Урок-презентація «Food. Healthy Еating»

Про матеріал


*активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць теми в діалогічному та монологічному мовленні;

*розвивати навички аудіювання;

*продовжувати вдосконалювати техніку читання;

*практикувати учнів у письмі;

*навчати учнів висловлювати й аргументувати власну думку;

*розвивати пам'ять, мислення, творчу уяву;

*спонукати учнів до розв'язання поставлених навчальних завдань, створюючи ситуації з реального життя;

*ознайомити учнів з новими ідіоматичними виразами та прислів'ями про їжу та здорове харчування;

*виховувати чуття мови, вміння слухати один одного, повагу до думки інших.

Перегляд файлу














Healthy Еating»












       Підготувала   Русило Н.А.






Тема   Їжа. Здорове харчування. (Food. Healthy Eating)




  • активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць теми в діалогічному та монологічному мовленні;
  • розвивати навички аудіювання;
  • продовжувати вдосконалювати техніку читання;
  • практикувати учнів у письмі;
  • навчати учнів висловлювати й аргументувати власну думку;
  • розвивати пам’ять, мислення, творчу уяву;
  • спонукати учнів до розв’язання поставлених навчальних завдань, створюючи ситуації з реального життя;
  • ознайомити учнів з новими ідіоматичними виразами та прислів’ями про їжу та здорове харчування;
  • виховувати  чуття мови, вміння слухати один одного, повагу до думки інших.



  • підручник,
  • зошит,
  • мультимедійна презентація «Healthy Eating»,
  • мультимедійна презентація «My Pyramid: Steps to a Healthier You»,
  • магнітофон,
  • пісня «Sugar …»,
  • карточки з завданнями,
  • виставка творчих робіт учнів,
  • постери про здорове харчування,
  • приказки та прислів’я.






Хід  уроку

1. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

  T:  Good morning, children! How are you today? I am happy that you are fine. I hope that you’ll do your best today. Now, look at each other, give each other a nice smile and let’s start our lesson.

Today we’ll speak about food and healthy eating. You’ll speak about food groups and learn how the food pyramid can help you to plan your healthy eating. The main question of our lesson is What Food groups are the most important for a healthy diet? I hope, that at the end of our lesson you’ll be able to answer this question.

Today you’ll practice all your skills, we’ll do a lot of different activities. We’ll even visit a café.


2.  Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.


T: We’ll begin with the game “Name 5”

  • name five red fruits;
  • name five yellow fruits;
  • name five green fruits;
  • name five dishes made of meat;
  • name five products made of milk;
  • name five ways of cooking;
  • name five ways of preparation dishes;

T: Now, look here I have a basket of different fruits. They are all tasty and delicious. Look at my hand I have an apple. It is sweety.

Say the word “sweety” increasing your voice.

(This orange is juisy.           This peach is jummy.)


T: Say it in a happy voice.

This lemon is sour.

T: Say it in a sad voice.

T: I see that your vocabulary is good.


М/З  T →  Cl

T: And now let’s speak a bit about food and food groups.

  • Are you a good or a poor eating?
  • Do you keep to a balanced diet?
  • What does a balanced diet consist of? 

T: Now, look at the board. You know that food can be divided into groups.

  • How do we call these groups?
  • How many food groups do you know?

T: You are right. All these groups give us a lot of vitamins, minerals and other thing to live.

Now, tell us what the first group gives our body.

T: I will show you the names of foods and you need to pict which one does not belong to this group. Look at the board.



3.  Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T:  For today you were to retell the text. I hope, that all of you are ready with your hometask. So, let’s check up it. Who wants to be the first? (2-3 учні)


4. Подання нового матеріалу.

T: And now ley’s speak your eating habits. To start …

You’ll do a short quiz.

You are to answer 10 questions. If you do this put +, if you don’t do this put -.

T: You have 2 minutes to do this.

T: Are you ready? Your time is out.

Now count your +s  and –s.

How many +s have you got?

T: Now, you see that some of you keep to a balanced died and some of you don’t.

T: Do you think about what you are putting into your body?

Many teenagess nowdays don’t eat healthy food. You should take more care about what you are eating. You should change your eating habits.

T: In order to stay healthy you should eat more of certain products and less of others. The Food Pyramid can be your guide to your healthy eating. Be very attentive, after the presentation you will answer some guest. While building your Food Pyramid you should pay attention to the most important components.

They are:    activity



proportionality – of the right size


gradual improvement

T: Here you have recommendations how to build your own Food Pyramid. I want you to help me, read the recommendations in chain.

Do you understand how to build the Food Pyramid. Now, listen to some sentences and say Yes if it is true and No if it is false.

1. Everybody must take multi vitamins every day.

2. You can eat as many fruit and vegetables as you want.

3. The Food Pyramid shows a balanced diet.

4. Fizzy drinks are good for you.

5. Healthy food includes fresh fruit and vegetables.

6. People must eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrient they need.


 5. Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення.

T: We have spoken much about food. It seems to me that you want to eat something tasty.

So, let’s go to the café fire teens. It was opened last week.

Pasha, the manager of the café, will make the presentation of this café, and we will be serverd by the waiters of this café.


P1 – Pasha    P1

P1 → P2  P3   P1 ↔ P2  P3,     P4 – P5  P6

T: Imagine, that you have eaten your tasty dishes and drunk your fantastic drinks. Pasha, ask your guests whether they like your café.


6. Практикування в аудіюванні.

T: And now, some minutes of relaxation. You will listen to the song. Be very attentive, you’ll listen to the song only one time. While listening write down all the words which belong to our topic.

How many words have you written?

Do you like this song?

7. Робота в групах.

T: You see that our classroom is decorated with different guatations about food and healthy eating.

There are a lot of idiomatic expressions and proverbs about food.


1)  T: Now, your task is to match the idioms with their definitions. And you are to complete the sentences with the right idioms.



2) T: Make the proverbs complete. Read the proverbs.



8.  Підсумок  уроку.

T: Let’s sum up our lesson and do it in a form of a poem which is called “Cinguan”


1 line:  Theme (the main word of our topic)

2 line:  two adjectives

3 line:  3 verbs, actions of the main word

4 line:  a sentence (a guatation on the topic)

5 line:  synonym \ antonym of the main word.



Glorious, tasty

To cook, to buy, to like

We are what we eat.



T:  Thank you for the lesson.











До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 березня 2018
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