Урок з анлгійської мови "The weather"

Про матеріал

- to teach pupils to work in groups;

-to teach pupils to choose additional information on the topic;

-to practice spelling, reading, listening and word recognition;

-to deepen pupils' knowledge about the weather;

-to develop pupils' language skills;

-to develop pupils' attention, memory and initiative.

Games are useful for language learning because they provide a fun way to learn. Instead of many hours of worksheets, students can 'practice and play', with good results.

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Шосткинська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №11

Шосткинської міської ради

Сумської області


Підготувала і провела

вчитель англійської мови

вищої категорії , старший учитель

Яцишина Людмила Миколаївна



Objectives:     -    to teach pupils to work in groups;

  • to teach pupils to choose additional information on the topic;
  • to practice spelling, reading, listening and word recognition;
  • to deepen pupils’ knowledge about the weather;
  • to develop pupils’ language skills;
  • to develop pupils’ attention, memory and initiative.



Equipment:    -   a smartboard;

  • a computer;
  • tablets;
  • handouts with the tasks.



Teaching techniques: - warming-up

  • crossing group activity
  • evaluation
  • elicitation
  • loop-input
  • brainstorming
  • wordseach




Games are useful for language learning because they provide a fun way to learn. Instead of many hours of worksheets, students can 'practice and play', with good results.



  1. Greetings.

T: Good morning, pupils!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: Glad to see you!

P: Glad to see you too!

T: Pupils, how are you?

P: Fine, thank you.

T: Take your seats. Let’s start our lesson.

II. Warming-up

  1. What day is it today?

It’s Thursday.

  1. What month is it now?

 It’s December.

  1. What season is it now?

 It is winter.

  1. What is the weather like today?

 It is cold. It is sunny.

  1. Now let’s see what is the temperature outdoors?

 It’s …

Well, but it is warm and cosy in our classroom.

III. The theme of the lesson

What are we going to speak about at our today’s lesson?

Look on the smartboard.

windy    wet    rainy   stormy   hot   freezing  dry

You see the words. You know them. But one letter is missed in each word. Let’s fill in the gaps.

Who wants to go to the smartboard?  ….  will help us. Write the missing letter in each word. Use a red pencil.

Pupils, be attentive!

Well, and now make the word using only red letters. Write it, please. What word is it? Read, please.

   P:  weather

  T: So, pupils, we’ll continue to speak about the weather.      

Let’s revise the words according to our theme.  (PowerPoint “Weather”)

IV. Word game “Weather 1”

 https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org (Grammar and vocabulary  - Word games - Weather 1) 

T: And now let’s play a word game to practice our weather vocabulary. Find the game “Weather 1” on your tablets. Ready? Match the word to the picture. Start.

If you are ready, check! Well. Who hasn’t mistakes? Well done. Repeat the words after the speaker.

V. The weather forecast

https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org (Fun and games – Games - What’s the weather like?) 

T:  Now listen to the weather news and put the symbols in the right places. Find “What’s the weather like?” on your tablets. Let’s start.

Before listening we’ll revise the words

sunny             rainy           cloudy        snowy

hot                 stormy        foggy          windy

Who wants to work on the smartboard?   … will work on the smartboard. Pupils, you’ll work on your tablets. Ready? Let’s go……..      

Who has ‘well done’? Great.

…….., read the right answers. Pupils, repeat, please. Thank you.

VI. Tongue twisters “Weather the weather …”  https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org (Fun and Games – Tongue Twisters - Weather the weather)

T: Pupils, listen to the tongue twisters and repeat. Pay attention to the sound “w”.

    Whether the weather is warm,

    Whether the weather is hot,

    We have to put up with the weather,

    Whether we like it or not.

VIII. Rest time. “Dance again” (Pupils sing and dance)

VII. Listening “Ali and the magic carpet”

https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org (Listen and watch - Short  stories - Ali-and-the-magic-carpet )     


T: Pupils, do you like to travel?

P: Yes, we do.

T: Let’s travel with Ali on a magic carpet.


Let’s revise the places where Ali will go (PowerPoint “Places”)

jungle   desert   South Pole   mountains   forest   island

Listening the story for the first time pay attention to the places we’ll visit. You must put the places in order.

Well, have a nice travel!   (Listening the story)

Now open GAME on your tablets. Put the places in order. Who will go to the smartboard? ….. you are welcome. Who has already done? Check. What is the result? Well done.

And now, pupils, listening the story pay attention to the places we’ll visit and the weather.

We have 3 groups. Each group will do different tasks. (Tasks: Documents – an activity for the story)

The 1st group. –Name the pictures on your tablets.

 The 2nd group. – Write the word under the picture.

The 3d group. – Match the weather to the places.



T: Well, let’s do the tasks.


T: …, you will prepare a story with the help of the pictures. You’ll work on the smartboard. You’ll draw a story.


For a long time we didn’t know how to name this kind of work. Professor Chepurnoi named it “Mnemonics”.  Now it is a very popular technology of memory development. We use mnemoway.

Ready? Let’s check. The 1st group, introduce your task!

The 2nd group, present your task!

The 3d group, read your answers! (groups introduce their tasks)

…, now your story, please. (The pupil tells the story with the help of the pictures he/she has drawn)

T: Well done. Great! Thank you!

VIII. Crossword

http://www.eslgamesplus.com (Games – Crossword Games – Weather Vocabulary) 

T: Pupils, now we’ll do your favourite kind of work. We’ll do the crossword. This interactive ESL crossword puzzle will help you practice weather vocabulary (cloudy, windy, hot etc.). Solve this vocabulary crossword online using the pictures as clues. Click on a picture and the puzzle space changes to yellow. Enter the words.

Find it on your tablets. …. will work on the smartboard.

Who is ready? Great.

IX. Song

T: It is winter now. 1) What is the weather like in winter?

P: It is  ……..

2) Do you like winter?

P: Yes, I do

3) Why do you like winter?

  • There is a lot of snow in winter.
  • I can ski and skate.
  • I can play hockey.
  • We have holidays in winter.

4) What holidays do we have in winter?

P: New Year and Christmas

T: We began to prepare for these holidays. And now we’ll sing a song “Jingle Bells”

X. Summing-up

T: You work hard today. You were brilliant. Thank you.

XI. Home Assignment

http://www.eslgamesplus.com (Games –Memory Games - How is the weather? Vocabulary) 

T: At home play a memory game “How is the weather?” Please, play this game at least twice to practice all words.

We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!         

Good bye!       P: Good bye!


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