Урок "Спорт. Види спорту" 7 клас

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Урок "Спорт. Види спорту" допоможе вчителю провести цікаве заняття з учнями 7 класу за темою "Спорт", сприяє розвитку навичок читання, аудіювання, говоріння та письма, допоможе дітям навчитися вживати відповідні дієслова з різними видами спорту
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Topic: Sports

Topic of the lesson: Sports. Kinds of Sports


  • to revise and enrich students' vocabulary on the topic;
  • to develop students' listening, reading, speaking and writing skills;
  • to practise group work;
  • to motivate students to communicate with each other;
  • to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: a computer, a multimedia projector, a CD player, a CD, HO (a text for reading).



   1. Greeting

   T: Good morning, my dear students.

   Cl: Good morning, our teacher.

   T: How are you today?

   Cl: We are fine. Thank you. And what about you?

   T: I’m nice. Thanks a lot. I’m glad to hear you are ok. I see you are in a good mood, full of energy and ready for the lesson.

   2. Warming-up

  T: Please, open your copybooks and write down today’s date. I would like you to write an old Latin saying by letters: A sound mind in a sound body. (One student is writing on the board.)

  T: Let’s translate it: У здоровому тілі – здоровий дух.

       How do you understand this proverb?

Possible answers:

S1: I can say we have to do morning exercises to be strong and healthy.

S2: I agree with this proverb. I think, everyone must do all he can to be healthy.

S3: To my mind, physically inactive people get old earlier than those who have plenty of exercises.

T: You are right. I can add that being in good health means having both body and mind in good working order, free from disease and pain. So, what is the topic of our lesson? Try to guess it.

S4: The topic of the lesson is “Sports”.

T: You right are. It’s true, today we will talk about different kinds of sport. (Slide 1) You will develop your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills through various creative activities.



    1. Revising vocabulary on the topic

   T: There are lots of different kinds of sports and games. What are they? Please, look at the photos and name the kinds of sports (Slides 2-26)

(Photos: basketball, volleyball, hockey, cricket, handball, football, tennis, golf, rugby, badminton, baseball, darts, chess, draughts, horse-racing, boat-racing, motor-racing, boxing, running, cycling, jumping, swimming, gymnastics, figure-skating, karate.)

    2. Listening

   T: Listen to the descriptions of the sports and try to guess what kind of sport it is.

  1. It is a very popular game in England and in Ukraine. The players kick the ball with their feet. The game lasts for 90 minutes and has two halves. The players try to score a goal. (Football)
  2. This game is played everywhere – in Ukraine and in other countries too. It was first played in the USA. Each of the two teams has five players. They bounce the ball on the floor up and down with one hand. They try to throw the ball into the basket. (Basketball)
  3. It is a team game. Both men and women can play it. The players have a ball. They play the ball with their hands. There are six players in every team. (Volleyball)
  4. It is a game of two players. Each player starts with sixteen different playing pieces. They move the playing pieces on a board. The aim of the game is taking your opponent's king. (Chess)
  5. It is a very beautiful kind of sport. It gives the sportsmen strength, rhythm and grace. The sportsmen do some exercises and dance to music on the ice. The dancers have very nice costumes on. (Figure – skating)

3. Vocabulary practice

   1)T:  While speaking about sports we use different verbs. Listen, please, when  we use play, go or do (Slide 27)

     T:  We use PLAY if we speak about ball games, team or board sports   (Slide 28)     (e.g. I play football / handball / chess)

    T:  We use GO when we speak about sports ending in –ing.

          (e.g. I go swimming / running / jumping) (Slide 29)

    T:  We use DO when we speak about individual sports and martial arts (бойові види спорту).     (e.g. I do athletics / karate) (Slide 30)

  2) T: Complete the sentences using do, play or go. (Slide 31)

1. In winter we ________ skiing.

2. On Sundays my brothers ________ football.

3. My father and mother _________ golf at the weekend.

 4. My mother and I ___________ aerobics every week.

5. I _______ gymnastics on Saturdays.

6. In summer we ________ tennis and ________ swimming.

7. Every morning I _________ jogging.

 Key: 1-go, 2-play, 3-play, 4-do, 5-do, 6-play, go, 7- go.


4. Writing

T: What sport can we… (Slide 32) Write your answers, please.

     PLAY?                                  tennis                                     karate

DO?                                       aerobics                                 gymnastics

     GO?                                       basketball                              boxing

                                                    judo                                       swimming

                                                    football                                 athletics                                    

                                                    skating                                  handball

T:  Check yourselves (Slide 33)

GO – skating, swimming;

PLAY –tennis, football, handball, basketball;

DO – aerobics, judo, karate, gymnastics, boxing, athletics.


4. Relaxation

T: Now let's have some rest. Stand up, please.

Hands up, hand down.

Hands on hips, sit down.

Stand up, hands to the sides.

Bend left, bend right.

Hands on hips.

One, two, three – hop.

One, two, three – stop.

Hands up, hands down, sit down.

(A teacher and the students are performing the activities.)


5. Reading

   1)Pre-reading activity

T: Before you read, try to guess if sport is so important for children.

   2)While-reading activity

T: Read the paragraphs below and see if you were right.

     I am Alison and I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and jump. I don’t like to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching figure skating. I sometimes go skating myself.

     I am Peter. Sport plays a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports – football, hockey, volleyball and basketball. I also play chess and I love to play football. I go to our local football club every spare minute and my dream is to become a football player. I also watch football on TV a lot.

     I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very important to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have time, I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can't go as often as I want.

     My name is Alex. I don’t understand people who think only about sports and physical perfection of their body or watch others doing the same on TV. Such people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles, difficult things can be done by machines. I am happy sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer.

   3)Post – reading activity

  1. Write down only a name. (Slide 34)
  1. Who is fond of training brains?
  2. Who likes training football?
  3. Who likes figure skating?
  4. Who keeps fit for health and good figure?
  5. Who hates competing?
  6. Who is fond of many kinds of sport?

Key: a) Alex; b) Peter; c) Alison; d) Ann; e) Alison; f) Peter.

  1. Answer the questions (Slide 35)
  1. What is Ann's ambition?
  2. Why doesn’t Alison like sports?
  3. How does Alex spend his spare time?
  4. Why doesn’t Ann often attend classes of aerobics?
  5. Where does Peter play football?

Key: a) She wants to become a model.

         b) She is a bit plump and it is difficult for her to run and jump.

         c) He sits on his sofa with a book or in front of the computer.

         d) Because they are quite expensive.

        e) At the local football club.


6. Speaking: True / False game

    1)T: Repeat the sentence if it's true for you, but say nothing if it's false.

  • I go in for sports.
  • Sport is popular in Ukraine.
  • Sport isn’t very important in our life.
  • I am fond of sports.
  • I don’t like playing football.
  • I like swimming.
  • I take part in sports competitions.
  • I do morning exercises every day.

2) Group work (Slide 36)

T: Work in groups of four. Write a list of sports on a sheet of paper. One person thinks of a sport and the others have to guess which sport it is. These questions will help you.

  • Is it a team sport/game?
  • Do you use a ball?
  • Do you compete with the others?
  • Is it a water sport?
  • Is it… (swimming)?

3) Role-play: Interviewing

T: Now imagine that a reporter came to you and he wants to interview you about your favourite kind of sports.

Possible questions:

  1. Do you like sport? Why?
  2. Are you fond of playing football?
  3. Does sport help you to keep fit?
  4. How often do you go to the sports ground?
  5. What sports are popular in your family?
  6. Are you good at running (swimming, skating…) ?
  7. Do you want to be a sportsman?


    1)T: What have you learnt at today's lesson? What can you do now?

       S1: I can recognize different kinds of sports.

       S2: I can use different verbs while speaking about sports

       S3: I can speak about my favourite kind of sports.

   2) Home task

T: Write about your favourite kind of sports

   3) Evaluation

T: Thanks a lot. You were so active today. You have worked nice today. You have got good marks. (….) See you later. Have a nice day.



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