Розвиток навичок критичного мислення на уроках англійської мови
Тема уроку: «Більше - це краще?»
9 клас (поглиблене вивчення іноземної мови)
Цілі уроку: Розвиток навичок критичного мислення завдяки дискусії та аналізу заданої теми. Використання етапів актуалізації , побудови знань та консолідації завдяки обміну думками, виявлення особистого ставлення та інтерпретування визначеної ідеї.
Хід уроку
Warm – up:
1.What is the title of the lesson? What do you think it means?
2. Look at the photo. Would you like to live in this place? Why? Or why not?
3. Do you think that having more choices is always a good thing? Give examples.
New vocabulary:
Guess the meaning of the words in bold. Give definition an use in your own sentences.
Communication: (use new vocabulary):
----Do you know what A Paradox mean? (A paradox is a statement that seems impossible or untrue because it says two opposite things). The topic of our today’s discussion is a paradox. The less the more!!!
Analyze :
The title of the lesson is also a rhetorical question. The question is to signal a central idea, to engage you and to interact with you.
Now we work in groups. Each group should invent your own rhetorical question on the topic.
Invent and interpret a graph. The more choices you have the happier you are or not? Does your level of happiness increase or decrease?
Happiness |
Think critically:
Synthesize and reflect.
Work in groups and give a short presentation about the topic . Less is more. Is having lots of choices or a lot of stuff always a good thing? Include the following parts in your presentation