Урок. Word on the Street “Extreme sports” (watching video)

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Extreme sports are popular all over the UK. Not just in the mountains of Snowdonia or Scotland. But what attracts people to these sports? Is it adventure or danger?

People who enjoy fast and dangerous sports, like white-water rafting, are called thrill seekers or adrenalin junkies.

I’m at the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham in the centre of England and this is the white-water course. Seven hundred metres of foaming water with drops or rapids. And the skill is to stay afloat in the rough water.

I’m here to meet Pas Blackwell, a white-water rafting expert, and to find out why so many people enjoy the thrills and spills of this extreme sport.

Carmen: Hi, Pas.

Pas: Hi, Carmen.

Carmen: So this is a specially built course, but you raft on rapids all around the world. What do you most enjoy about white-water rafting?

Pas: I really enjoy being outdoors and on the water. I really enjoy the freedom of just you and nature and I really enjoy the challenge.

Carmen: So why do people like dangerous sports?  

Pas: I think people like to push themselves  to see how far they can go – to really test themselves, against the elements, water and air.

Carmen: So, are you an adrenaline junkie?

Pas: I don’t think of myself as an adrenaline junkie, but I do really enjoy the rush of trying to get from the top to the bottom and get through situations that occur out on the river.


In the countryside there are lots of wide open spaces and lots of extreme sports to choose from. But what do adrenalin junkies do in the city? Well, parkour, sometimes called free running, is becoming popular in London.

Parkour started in France. And the idea is to get from one place to the other as fast as possible; jumping and climbing over whatever is in the way. So I’ve come to a parkour class in West London to find out what it’s all about. Rebecca Ahmed has been doing parkour for more than a year.

Carmen: So Rebecca, why do you like parkour?

Rebecca: It’s really fun, it’s original and it keeps me fit. That’s why I come.

Carmen: Do you need any special equipment?

Rebecca: Not really, we just use what’s around us like steps, railings and trees, but as long as you’ve got a good pair of trainers, you’re fine.
Carmen: Is it difficult?
Rebecca: I wouldn’t say it’s difficult – it’s more about the fear. If you’re not scared you can do it.

I’m not sure I’ve got the balance for parkour. Extreme sports can be dangerous, but they’re also lots of fun.

Word on the Street “Extreme sports” (watching video)


  1. To like taking risks-    любити ризикувати
  2. to have a taste for adventure –  мати присмак пригод
  3. to be adventurous –    мати пригодницький характер
  4. risk taking-     ризикувати
  5. a risk taker –     людина, яка ризикує
  6. adrenaline junkie  -    адреналіновий наркоман
  7. a daredevil  --     сміливець, сорвиголова
  8. to risk one's life/need-   ризикувати життям
  9. to get the adrenaline going   -   підвищити рівень адреналіну в крові
  10.   a thrill seeker -            людина, яка шукає гострих відчуттів
  11.   to like thrills and spills -           любити гострі відчуття та захоплення
  12.   to flirt with death   -                         загравати зі смертю
  13.   to play with danger / with fire-         грати з вогнем


Look at the pictures and match with the names of sports

Match words 1-7 with definitionsA-G.

1  freerunning

 2  skydiving

 3  zorbing

4  hang-gliding

 5  bungeejumping

6  whitewater rafting

7  kitesurfing


A flying under a wing made of cloth

B being pulled across the water by a type of parachute

C jumping from a high point, attached to an elasticated cord

D jumping over obstacles

E sailing down fast, rocky rivers in a small boat

F jumping out of a plane with a parachute, trying not to open the parachute as long as possible

G rolling around inside a giant ball



Watching video  True/ False 

  1. Extreme sports are popular all over the world.
  2. C:\Users\admin\Downloads\qrcode.pngPeople who enjoy fast and dangerous sports are called thrill seekers or adrenalin junkies.
  3. The National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham represents the freerunning course.
  4. The skill is to stay afloat in the rough water.
  5. Pas thinks that  people are fond of extreme sports because they like to push themselves  to see how far they can go – to really test themselves, against the elements, water and air.
  6. Pas  really hates the rush of trying to get from the top to the bottom and get through situations that occur out on the river.
  7. In London adrenalin junkies does parkour, sometimes called free running.
  8. Parkour started in Scotland.
  9. The idea of freerunning is to get from one place to the other as fast as possible; jumping and climbing over whatever is in the way.
  10.                    Rebecca is interested in parkour  because it keeps her fit.
  11.                    Sportsmen need a special equipment for doing freerunning


  1. Why do people do extreme sports? (bored, adrenaline rush, thrill, spirit of freedom, challenge)
  2. Are extreme sports individual activities or do they involve team effort?
  3. Extreme sports (involve speed, height and a good level of physical training)
  • bring new experiences
  • add excitement and adventure to your life
  • are challenging because the participants compete against forces of nature and experience the adrenaline rush
  • give the sense of achievement
  • give the feeling of being daring
  • help to build character and form a strong personality
  • give a strong sense of freedom
  • learn how to overcome difficult situations and how to survive in an emergency
  • develop  patience and self-control, and help to control your fear
  • a great form of exercise that can help you get fit
  1. Would you personally like to try an extreme sport?
  • many young people find these activities entertaining and spend their free time paragliding or surfing
  • most adults think that there are safer sports, which also help to build your character
  • admire people who dare to do extreme sports
  • extreme sports require a lot of courage and inner strength


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