Урок "Some famous landmarks of London"

Про матеріал
Урок з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу за підручником О.Карп'юк стор. 155-157. До уроку додається презентація, роздатковий матеріал, посилання на відео і тест на сайті "на урок" для домашнього завдання
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Aim:  to revise and enrich students’ vocabulary on the topic “Places of interest”

to provide opportunities for developing speaking, reading and listening skills  

to develop students’ independent thinking and creative abilities,

to develop students’ cognitive and creative skills

to bring up students to respect each other points of view and to cultivate interest in expanding  their knowledge



Equipment: textbook O.Karpiuk 7,  “stars” for students’ evaluation, presentation with the sights of London, video Tower of London (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbQqAP4O7ew), “bus passes” with the tasks for checking reading and listening comprehension, the text for listening (tape-recording for the textbook by Oksana Karpiuk ‘English 7’ p 172), stripes with the description of different places of interest in London, on-line test for homework (site ‘на урок’ the test ‘Some famous landmarks of London’).



1 Greeting and introduction to the topic.

Today we’re going to take a tour about the capital of the UK - London. We will work individually and in pairs and you will get a ‘star’ for your every right answer. Everybody who will get    or more cards with a ‘star’ by the end of the lesson will get a ‘10’. So, be active!


2. Warm –up (Speaking)

 1 Quiz

London is a very big city, so we’ll be really tired if we travel on foot. There are a lot of means of transport in London so I suggest choosing a kind of transport. What kind of transport would you like to take? (possible answers: a bus, a car, a taxi, the underground…) Some popular kinds of transport in London are very specific. Do you remember the names of them? Look at the screen and name the type of transport in it and get a ‘star’.


Slide #2 – London cab. (Londoners usually call their taxi ‘cab’. It is usually black and has unusual form. It is rather quick and comfortable but it is quite expensive. So tourists seldom use it.)


Slide #3 – It is London underground. Londoners call it the Tube. It is the oldest underground in the world. However, there are a lot of people there and somebody can get lost.


Slide #4 – This is a famous double-decker, the most popular kind of transport with tourists. It is rather cheap and comfortable. Do you agree that it is the best kind of transport for us? Yes. But first of all you must buy a bus pass. Today you needn’t money for it. All you need is to answer my questions and collect 2 or more ‘stars’ to buy a bus pass for your sightseeing tour.


3. Checking listening comprehension.

1. What is the other name for the London taxi? (the underground, the tourists bus?)

2. What is the most expensive way to travel about London? (the cheapest way, the most comfortable way?)

3. What  kind of transport in London is usually black? (red? the oldest?)


4. Checking-up homework

I see that some of you have already 2 or more stars. But we can’t leave our other friends at the bus station. If you want to join us and get a ‘star’ too, give me the translations of the words from your homework.

(the teacher tells the words to the pupils and gives ‘stars’ for right answers. The words had been given to the pupils beforehand:

Medieval, cathedral, dome, roof, whisper, side, acoustics, huge, government, elections, make laws, heating, wobbly, movement, destroy, crown jewels, architect.)

(The teacher takes 2 ‘stars’ from each student as a ‘fee’ and distributes sheets of papers with the picture of a ‘bus pass’. There is a number of the seat on each bus pass and then the teacher offers the students to take the seats in the imaginary bus. The students take their seats and then work in pairs)


5. Reading (slide #5)

Look at the other side of your bus pass. There are some tasks for each pair. Read them. During the lesson each pair can work together to do the task and get some more ‘stars’. If the task is difficult for the students, the other students can help them.

Now sit down comfortably and let’s start our tour. Our first stop is St. Paul’s Cathedral. Look at the picture on the screen. It is a very beautiful church. Let’s learn more about it. And the information for our passengers on seats #1a and #1b. The first task is for you. Open your books on page 155 and let’s read the text.

(One of the students reads the text and then the first pair of students does the task and gets ‘stars’.)

The task: Correct the sentences

1. St. Paul’s Cathedral is a new building

2. It took Sir Christopher Wren 25 years to build it.

3. The cathedral has a square roof

4. Whispering Gallery has got a lot of pictures.


6. Listening. (slide #6)

Our next stop is in front of Buckingham Palace. Look at the screen. This is the house where the British Queen lives in London. The house is very big. There are 775 rooms in it.  There is also a cinema, a post office, a police station, a picture gallery and a swimming pool there. When the Queen is at home, you can see a flag on the roof of the palace. In front of the palace you can see the guardsmen. They are in red uniforms and black caps. At 11 o’clock in the morning a lot of tourists come to the palace to take photos of the palace and the guardsmen.

Attention. The task for the next pair of the passengers. Listen to them and be ready to help in need.

Complete the sentences.

1. Buckingham Palace is the London home for the British…

2. There are 775 … in the palace.

3. On the top of the palace you can see a …

4. Every morning tourists can take photos of …


7. Reading. (slide #7)

In the next picture you can see the Houses of Parliament. Let’s read a little about this very interesting place. (One of the students reads the text on page 156)

The task to the text

Answer the questions:

1. Who are called MPs?

2. How often do elections take place?

3. What is the task of the Parliament?

4. What is the name of the bell inside the Clock Tower?


8. Watching the video (Tower of London   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbQqAP4O7ew )

The teacher’s story to the video.

Now we are going across the Tower Bridge to the famous Tower of London. All tourists like to visit different museums and watch historical things. Just now we are approaching to a very big and famous museum in London. It is called the Tower of London. It is big, high and very old. It is about 1000 years old. Many years ago it was a fortress, then a palace, a zoo but now it is a museum where you can see a lot of historical things. The walls of the building are about 30 meters high and about 4,5 meters thick. The British Queen keeps there the crown jewels because it is a really safe place. The museum is very popular and about 8000 tourists visit the Tower of London every day.

               Slide #8  Match the halves of the sentences:

1. The Tower of London

2. The Queen keeps the

3. In the Tower of London you can see

4. The walls of the Tower are 

a. different historical things

b. is about 1000 years old.

c. crown jewels there

d. about 30 meters high


9. Reading. (slide #9)

There are a lot of bridges in London. Everybody knows about the Tower Bridge. But there are about 30 other bridges in London. Most of them are rather old but there is one of them which is the newest. It is called the Millennium Bridge. Let’s read some more about it on page 157.

                    The task for the next pair:

Choose the right option:

1. The Millennium Bridge was first open in 2000/ 2002.

2. It is 144 meters long/ wide.

3. Wobbly Bridge is the official name/ the nickname of the bridge.

4. People call the bridge ‘Wobbly’ because people felt a gentle problem/ movement under their feet.


10.  Reading (slide #10)

Another place of interest in London is a very modern and unusual building which is called the Gherkin. You can see the photo in the textbook and on the screen. You have a few minutes to read the text for yourselves and complete the sentences with the missing words. You can see the task on the screen.

                The task for the text:

Complete the sentences:

1. The Gherkin is a … building.

2. Norman Foster, who designed the Gherkin, is a famous …

3. The Gherkin looks like a …

4. It has such an unusual form in order to save …

Architect, energy, rocket, high-rise.


10. Listening. Slide #11

There are other modern sights in London. One of them is the famous London Eye. You can see the photo of it on page 172. In a minute you will listen to the dialogue about this sight. There is a task for all of you. Read the sentences of ex 2 and after the listening you should choose the right option to complete the sentences.

(after listening any student can give the right answer and get an additional ‘star’ or you can print additional bus passes with the tasks for the text)


11. Summarizing. Slide #12

a) The teacher asks the students to read correctly the names of the places in the photos.

b) The teacher has some strips of paper with the information about different sights facing down.  The teacher asks different students to choose any strip, read the text, tell the name of the place and get a ‘star’ for the right answer.

It is the palace where the British Queen lives

This place is 135 meters high

It looks like a rocket

It is a very big and beautiful church

It is a museum now

It has a very good acoustics

It is built over the river Thames

It is the place where MPs make laws

It is inside the Clock Tower

It is has capsules

It was built by Norman Foster

It is the home of the British government

The Whispering Gallery is inside it

Its nickname is ‘Wobbly Bridge’

It took 35 years to built it

It is the place where the Queen keeps the crown jewels


12. Homework.

You all have worked hard. If you are sure that you can give the right answers and name correctly all the places, which we talked about during the lesson, you can use your smart phones at home and get one more excellent mark. Log on to the website join.naurok.ua, key in the code … and your name and do the test.

If you are not sure that you have understood everything correctly during the lesson, you can read the texts on p 155-157 at home once again and do ex 2 on page 157.  And then you will surely get a good mark too.  


13. Evaluation.

Now the lesson is over. I want to thank everybody for your reading, speaking, listening and taking active part in the lesson. Count your ‘stars’ and now I’ll come to everybody and give a mark. If you don’t have enough ‘stars’, don’t be sad.  Choose the homework you like and you will get a good mark too. Thanks everybody for the lesson.



main-bus-pass-375×400 – Mason Transit




1 A

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1 B

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2 A

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2 B

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3 A

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3 B

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4 A

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4 B

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5 A

main-bus-pass-375×400 – Mason Transit



5 B

main-bus-pass-375×400 – Mason Transit



6 A

main-bus-pass-375×400 – Mason Transit



6 B

Вправи для виконання учнями під час уроку (друкуються на зворотному боці «квитків»)

                      Correct the sentences

1. St. Paul’s Cathedral is a new building

2. It took Sir Christopher Wren 25 years to build it.

3. The cathedral has a square roof

4. Whispering Gallery has got a lot of pictures.

                    Correct the sentences

1. St. Paul’s Cathedral is a new building

2. It took Sir Christopher Wren 25 years to build it.

3. The cathedral has a square roof

4. Whispering Gallery has got a lot of pictures.

Complete the sentences.

1. Buckingham Palace is the London home for the British…

2. There are 775 … in the palace.

3. On the top of the palace you can see a …

4. Every morning tourists can take photos of …


Complete the sentences.

1. Buckingham Palace is the London home for the British…

2. There are 775 … in the palace.

3. On the top of the palace you can see a …

4. Every morning tourists can take photos of …


Answer the questions:

1. Who are called MPs?

2. How often do elections take place?

3. What is the task of the Parliament?

4. What is the name of the bell inside the Clock Tower?


Answer the questions:

1. Who are called MPs?

2. How often do elections take place?

3. What is the task of the Parliament?

4. What is the name of the bell inside the Clock Tower?


Match the halves of the sentences:

1. The Tower of London

2. The Queen keeps the

3. In the Tower of London you can see

4. The walls of the Tower are 

a. different historical things

b. is about 1000 years old.

c. crown jewels there

d. about 30 meters high

Match the halves of the sentences:

1. The Tower of London

2. The Queen keeps the

3. In the Tower of London you can see

4. The walls of the Tower are 

a. different historical things

b. is about 1000 years old.

c. crown jewels there

d. about 30 meters high

Choose the right option:

1. The Millennium Bridge was first open in 2000/ 2002.

2. It is 144 meters long/ wide.

3. Wobbly Bridge is the official name/ the nickname of the bridge.

4. People call the bridge ‘Wobbly’ because people felt a gentle problem/ movement under their feet.

Choose the right option:

1. The Millennium Bridge was first open in 2000/ 2002.

2. It is 144 meters long/ wide.

3. Wobbly Bridge is the official name/ the nickname of the bridge.

4. People call the bridge ‘Wobbly’ because people felt a gentle problem/ movement under their feet.

Complete the sentences:

1. The Gherkin is a … building.

2. Norman Foster, who designed the Gherkin, is a famous …

3. The Gherkin looks like a …

4. It has such an unusual form in order to save …

Architect, energy, rocket, high-rise.


Complete the sentences:

1. The Gherkin is a … building.

2. Norman Foster, who designed the Gherkin, is a famous …

3. The Gherkin looks like a …

4. It has such an unusual form in order to save …

Architect, energy, rocket, high-rise.





Презентація до уроку

Best taxi apps: Getting you a cab in London - Pocket-lint

Tube Love: Top 10 Things I Love About the London Underground - Londontopia

Сборная модель London Bus Revell 1/24: 3 200 грн. - Колекціонування Львів  на Olx





“Stars” for right answers.

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