Урок "Портретна вікторина "Відомі американці періоду 15-18 століть"

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Повторення імен ключових постатей в американській історії та їхніх досягнень. Розвиток уміння висловити та обґрунтувати свою думку та погодитись чи не погодитись з думкою інших в належний спосіб.

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Portrait Quiz

Мета навчальна: повторити головні факти події, що було вивчено за перший семестр (межа тем – рабовласництво та війна за незалежність); сприяти збагаченню загальної ерудиції учнів; розвивати творче мислення.

Мета практична: сприяти формуванню хорошого лексичного запасу учнів; розвивати навички усного мовлення; створити умови для мовної практики; сприяти зацікавленню та мотивації до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: мультимедійний комплекс  чи кольорові портрети на магнітній дошці.

This quiz is made up to be hold at the end of the 1st term. It can be a part of the Term Review Lesson or a Separate lesson.

  1. You are going to be shown seven portraits. Your task is to decide which of the people in the portraits weren’t American Presidents. You are expected to give your reasons why.
  1. Before you start, let’s remember how to express opinions appropriately (what to start with); how to agree/disagree

Ps. I think ( I don’t think …                                  I agree….

       I’m sure (I’m not sure …                               I disagree…

       It seems to me, that …                                   Absolutely!

       It’s quite likely, that …

       To my mind, …

T.  That’s right. Well done. And one more thing before you start. Just to help you a bit. What details in the portraits should you take into consideration?

               Ps: - the hairstyle

                     - the clothes

                    -  the pieces of furniture      

                    - some things/details around the person.

                    - the activity

                    - other things        

R.: OK, now you are ready to start. The pupils are shown 7 portraits. Three of them of them weren’t American President.

The pupils start producing ideas/opinions like: “I think the man in pic. 2 wasn`t the president. His hairstyle wasn`t typical for such an official”; or “I`m sure the man in pic. 6 couldn`t be the president, his clothes obviously belong to very old times, long before the USA”; “It’s quite likely, that the man in pic. 1 belongs to American presidents, the style of portraying, his clothes, his hairstyle – these all point to that fact”; and another predicted opinion “In pic. 4, on the table, we can see an object which, to my mind, tells us about the man`s activity – something like engineering, not running the country”.  

II. After the student have chosen the three right portraits:

T: Now, your task is to identify people in both groups. Of course, you will be asked to give some explanation.

To succeed in this task the teacher has to give more details to the students:

  • the man from pic.4 was very successful at the beginning of the 19th century, he was extremely intelligent and smart in designing things.
  • the man from pic.2 belongs to the very end of the first half of the 19th century, gold played an important in the change of his life.


  • the man from pic.6 will be mentioned for sure when speaking about American history.


Think of their       -life activity/position


One of the reasons that pupils give is “His clothes is too old-fashioned – he`s Christopher Columbus, absolutely! He was an explorer. He discovered America”. 


The students easily manage to do the quiz! They really succeed!

T.: Thank you. You’ve been brilliant.


The names of the people in the quiz are shown after the pupils have guessed.












4 грудня 2018
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