Урок-подорож з англійської мови "Tea ceremonies around the world"

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Урок з англійської мови у 5 класі на тему «Чайні церемонії різних країн світу»

Мета уроку: Навчати учнів використовувати вивчену  лексику  в різних ситуаціях; навчити учнів робити усне повідомлення за темою; розвивати навички усного мовлення, сприяти виробленню комунікативної компетенції; виховувати зацікавленість життям людей в інших країнах; виховувати почуття поваги до інших культур.

Обладнання: відео «Japanese tea ceremony», «Ice tea commercial», інгредієнти для чайних наборів, картки з написами країн, мультимедійна презентація.

Хід уроку

1. Початок уроку. Уведення до мовленнєвого середовища.

- Good afternoon, children! I am glad to see you! How are you today? I am fine too, thank you. Today we are having a very unusual lesson. Are you excited? So, let’s begin!

2. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

- The topic of today’s lesson is “Tea ceremonies around the world”. Before we start, please, pay your attention to the board. Firstly, let’s look through the vocabulary that will help us understand the topic better.




Beverage – drink

Stir – mix

Heated – hot

Kettle – teapot

Boil – heat

Exhausted – tired

Spice – приправа

Add – put in


Nutmeg – мускатний горіх




- As you know, tea is the most popular beverage in the world. People around the world drink it on different occasion. This famous saying definitely proves it

(Слайд 1).






- Look at the map of the world (Слайд 3). Pink and purple show the countries that drink tea the most. Can you name them?

Students’ answers – Russia, Turkey, Britain, France, China…

3. Основна частина уроку.

- As you see, Asian people like tea the most so we are going to start our journey from Asia. Take a look at the picture and tell me what country we are going to talk about first (Слайд 4).

Students answers.

You are right! It’s China. One of the students has prepared a short report about the tea ceremony in China. After listening, answer this question: What kind of tea is Chinese people’s favourite?(Слайд 5-6)

Student’s report.

- Our next stop is Japan. Now, we are going to watch a video about the Japanese tea ceremony. After watching, name 5 main steps of the process (Слайд 7-8)

Ss answers: 1. Clean the spoon.

                   2. Add some tea called Matcha.

                   3. Pour in some hot water.

                   4. Stir with a whisk.

                   5. Take the cup and spin it three times.

- The last Asian country that we are going to visit today is Thailand (Слайд 9)Look at the list of ingredients that Thai people add to their tea. Your task is to name one odd ingredient. Let’s all listen carefully to the student’s report and complete the task after it.

Student’s report.

- Time to visit another continent and it is Africa! (Слайд 10).The only African country we are going to talk about is Morocco. Take a look at these two pictures that show certain tea traditions. After the student’s report, we must decide which picture shows a special feature of Moroccan tea ceremony (Слайд 11).

(Moroccan people like to make “a long” tea)

- Right now, fasten your seat belt and let’s fly to the USA! (Слайд 12)American tea tradition is also very special. You will watch a commercial that is rolling right now in the USA. Answer the questions: (Слайд 13)

  • Do Americans drink hot or cold tea?
  • Do they add any taste to it?

Ss answers.

- Our final destination is Europe and the first stop is France (Слайд 14). Listen to the report and point out the main ingredients of the French tea. (Student’s report) Your task is to match the pictures with the names of the ingredients (Слайд 15).

- As you know, the United Kingdom has a long and rich history of drinking tea and their tradition called “Five o’clock tea” is famous around the world. Let’s listen to another report and find out about another unique features of the British tea ceremony (Слайд 16).

Student’s report.

4. Заключна частина уроку

- In about half an hour we have visited many countries around the world and learnt about their customs and traditions. To sum up, let’s complete the last task of the lesson. On the table you can see three tea sets. You need to name all the ingredients and decide which country each tea set belongs to (Слайд 17)

Ss answers:

Tea Set 1 (the UK)

- a cup, a napkin, black tea, milk, sugar.

Tea Set 2 (France)

- a cup, black tea, some nutmeg, orange juice, sugar, lemon peel.

Tea Set 3 (Russia)

- a cup, samovar, black tea, lemon, honey, jam.

Now it is Tea Time! You have a chance to try a cup of tea from one of these countries – Russia, France or Britain. Enjoy! (Слайд 18).





27 травня 2019
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