Урок з англійської мови. Places of interest

Про матеріал
Урок англійської мови для учнів 7 класу. Описує місця розваг Харкова . Особливо парк Горького.
Перегляд файлу

Topic of the lesson: Моє рідне місто.

Subtheme of the lesson: Gorky Central Park of Culture and Rest.



Цілі уроку:


- перевірити рівень знань, умінь, навичок з попередньої теми

- удосконалювати навички говоріння

- активізувати навички самостійного опрацювання тексту

- ознайомлення з новим лексичнім матеріалом

- навчити учнів робити усне повідомлення

- закріпити знання учнів


  • розвивати творчу уяву
  • зацікавити учнів у вивченні іноземної мови
  • розвивати здібності учнів до комунікації
  • сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки
  • розвивати логічне мислення учнів


  • виховувати в учнів самостійність,мислення,кмітливість
  • виховати культуру взаємовідношень
  • виховати в учнів любов до рідної країни, рідного міста
  • прищеплювати в учнів вміння аналізувати, думати,висловлювати свою точку зору
  • розвивати вміння ефективно працювати в групах

Teacher`s  resourses: New Challenges 1; Across Ukraine 1; cards with tasks.

Procedure of the lesson. Перебіг уроку.

  1. Greeting. Привітання.

T: Good morning! I`m glad to see you. How are you?Take  your seats, please! Today we have a bit unusual lesson, because today there are gusts at our lesson. So do not worry, listen to me very careful and I`m sure everything will be great. Let`s start our lesson.

Warm-up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: Today we`ll continue to talk with you about what we have learned  in past lessons and of course we will learn something now. Do you agree?

First, who can tell me the topic of the previous lesson?

And who knows what does it mean?

What places do we usually have in each big city?

Are there any of these places in our city?

How do you think what places are more in our city?

How many popular parks are there?  Let`s name them.(Shevchenko Park, Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure, Botanical Garden, Machine builders Park,  Feldman Ecopark)

  1.   Checking homework. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T: So, for today your are home tasks was to write a short information about popular person of Kharkiv. And now, let`s check.

Thanks for your reports. This information was very interesting. Other works I`ll collect and check later.

  1.   Video. Перегляд відео.

Now, I propose you to watch a small video. Guess which park is shown in the video.

Let`s talk a little. Answer my questions, please.

  • Have are ever been in this park?
  • Do you lake to go to this park?
  • Who do you usually go to the park with?
  • What do you usually do in the park?
  • What is your favourite  attraction?

II Main part. Основна частина уроку.

2.1 Pre-reading activity. Робота з ключовими словами та словосполученнями.

T: Now, children, if we are talking about amusement park, I propose you to work with words and phrases, which describe the most popular attraction.(Key words)

Look at this part of the blackboard.

Fristly, let`s read them.

Secondly, let`s find their translation.

2.1.1 Guess the heading.  

T: You can see on the blackboard 2 pictures. Your task is to guess the name of the coloums. Look at this picture. How can we say it in one word?

Your task is to put the word under the correct headings.

Well done.

2.1.2 Find the name.

T: Now let`s word with photos. You see 4 pictures and 4 names of attractions. Let`s read and translate them. Put the name of the attraction under the right photo.

2.1.3 Physical activity.Фізкультхвилинка.

It`s high time to do some physical exercises.

Let is have fun.

Stand up.

Hands on shoulders,

hands on knees.

hands behind you, if you please.

touch you shoulders,

now you nose,

now your hair and your toes,

hands up high in the air

down at your sides, and touch your hair,

hands up high as before,

now clap your hands 1,2,3,4.

2.2 Reading.

After such a fun exercises you could forget the names of the attractions. Let`s remember them in the for of game.

2.2.1 Game Spoiled phone

Now I`ll say the name of attraction and your task pass it to the others.

Well done.

Now, my dear, open your books on page 14. Look at exercise number 3.your task is to read this text by yourself, without translation and discussion and after that do the exercise 4. Label the picture. For students who will do this task earlier than other, I`ll have an extra task. So, who will be ready-raise your hand.

Extra task. Додаткове завдання на повторення граматичного матеріалу.

Grammer some/any/no

2.2.2 Post-reading activity.

Good, pupils. Now let`s check.

2.2.3 Group work.Робота в групах.

Now, pupils I propose you to divide into four groups. Now you get the cards that shows one of the attractions. You must describe it, bat not call it. And the rest must guess that it is.

Grammer. Modal verb CAN.

Let`s find sentences with Can in the text and translate them.

Final part.Заключна частина урока.

Summing-up.Підбиття підсумків.

Now, let`s sum-up. Was this lesson interesting for you?

What new have you learned?

Securing the lexical material. Закріплення лексичного матеріалу.

Now, let`s fix the words and phrases that we have learned.

Guess what is the word or phrases.


Open your daybooks. Write your homework and I`ll put the marks.

Our lesson is over, you were very active today and we have done a lot of work.

Thank you for the lesson. Have a rest now. Goodbye.
















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