Урок – рольова гра «Професія журналіста – чим вона цікава»

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Урок – рольова гра «Професія журналіста – чим вона цікава»


Навчальна: розвиток комунікативної компетенції; закріплення мовних навичок та умінь ; знайомство учнів з особливостями професії журналіста та сфери кіно.

Розвивальна: сприяти формуванню навчального співробітництва та партнерства; розвивати прагнення здобувача освіти до активної пізнавальної діяльності; розвиток пам’яті, уяви, спостережливості, впевненості в своїх здібностях, мотивувати до вивчення іноземної мови.

Виховна: виховання  дисципліновасті, поваги до професії та журналістів зокрема.

Хід уроку:

Вступна частина

 Мозковий штурм

- Who makes TV production crew members? Have you ever thought how many people are involved to make a television crew? Well the list might surprise you.

TV production


-What do their jobs involve?

1)Scriptwriter – develops the idea or a concept for the programme.

2) Production manager – manages the budget of the TV product.

3)Producer – the person who makes practical arrangements needed to  make a film or TV programme.

4)Director – a person who supervises the actor and other staff in a film or a play.

5) Location manager – a person responsible for finding suitable locations for the production of the film or programme.

6) Lighting manager – is responsible for the colours, lighting and effects of the image.

7) Cameraman – a person, who operates a film or television camera.

8) Technical producer is responsible for recording equipment.

-Look at the pictures. What kind of show do they illustrate?

1) Political talk show -PBS News Hour

2)Chat show – Ellen Show

3) Game show – The Tonight Show

Повідомлення завдань уроку

In today’s lesson you are supposed to be creative and interested in being part of the TV programme.

You got an assignment to work in small groups and create your own content- a short political interview, a short chat show with a celebrity and a game show.

Основна частина

  • Watch a short episode and think what qualities are needed to become a successful  news presenter (Video 1)
  • Confidence, interviewing skills, interpersonal skills, strong knowledge of current affairs.
  • Let’s watch our own news presenter Solomia who will be interviewing a famous political leader.
  • Judy Woodruff: Mr. President, thank you very much for talking with us.
  • President Biden: Happy to be here.
  • Judy Woodruff: Let me ask you first about  a talk you gave to a group of union members.
  • When you think about  $1,000,000,000,000

How do you see that making a difference?

  • President Biden: It's going to make a significant difference.

-Watch another episode and point out the qualities to be a chat show host (Video2)

-Passionate, artistic, determined, have good communication skills, have leadership skills

       - Ellen: Our first guest is one of the biggest movie

         stars in the world.

         Please welcome Will Smith.

       -Will Smiths: Thank you very much, everyone.

        We'll take a quick commercial break, and--

         hi, Will…

-Do you like game shows or entertainment show? What game shows do you know?

Let’s watch one . What qualities are needed to become a host of this kind of show?

(Video 3)

-Happy, energetic, confident, creative, acting ability, talent and style, good memory.


-Jimmy Fallon : We're gonna have

a number of mystery objects brought out in front of us,

and our job is to guess what each one is.

The catch is that we have to figure it out by touch alone.

We can never see what's in the box.

Complete the dialogues. Use one word in each gap. The first letter of each word is given.

Dialogue 1

Peter Hi, Ali. Have you heard about Sebastian? He got A grades in all his exams.

Ali No, 1r          ? I don’t 2b           it! That’s 3i          ! He never does any work.

Peter Well, it’s true. And it gets 4b          . They’re going to give him the History prize.

Ali 5I           that!


Dialogue 2

Kate Guess what! Mrs Spencer was on the TV news last night.

Judy 6N                 , really? You mean Mrs Spencer the Science teacher? You’re 7j                 !

Kate No, it’s 8t                 . She won a million pounds in the lottery.

Judy That’s 9s                 .

Kate Why do you say that?

Judy Well, I saw her this morning, and she’s still driving her old car.

Kate I 10d                 believe it!


Complete the dialogues. Use one word in each gap. The first letter of each word is given.

Dialogue 1

Diane Guess what! Jane is going to California!

Leila No, 1r                  ? You’re 2j                 !

Diane No, I’m not. Her mum got a very good job there.

Leila That’s 3i                  ! I don’t 4b                 it!

Diane It 5g                  better. Jane doesn’t want to go.

Leila Imagine 6t                 . Why not?

Diane She says she’s going to miss her friends in England.


Dialogue 2

John Did you hear the news last night?

Kevin No, I didn’t. 

John That’s 7s                  . You always listen to the news!

Kevin I was at the cinema.

John Well, a lion escaped from the zoo.

Kevin I 8d                  believe it!

John It’s 9t                 . A lot of people have seen it. One woman saw it outside the supermarket last night.

Kevin 10N                 , really?

John Yes, but they haven’t caught it yet.


Підведення підсумків

In this lesson you’ve tried different occupations. And you’ve been very successful journalists, politicians, chat show hosts, celebrities, cameramen. Thank you for your sense of humor, creativity and willingness to work in team.



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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
11 червня 2023
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