Урок-токшоу "День подяки"

Про матеріал
План-сценарій нестандартного уроку з англійської мови до Дня подяки у формі американскього ток-шоу. Надзвичайно цікавий для учнів, гарно розвиває навички рольової гри, за цим планом можна підготувати урок про будь-яке інше свято.
Перегляд файлу

План-конспект показового уроку з англійської мови

Тема: День подяки

Формат: Урок-токшоу

Клас: 10


- Загальноосвітня: закріплення лексики «День подяки», знайомство з традиціями англомовних країн.

- Що розвиває: розвиток навичок діалогічного і монологічного мовлення, акторської гри, навичок аудіювання

- Виховна: виховання поваги до культури іншої країни.

Обладнання: плакати, дошка, накритий стіл, мікрофони, ІКТ презентація, фільм, таблички, нагороди.


Хід уроку:

Дошка прикрашена листям, плакати висять на стінах. «Аудиторія» сидить на стільцях ззаду класу посередині класу стоїть стіл з індичкою, пирогом, фаршированої гарбузом, яблуками і печеною картоплею. «Американська родина» готується святкувати день подяки. За столом батько читає газету. Дочка робить серветки у вигляді індички, син розставляє посуд, мама і бабуся прикрашають страви. Відчиняються двері і входить ведучий з мікрофоном. За ним йде оператор.

Ведучий (В мікрофон, дивлячись в камеру): Good afternoon, Great Britain. Tom Barns, for BBC from Florida, the USA. It's really special day for Americans! Guess why?! Its 27th of November and its Thanks Giving Day! We have already told you about some traditional festivals in the world like Xmas, Easter and Halloween, but Thanksgiving day is the most outstanding holiday since it is celebrated only here in the US and Canada. Who can tell us about American holiday better than native Americans? Today we are going to visit average American family which is preparing for the thanksgiving feast.

Ведучий кличе рукою оператора за собою і веде до столу. Сім'я, яка до цього його не помічала, радісно вітає його.

Батько (встає і потискує руку ведучому): Welcome to our thanksgiving party, sir!

Ведучий: Thank you for invitation, mister Smith! Can you introduce us your wonderful family?

Батько: Of course! This is my wife Mary, her mother and here are our children - Lola and Denis.

Ведучий: Nice to meet you all. So, children, what are we celebrating today?

Діти хором: Thanksgiving day!

Ведучий: And why do we celebrate it on the 27th of November?

Денис: Because we celebrate it every year on the fourth Thursday of November.

Ведучий: That's right, and now let's watch a video about the history of the holiday.

Члени сім'ї розсідаються за столом, ведучий відходить в сторону і все дивляться ролик, присвячений дню подяки (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC1hVm1y01o).

Ведучий: My colleague Irene White is in the studio now and I give her a floor! Irene?

Ведуча: Hi, Tom! We watch you carefully! It was a nice video and I would like to check the attention of our audience! Here my assistant Bruce has some delicious awards for the most observant spectators! Attention! The first question:

1. When do we celebrate Thanksgiving day in the USA? (On 4th Thursday of november)

2. What was the name of the ship, which took pilgrims to America? (Mayflower)

3. How many people were aboard? ()

4. Who taught the pilgrims to grow vegetables? (Indians)


Thank you very much! You are the most intelligent audience I've ever seen! Let's get back to our party. Tom.

Ведучий: Thank you, Irene. As we already know Thanksgiving has long history, as a result there are lots and lots of traditions. First of all it's special dishes. Can the hostess tell us something about them?

Мама: Of course! According to documents, the first Thanksgiving feast in 1621 between the Pilgrims and Indians contained turkey, waterfowl, venison, fish, lobster, clams, berries, fruit, pumpkin, and squash.

(Під час перерахування страв згадуються продукти показані в слайдшоу)

Many of the foods that were included in the first feast (except the seafood) have since gone on to become staples of the modern Thanksgiving dinner. First of all it's turkey, which is sometimes replaced by chicken or duck, and sometimes even by ham or sausages. Secondly there is pumpkin pie, roast or smashed potato, cranberry sauce, different types of salads and some vegetables and fruits.

And of course the decoration is very important. But that topic I'll leave for Lola.

Лоліта: I really adore to decorate the autumn table. We usually use leaves, grapes and many pumpkins for that purpose. The serviettes and tablecloth are always red, yellow and orange - autumn bright colors. I made them a so-called turkey form. And I like to put candles.

Ведучий: Thank you, young miss, and what about you Denis? What is so fascinating about Thanksgiving?

Денис: Do not you know? Parade of course!

Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpPeeUtN5Sc)

Every big city traditionally organize huge parade. But the biggest and the most exiting parade is Macy's parade in New York.

There are lots of giant balloons, floats, cheerleaders, clowns, marching bands, Broadway shows and celebrities. It's so cool that all Americans watch it on TV. I dream one day to take part in it.

Ведучий: and what is your favorite balloon?

Денис: Sponge Bob, I guess.

Ведучий: Fine, we know what to eat and how to have fun on that day but is there something else? Maybe the oldest member of the family may tell us about it?

Бабуся: There is the most important reason to celebrate Thanksgiving day – all the family comes and eats together. And then each person says what he or she is grateful for. Isn’t it the best reason to celebrate?

Ведучий: Definitely you are right! And the last thing we have to do it’s listen to traditional thanksgiving song and try to insert the words!

Ведуча в залі роздає листочки з пропуска (додається)

Звучить пісня I see sky so blue

Перевірка – учні по черзі читають, ведучий виправляє, якщо є помилки.

Ведуча в залі: There is one more very interesting tradition for thanksgiving dinner – all the family members say what they are thankful about, let’s try!

Учні (глядачі) по черзі говорять в мікрофон, за що вдячні цього року.

Ведучий: Thank you for being with us at our thanksgiving feast! In few weeks we will come to China for New year party. And now I tell you “Goodbye”. Tom Barns for BBC.


Підсумкова частина. Вчитель проводить рефлексію, оцінює підготовку та роботу учнів. Підводить підсумки.


Перегляд файлу

I see _______ of green, red _______ too
I see them bloom for me and ______

And I think to myself what a ________ world

I see skies of blue and ______ of white
The ______ blessed day, the dark sacred _______

And I think to myself what a _________ world

The colors of the ________ so pretty in the sky
Are also on the __________ of people going by
I see friends _________ hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I ______ you

I hear babies crying, I watch them _______
They'll _______ much more than I'll never _________
And I think to myself what a _________world
Yes I think to myself what a _________ world


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