Урок з англійської мови на тему: "Мистецтво" в 11 класі

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Урок з англійської мови на тему: "Мистецтво" в 11 класі. Тема: Art, the description of paintings. Мета: ознайомити учнів з відомими художниками та особливостями їх робіт; навчити описувати картини; повторити вживання Past Simple Tense; розвивати навички аудіювання та говоріння; виховувати любов до мистецтва.
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23.02.2021                                                                                                     11-Б

Тема:  Art, the description of paintings.

Мета: ознайомити учнів з відомими художниками та особливостями їх робіт; навчити описувати картини; повторити вживання Past Simple Tense; розвивати навички аудіювання та говоріння; виховувати любов до мистецтва.


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

  1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
  2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу  

T: Children, answer my questions, please.

Name kinds of Art:

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

Practice topic words.

Put these words into frases and then make sentences in Past Simple.








  1. Reading.
  1. Salvador Dali was a famous surrealist. His style of paining is very unusual. In his works he used strange dreamlike images.
  2. The great representative of Impressionism was Claude Monet. He painted outdoors and developed a sketchy, “ impressionistic” style, trying to capture the changing effect of natural light.
  3. Pablo Picasso was a very famous artist who worked in different styles – from delicate pastel to striking Cubist scenes where he wasn’t trying to create life like pictures.
  4. Van Gogh was interested in the symbolic significance of colours. Everybody knows his famous work  “ Sunflowers”. A single colour – yellow – dominates “Sunflowers” making it a kind of symphony in yellow. Different stages in life cycle of the flower are shown in this paining. The background of the picture is very simple and rigid.

  1. Listening.

  1. Speaking.

Description of the paintings.


  1. Writing.

1. This ______ him to paint a beautiful image of these miracles.

  1. inspired   
  2. insisted
  3. promoted
  4. impressed
  1. The artwork and the artist exist in a dynamic where each __________to be a provider of the other.
    1. must
    2. becomes
    3. have
    4. appears
  2. I was a very ______ with some paintings of some French pre-modern art masters, like Camille Corot, for their artistic depth.
    1. inspired
    2. intended
    3. impressed
    4. excited
  3. The trees and colours remind me _________ a scene in Gladiator.
    1. about
    2. over
    3. of
    4. to
  4. Do you have any ______ what is drawn in the picture?
    1. shape
    2. idea
    3. plan
    4. proof
  5. Art lovers all over the world search for superior bronze sculptures to expand personal ______.
    1. Collections
    2. impressions
    3. celebrations
    4. connections
  6. Historic events and time period pieces can all be ______ in bronze sculptures.
    1. presented
    2. conveyed
    3. represented
    4. connected
  7. We see carved limestone slabs that ______ the ruins of ancient walls.
    1. look like
    2. have resemblance
    3. are as
    4. are similar
  8. In front of them are horizontal pieces of limestone grooved in a geometrical _______.
    1. line
    2. picture
    3. dot
    4. pattern
  9. Bradford Graves sustains the greatest amount of interest through his low-keyed and highly ______ works of profound originality.
    1. beautiful
    2. evocative
    3. visual
    4. intense
  10. ______ is a goal all developers should strive towards, but it's a mistake to think that it means having a small feature set.
    1. clear
    2. simplicity
    3. simple
    4. elusive



ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

Match pictures with artists and special fitures

Van Gogh


the symbolic significance of colours


33 картины Ван Гога, которые должен знать каждый

Salvador Dali


strange dreamlike images


Сальвадор дали картины — Немного истории, экономики и культуры

Claude Monet


painted outdoors


Сад в цвету — Клод Моне                     </div>



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