8-ий клас. План уроку.
ТЕМА УРОКУ: Письменники англомовних країн. Книги в нашому
МЕТА УРОКУ: 1.Розвиток навичок монологічного висловлювання з
даної теми;
розвиток навичок аудіювання з метою вилучення інформації з прослуханого тексту; активізація вживання граматичних
структур Past Indefinite Passive в усному мовленні; 2.Виховувати в учнів почуття любові та інтерес до
книги. Розширювати літературний кругозір учнів. 3. Розвивати пам'ять та увагу учнів.
ТИП УРОКУ: комбінований
І.Оргмомент. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
II. Введення в мовне середовище. Мовленнєва зарядка-полілог
«Books in Our Life»:
PI - What do books mean in your life?
P2 - What do you feel reading a book?
P3 - Books are our friends.
P4 - Reading a book, you always become a part of adventure.
P5 - Reading a book, you are not lonely.
P6 - Reading a book, you can visit a far away country.
Р7 - Reading a book, you can travel into space and learn the secrets of underwater life.
P8 - Reading a book, you can travel into the past with the main characters of historic novels.
P9 - Reading a book, you can become a witness of great inventions.
P10 - Reading a book, you can also have fun with people who live in comic books.
III. Ігровий момент"Ciphers"( шифровки) - групова робота.
T - You have learn a lot about English writers: you know their biographies, their books, poems.
Just now you will get some 'ciphers" where the names of the famous writers are written. But the words and the letters in them are mish-mashed. You will write the proper names in the blackboard and in your copybooks:
So group № 1, №2, №3, №4. (The names of the writers are:
IV. Перевірка домашнього завдання - повідомлення нових фактів із
життя та творчості письменників: «А Sensation for You» (робота в
парах «доповідач-перекладач»).
Pair 1. William Shakespeare
In 1582 William Shakespeare married. In his family there were three children: the eldest daughter and two twins: a boy and a girl. But he left the family and went to London.
He was afraid of poor life. Later on he became the owner of the theatre. He spent all his money on buying houses and lend. That's why he was a rich man in his old age.
Pair 2. George Gordon Byron
He studied in the private college in Harrow. Byron was lamed from his birth. But in spite of this hi was the best fencer and the best shot of England. And he was a wonderful boxer, rider and swimmer.
Pair 3. Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling was born in India. He spent his first six years there.
The boy lived in the comfortable house with the garden. He was surrounded by the love of his relatives and the Indian servants. Rudyard felt himself like the prince from the tale.
Wonderful nature of India, traditions of Indian people became part of his happy childhood. Little Rudyard spoke the language of Hindi first which his servant spoke to him.
Pair 4. Robert Burns
Robert Burns was a son of poor farmer. He knew how to grow wheat. He worked on the land himself. Sometimes his poems were born in the fields.
One of his relatives, the grandmother knew a lot of legends, folksongs and tales about fairies, wizards, witches. And she told him everything. So Robert was fond folklore from his childhood.
У.«Мозаїка» Групова робота. Складання розрізаних речень за змістом біографій вивчених письменників).
Т - Now your task will concern the biographies of the English-speaking
writers again. And you are to make up a sentence from the mosaic
cards-parts of sentences.
Розрізні «речення-мозаїка». Group 1. Rudyard Kipling was the first Englishman who was awarded the Nobel prize.
Group 2. The first work of William Shakespeare was to look after the horses of rich people who came to the theatre.
Group 3. Robert Burns was poor himself and his understood the life of poor people.
Group 4. George Gordon Byron spent his early childhood in the small town of Aberdeen.
Group 5. Later on William Shakespeare had to go to London because his father became poor.
VI. Аудіювання автентичного тексту «Portrait of Dorian Grey» by Oscar Wilde виконання завдань-тестів за прослуханим текстом; самоперевірка за ключами-відповідями. Текст для аудіювання взято із підручника «Opportunities» (blue book) видавництво «Oxford University Press».
Учні отримують картки з тестовими завданнями:
1. Basil Hey wood was:
2. Basil Heywood had nearly finished the portrait:
3. Lord Henry saw the picture and he wanted:
4. Lord Henry and Dorian Grey met:
5. Lord Henry said to Dorian:
6. Dorian was beginning to fall in love:
Відповіді-ключі: 1.в 4.c
2.a 5.a З.с 6.в
Рольова гра- інтерв'ю «Exit-роll» Питання інтерв'ю:
Інтерв'ю проводиться в режимі Р1-^С1 Р2^С1
Підбиття підсумків, заповнення таблиці та її коментар.
№ За/п |
ILL учня |
books |
newspapers |
magazines |
historic books |
comic books |
science fiction |
adventure stories |
love stories |
1. 2. 3. |
Білий Бенчак |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
5 |
5 |
8 |
2 |
4 |
7 |
8 |
2 |
VIII. Ділова гра «Book's Fair» («Книжковий ярмарок»). Виступи- повідомлення рекламних агентів. Т - Today we'll try to visit the Book's Fair. Look at this exhibition of books. There are so many of them. And sometimes it's really difficult to choose a good books. Today some publishing houses sent their agents to the book's fair. They will tell you about their books.
Advertisement of agent No 1.
Свої видавництва представляють інші рекламні агенти, демонструючи та рекламуючи книги англомовних письменників:
Артура Конан Дойля, Джоан Роулінг, Алана Олександра Мілна, Оскара Уайльда, Роберта Льюіса Стівенсона, Даніеля Дефо. Присутні глядачі вибирають рекламну продукцію, голосують за ту чи іншу книгу. Перемагає той рекламний агент, який отримав найбільшу кількість заявок на свою рекламу.
IX. Підбиття підсумків. Виставлення оцінок. Коментар домашнього завдання. Домашнє завдання: скласти власну рекламу книги за ключовими словами.