Урок з теми "All about Food"

Про матеріал
Матеріал призначений для того, щоб практикувати учнів у читанні та розумінні прочитаного, дати поняття про основні страви традиційної англійської кухні, розвивати діалогічне мовлення, увагу, виховувати у школярів мотивацію до володіння англійською мовою, уважне ставлення до свого здоров`я, культуру мови, увагу та доброзичливе ставлення до товаришів.
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All About Food

Olena Volkotruba

a teacher of English

Lyman school # 4

Donetsk region                                     

Objectives :by  the end of the lesson students will be able to

- use vocabulary on the topic;

 - communicate in groups and  pairs;

- develop their speaking  on the basis of information that they have;

- revise grammar using some |any and countable and uncountable nouns.

Equipment: cards, flashcards  



І. Greeting

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you. How are you ? 

Ss: Good morning. We are fine, thank you. We are glad to see you, too.

https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/1542122/pub_5ddffb3434808200b1eb6cb7_5ddffb5598930900b14d3052/scale_1200T. I hope our cooperation will be successful. I want to ask you to be attentive and active . OK, look at each other, please, and smile! Look at me and smile. I hope you are all ready for our English lesson. Look at the picture on the blackboard and try to guess the topic of the lesson. Use  the first letters of the words.  


On today`s lesson we are going to speak about food .



ІІ. Warming up.

  1. Guess the riddles.

I have a magic box. I  put some food into the box and  you take the card and guess the riddles about food.

1. You smile when you name it. The mouse like it very much.( Answer: Cheese)

2. It`s the same colour as its name. (Answer: Orange)

3 . Clean, but not water, white, but not snow, sweet, but not ice-cream. What is it? (Answer: Sugar)

4. I`m green, red and yellow and inside. I`m white . I`m fruit. What am I?

 (Answer: Apple)

5. It`s white outside, and yellow inside .We have it from chicken. (Answer: Egg)

6. It is round, with sausage, tomato and cheese on top. (Answer: Pizza)

7. I`m a vegetable. I`m yellow. People cry when they cut me. (Answer: Onion)

ІІІ.  Main Part

1. Reading


Vocabulary :

Meals  - харчування

Breakfast - сніданок

Lunch - ланч

Porridge - каша

Fish - риба

Roll - булочка

Canteen - їдальня

Meat- м`ясо

While reading

English Meals

     English  people usually  have  four  meals  during  the  day:              breakfast,              lunch,               tea,              dinner              or              supper.             

    At  about  8o’clock in the morning   people   have breakfast. They 

eat porridge  or cornflakes with  milk or   sugar, fried or  boiled 

eggs with bacon,  bread  and  butter  or toast with marmalade, or 

jam and a  cup   of tea.

   At  11 o’clock the English have lunch.  They  like to eat fish and               chips,   potatoes,               beans,               carrots,               cabbage               or               peas.               Peopl             

usually drink tea, coffee, juice or lemonade . Schoolchildren have 

their  lunch  in  the  school  canteen.  Some  children  bring  their 

packed lunch with sandwiches and fruit.

  At about  5 o’clock the English have tea with milk, a  cak 

or   a roll with jam.

     The English have the evening meal,  dinner or supper,at 

7  o’clock.  People  usually  have  a   plate  of  soup,  meat  or 

chicken  with  vegetables,  cheese,  tinned  fruit,  ice  cream  or  an              apple              pie.

After reading

  1. Our task is to work with your partner. Read the sentences and put «T» if the sentence is true and « F» if the sentence  is false.
  1. English people usually have three meals during the day.

b )   People have breakfast at about 9 o` clock .

c )   Many people have lunch at 12 o`clock.

d)    Schoolchildren have their lunch in the school canteen.

e)     Schoolchildren don`t bring their packed lunch to school.

f)       English people usually have a plate of soup, meat  or chicken with vegetables, cheese,        tinned fruit , ice-cream or an apple pie in the evening.

2. Complete the sentences using the text

1)  At about 8 o`clock in the morning  people have … .

2)  At 11 o`clock the English have … .

3)   Some children bring their … with sandwiches  and fruit .

4)   At about 5 o`clock  the  English have … with milk ,a cake or a … with jam .

5)    The English have the evening meal, … or supper ,at 7 o`clock


Now it`s time to have a rest. Stand up ,please and listen to the task.

Clap your hands when you hear the name of drinks , step your feet when you hear the names o food.

A banana, a carrot, tea,  juice, an apple, meat, a cucumber, water, coffee, milk, a tomato, sweets.

  1. Grammar work.
  1. As you know all nouns are divided into 2 groups :  countable  and  uncountable.

Game .

T : There is so much food in our shop . Help me please to do shopping. I have two bags you must put things from shopshelves into correct bags. Take a card ,think over and put it in an appropriate bag.

(  Flashcards of two bags are on the board and the students one by one fill them with flashcards of drinks, chips, crisps ,apples, vegetables ,etc.)

  1. Pair work . Complete the  dialogue with some or any .

Tony:  Let`s have … lunch .

Liz:  OK. Is there …pizza in the fridge?

Tony : No, there isn`t.

Liz:  What have we got?

Tony:  There is …cheese. And there is … ham.

Liz: Is there …butter ?

Tony: Yes , there is.

Liz:  OK. Let`s have ham and cheese sandwiches .

Tony: OK.

V. Summing-up. Home assignment.

What did you get to know today? Which activities did you enjoy most?

At home prepare a project « My favourite dish»

3 березня 2020
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