with milk for supper.

T: What do you have between meals?

              P: Sometimes I have a snack: an apple or a banana

  1. Give English equivalents.

● Давай підемо в кафе.

● Я дуже голодний.

● Олег хоче пити.

● На сніданок я їм бутерброд і п'ю чашку чаю.

● Що ти звичайно їси на обід?

● Ти хотів би з'їсти яблуко?

● Англійці їдять вівсянку на сніданок.

● Мені подобається яєчня з беконом.

●Я не п'ю каву, а віддаю перевагу чаю.

● Петро завжди з'їдає велике яблуко на ланч.

●У холодильнику нема масла.

● На столі багато яблук.

● Скільки чаю твоя мама п’є на сніданок?

● Діти люблять шоколад з горішками.

● Марк не любить молочні продукти.

● Люди не можуть жити без їжі.

● Овочі та фрукти корисні,тому що в них багато вітамінів.



  1.  Choose the write variant and answer the questions.

 1). How much / many eggs can you eat for breakfast?

 2). How much / many butter can your father eat for lunch?

  3). How much / many coffee can your mother drink for supper?

  4). How much / many porridge can your brother/ sister eat for breakfast

  5). How much / many juice can you drink for dinner?

  6). How much / many sweets can you eat a day?

4. Find the pair    (слайд 3)

There are a lot of proverbs about eating in English language. Let’s revise them. 

  1. An apple a day                                      a) with eating
  2. Tastes                                                    b) is above wealth
  3. After dinner sleep a while,                    c) keeps the doctor away
  4. Appetite comes                                      d) but eat to live
  5. Don’t live to eat                                     e) differ
  6. Good health                                           f)  after supper walk a mile
  1. Relaxing.

Let’s have a rest. Stand up, please  and do our exercises.

If you like carrots – touch your nose.

If you like tomatoes – please, turn around.

If you like cucumbers – clap your hands 3 times.

If you like onions – stamp your feet 3 times.

6.   Reading. It's interesting to know what English people have for breakfast what English breakfast is.

T: Read  the text  and say what it is  about .

Full English Breakfast

In England you may have what they call “full English breakfast”. First they bring you cereal and fruit juice, then you get bacon, eggs and tomatoes. Then comes toast and marmalade. You finish your breakfast with a cup of coffee or  tea usually with milk.

In fact English people don’t have “full English breakfast”. They have just one of these things with a cup of tea or coffee. Sometimes they call it “continental breakfast”.

T: Agree or disagree with statements:

    First English people  have cereal and fruit juice for breakfast.(T)

    Then they  bring fish, chips and vegetable salad.(F)

    They finish their  breakfast with a glass of juice.(F)

    English people like drinking tea or coffee.(T)

    In fact English don’t have “full English breakfast”.(T)

    Sometimes they call breakfast “hot breakfast”. (F).

7. Riddles:

1. It’s long and green. It has a lot of water. (a cucumber)

2. It’s long and orange. Rabbits like it. (a carrot)

3. It can be with apples, cherries. We eat it for dessert ( a cake)

4. It can be black or green. We drink it after or between meal. ( tea)

5. It is white. The children like to drink it. (milk)

6. It looks like an umbrella and grows in the forest. ( mushroom)

7. It lives in the rivers, seas.(fish)

8. One word for apples, pears, lemons. ( fruit)

9. We usually cry cutting it. ( onion)

10. We make ketchup out of it. ( tomato)

11. I’m useful but stinky. (garlic)

12. What vegetable has lots of eyes but never sees? (potato)

13. It is yellow and sour. We can add it to make tea tasty. (lemon)

14. This is the most popular vegetable soup in Ukraine. (borsch)

15. I’m sweet and look like the Sun in August. (orange)

16. What kind of apple isn't an apple? (pineapple)

17. Just change two letters in lemon and you will get not a fruit but a berry.(melon)

18. What is the Italian favourite dish? (pizza)



8.  Watching a film  ( слайд 4, 5)


1). What’s the word?   

Write the word under the pictures.  

dragon          hungry           chicken           rice           noodles           sausage

meatballs         cabbage     tomato       mushrooms       beans           sweets


2). Match them up!  

Watch the story. Match the numbers and the food.  

Three                            sausages

five                                fish balls

ten                                 plates of chicken and rice

twenty                           plates of sticky rice

fifty                               plates of noodles

twelve                           cake

six                                  meatballs

one                                 puddings

3.) Make it right! Watch the story. Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct word.  

a. Deep in the mountains lived a dinosaur.              dragon         

b. He is very happy.                                                           

c. Yu, a girl for breakfast!                                                           

d. Sia took the dragon to his school.                                                           

e. He ate three plates of chicken and noodles.                                                           

f. He ate five plates of noodles and ten sandwiches.                                                           

g. The dragon ate all the mangoes and potatoes.                                                           

h.  He gave the biscuit to the dragon.     

  1.  It’s time to speak about your breakfast. Use the prompts. ( слайд 6)

I have breakfast at…

For   breakfast…

I like…, because…

I don’t like…, because…

My favourite drink is…

  1.   Writing skills. Lexical skills.

Do you know how to cook your favourite drink?

 Read and complete the recipe for tea. Write down it using the words:

boil, fill, warm, put, pour.

____ the kettle with water. ____ the water. ____ the teapot. ____ one teaspoon of tea per cup into the teapot. ____ hot water. Brew from 5 to 8 minutes.

III. Summing up

  1.     T: Now, pupils, answer the question  ( слайд 7)

“Why do the people need healthy food?”

P1: We must eat healthy food to be healthy.

P2: Healthy food is rich in vitamins.

P3: And vitamins are important for our body.

P4: Healthy food is rich in minerals.

P5: And minerals make our bones and teeth strong.

P6: Proteins help us to grow and give us energy.

P7: Water is important for our blood. 

P8: We must drink at least 5 glasses of water every day.

T: Eat healthy food and feel well.

2).  Listen to the song and put the missing words, say what food have you heard.      Tropical Paradise

3). Homework. (слайд 8)   The lesson is over.  Be Healthy!  Good-bye!


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