Урок з англійської мовиу 8 класі із застосуванням інтерактивних технологій буде корисним для формування навичок діалогічного мовлення на рівні мікродіалогу та монологічного мовлення; розвитку навичок читання та аудіювання; формування вміння опрацьовувати інформацію та подавати її в письмовому вигляді
Грем'яцька ЗОШ I-III ст.
Рівненської області
Острозького району
Урок з англійської мови
у 8 класі
із застосуванням
інтерактивних технологій
Вчитель: Івченко-Чехолка Ю.В.
Theme: A Round Ukraine Trip.
Objectives: practical: to develop pupils' speaking skills; to practise using active vocabulary on the topic; educative: to develop pupils' readiness for taking part in the process of English communication; developing: to incorporate team work; to teach pupils to express their opinions; to develop a creative way of thinking and the ability to think logically; cultural: to teach pupils to respect each other.
Interactive Activities: aquarium.
Materials: cards for assessment and self-assessment, the map of Ukraine.
I Starting The Lesson.
Greeting Motivation
T. Good morning, dear friends. I’m glad to see you.
How are you today?
Ps. We're super, thank you.
II Introducing The Theme and Expected Results.
T. Look at the blackboard. There is a poem here. Let's read it.
T. How do you understand these words?
Do you agree that Ukraine is a country of remarkable beauty? What do you think about Ukraine?
I'd like to introduce you the topic of the lesson and my
expectations from your work at this lesson.
At this lesson we'll have a discussion about a round Ukraine trip. Before the end of the lesson you'll learn to express your own opinion, give convincing arguments and discuss it in groups using active vocabulary on the topic.
III Warming-up.
T. To check your knowledge about our Motherland answer my questions:
1. Where is Ukraine situated?
2. What's its territory?
3. What countries does Ukraine border on?
4. What are the main rivers in our country?
5. What can you tell about the mountains on the territory of Ukraine?
6. Could you name some big ports in Ukraine?
T. Thank you.
IV Introducing The Necessary Information.
T. For the lesson each of you has prepared the information about the routes and plans for a round Ukraine trip. Now, we’ have a discussion where you try to present your point of view as to plans and choose the most interesting and exciting-route.
Organize into three groups for five pupils.
You'll be talking about interesting places in turn. While one group is taking part in the discussion, the rest of the class will follow it and judge it. Each group has five minutes for this work. At the end of the lesson we'll define the each group discussion's benefits.
Before starting our discussion, let's revise its rules:
V Main Part. Interactive Activities.
T. I hope, you are ready to begin our discussion. Don't forget to use phrases for communication. Think about the roles in your group.
Examples of pupils' discussion.
P1. I offer the route which starts in Kyiv, where there exist magnificent historic sites, the Museum Zoloti Vorota, the St. Sophia Cathedral Museum, the National Art Museum, the Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra and others.
P2. That's a good idea. I'd like to visit our capital. Then we'll travel by train and get to Lviv, one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine. It attracts many tourists.
P3 Perfect. I am interested in history so I agree it will be great. Travelling across Ukraine we can have an excellent opportunity to learn its history and culture, to see its ancient monuments, enjoy the architecture of Lviv.
P4 I'm afraid you are wrong. If I have a chance to go to the West of Ukraine, I'll find myself in the Carpathian Mountains and delight in their irresistible fascination. Thousands of tourists visit them to see the highest peak of the Ukrainian Carpathians, Hoverla.
P5 That's right. Some people even climb Mount Hoverla. They admire polonynas in any time of the year because they are very picturesque. From a distance the Carpathians look blue, but they change to green as you get closer. They look splendid against the blue sky.
P3 I have no doubt that the Carpathians as well as the Crimea mountains attract people not only from Ukraine but all over the world. But that's not my idea of heaven. I hate climbing.
As for me I prefer exploring the south of our native country.
What about going to the Crimea? From Lviv we'll fly by plane and we need only a few hours to reach this place.
P2 May I add? That sounds interesting. Besides, the nature of the Crimea is a real paradise. I am sure you should see this beauty with your own eyes to feel it with your whole heart. You'll be deeply impressed by the magic beauty of the Black Sea.
P1 By all means, the Crimea has much to offer and there are a lot of historic sites. It is really worth visiting.
P4 All right, your arguments are very convincing.
Does anybody want to add anything?
Then I can make a conclusion that the best route is Kyiv-Lviv-the Crimea.
Who wants to read the advantages of it?
Listen to his very attentively and be ready to present your point of view.
P5 (reads the advantages of it)
P1 We are ready to present the results of our discussion. P3 is our reporter.
P3 During our discussion we talked about the best round Ukraine trip. But in the end of it we could come to a common point of view that the best route is Kyiv-Lviv-the Crimea. We can name such arguments:
Thank you for your attention.
T. Well done. Now it's a turn of the second group.
The second group discusses the best route.
T. These are the results of the second group. Now let's listen to the third group.
T. The third group discusses the best route.
Thank you. Tastes differ. Each route is interesting. It depends on a person's wishes what places to choose.
VI Summing-up. Reflection.
T. Now, you can give your opinion as to the behavior of the members of each group.
Suggestions of the pupils.
P6 I think that all the members of the first group were rather active during the discussion. They tried to present their points of view and offered convincing arguments.
P7 In my opinion P4 could find more arguments to convince others.
P8 I liked that all the members followed the rules of the discussion. They were open to new ideas, respect other members' opinions and didn't interrupt each other.
T. So, we can make a conclusion that all the groups followed the rules of the discussions in a whole and were able to come to a common idea.
Now let you appraise your skills of working in groups by yourselves. I'll give you the self-assessments cards. Put your mark according to your points.
Total score – 12.
Self-assessment of working in a group.
Name. Surname.
Put from 0 to 2 points for each statement.
Indicators |
0 |
1 |
2 |
You've taken an active part in the group work |
You've submitted the proposals that were taken into account |
You've helped and encouraged the members of your group |
You've offered a fully new idea which others liked very much |
You've drawn a general conclusion successfully and helped the matter forward |
You've reported the results of your group's work to the class |
VII Evaluation.
T. So our lesson is coming to an end. Thank you very much for your work, enthusiasm and original ideas. The most of you were at the top. Some of you had a few mistakes. But it's better to make mistakes than to say nothing. You marks are the total marks according to your opinion, your leader's opinion and my mark. Let's fill in this form.
Assessment card
Name, surname |
Marks |
Self-assess- ment |
Leader's assess- ment |
Teacher's assess- ment |
Total assess- ment |
VIII Homework.
T. Your home task is to write your impression on the lesson.
The lesson is over. Good-bye.