Урок з англійської мови на тему "Їжа"

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Урок з англійської мови на тему "Їжа". Мета уроку збагатити словник на тему "Харчування"; покращити вміння студентів висловлювати свою точку зору; адаптувати студентів до спілкування в реальних ситуаціях.

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The topic:  Food

Objectives: to enrich vocabulary on the topic “Food”;  to encourage students to talk about and give opinions of the topic; to improve students’ ability to express their point of view; to develop reading and communicative skills; to adapt students to communicate in real life situations.

The form of the lesson: an individual work with pupils.

Equipment: different statements on the topic, some visual material.


I. Greeting. Aim

 T: Good morning, dear pupils. I hope you are very well today.

As you see, today we‘re going to speak about food.

  Check-on Homework

T: Now let’s check-on your homework



1. Grammar: There is/ There are (30 min)

Video (2 min 58 sec): http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar-vocabulary/grammar-videos/there-there-are-and-it


We often use there + to be and It... as a subject but they do not refer to any object. There is / are is used to introduce a topic, or say that something exists. It... is often used for the weather, time and distance.

Maria: Can I have some examples of there is / there are, please?

Sophie: Here you are:

There's so much happening.
Is there anything much going on at the moment?
There are two new students in our class.
There aren't any good football matches on TV this week.

Maria: What about other tenses? Is there is / there are only used in the present?

Sophie: No, you can change the tense.

Examples: There were fire-breathing dragons in the streets. Were there any accidents?
I think there'll be loads of people at the festival. There haven't been many entries for the competition.

Maria: I'm a bit confused about when to use there is / there are and when to use it or they.

Sophie: Have a look at these sentences. The topic is introduced with there is / are, then it and they refer back to something already mentioned.

Examples: There's a good film on channel 2. It starts at 10 o'clock. (It = the film)

There are two new students in our class. They're from Brazil. (They = the students)

Maria: So you can't use it or they as subjects in the first sentences?

Sophie: No, you can’t.

Maria: OK, but you can start some sentences with it, can't you? Like, 'It's very hot today.'

Sophie: Yes. We use it for talking about the weather, time, distance and days and dates.

Examples: It's warm and sunny
What time is it? > It's only 6 o'clock
How far is it to the shopping centre? > It's three km to my house from here. It's a long way to walk.
It's Saturday tomorrow, great!
What's the date? It's November 18th.

Maria: That’s quite a lot of uses!

Sophie: Yes, and there's more. We also use it + to be + adjective + infinitive clauses.

In these sentences it refers forwards to the infinitive clause.

Examples: It's nice to meet you.
It's hard to hear anything with this noise.
Was it easy to understand him?
It'll be difficult to find the venue without a map.


Maria: OK, that's enough for one grammar snack. It's time to go.
Sophie: That’s a good it expression!

Maria: It’s very good of you to say so!


General link for all grammar flashcards below (registration in the website is not required):


Source of the grammar dialogue:



Worksheet with online exercises (for class and homework):



Answers of the exercises:






2. Grammar: Some, any, every and no (30 min)

Video (4 min 21 sec): https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar-vocabulary/grammar-videos/some-any-every-and-no


We use some and any for talking about indefinite numbers or amounts of things. We use them with nouns or on their own, as pronouns.


Hakan: I know about some and any. You use some in positive sentences and any in questions and negatives, right?

Sophie: Well, yes, often.

Examples: We've got some amazing chocolate cake, and some carrot cake. Have you got any chocolate cake?
I haven't had any carrot cake for ages.

But we also use any in positive sentences.

Any cake will do. Surprise me.
She can tell you everything about ... well, about anything!

Hakan: Oh, so what’s the rule?

Sophie: We use some for talking about a limited number or amount; and we use any for an unlimited number or amount. For example, imagine you are talking about different kinds of cake. All these sentences are possible:

A. I like any kind of cake. (= all kinds of cake, unlimited)
B. I don't like any kind of cake. (= 0 kinds of cake, unlimited)
C. I like some kinds of cake. (= a limited number of kinds of cake)
D. I don't like some kinds of cake. (= a limited number of kinds of cake)

Hakan: OK, I think that’s clear. I like any kind of music. I don’t like some dogs.

Sophie: Yes, if you like all music and if you also like some dogs.

Hakan: Yes, I like most dogs, but not dogs that bite, or dogs that are ill.

Sophie: OK, then.

Hakan: And what about questions? Can we use both some and any in questions?

Sophie: Yes, we use both.

Examples: Would you like some more coffee? Would you like any more to eat?

Here the difference is very small. The speaker is thinking of a limited amount in the first question, and an unlimited amount in the second question. In both questions we could use some or any.


Sometimes we use some when we expect the answer to be “yes”. We use any when we don’t know what the answer will be; we are asking whether something exists.

Examples: Can I have some sugar? (I know there’s some sugar)
Is there any cake left? (I don’t know whether there’s any cake)

Are you waiting for somebody? (I think you are)
Is anybody coming to meet you? (I don’t know)

Hakan: Did you say we can use some and any on their own, as pronouns?

Sophie: Yes, we don’t need to repeat the noun.

Examples: Is there any cake?
Yes, do you want some? / Sorry, there isn’t any. / Sorry, there’s none left.

Hakan: Ah, none. That’s new to me.

Sophie:Yes, we  can use none or no + noun instead of not any.

Examples: Have we got any onions?
No, there aren’t any. / There are none left.
We haven’t got any money. = We have no money.

Hakan: What about somebody, anybody, everybody and nobody? Can you tell me more about how you use those words?

Sophie: Of course. Somebody/anybody/nobody/everybody are used as singular nouns, even though everybody refers to more than one person and anybody can mean more than one person.

Examples: I saw somebody outside the window. (= 1 person)
There’s nobody there. (= 0 person)
Everybody knows that The Beatles were from Liverpool. (= all people) Has anybody seen my keys? (= 1+ people)

Hakan: Is somebody the same as someone?

Sophie: Yes, it’s the same. We also use:

Examples: People: someone - anyone - no one - everyone
Things: something - anything - nothing - everything Places: somewhere - anywhere - nowhere - everywhere

Hakan: OK, I think that’s everything for today. I’ve got to go somewhere to meet somebody.

Sophie: You don’t want to ask anything else?

General link for all grammar flashcards below (registration in the website is not required):



Source of the grammar dialogue:



Worksheet with exercises:



Answers of the exercises:






3. Vocabulary: Food (30 min)

General link for all vocabulary flashcards below (registration in the website is required):


Flashcard Food 1:



Flashcard Food 2:


Flashcard Fruits:



Flashcard Vegetables:



Flashcard Drinks:



General link for all exercises below and some more exercises that we can do in class (registration in the website is not required):



Worksheet with exercises:


Answers of the exercises:
