Урок з теми "Summer holidays"для перевірки рівня сформованості комунікативних навичок читання за допомогою тестування

Про матеріал

Розробка уроку на тему "summer holidays" містить в собі цікавий текст для читання учнів 7-9 класів. до тексту створена система вправ перевірки комунікативних навичок читання на основі методу тестування. Учні можуть працювати з текстом як з учителем, так і самостійно на уроці чи вдома.

Перегляд файлу

A synopsis of the lesson

Lesson №____________Form____8-9________ Date_________________________
Lesson type __develop reading skills_______________________________

Theme          ___Summer holidays_______________________________________

   Practical: to develop reading skills.

  Developmental:  to develop logical thinking, creativity, cooperation skills.

  Educational: to show the importance of eating healthy food.

  Cultural: to present kinds of food;

Equipment: pictures, books, photos, texts, tables, copy-books, music.


  1.  Warming up. 
  2. Vocabulary introduction.
  3. Speech practice.
  4. Grammar
  5. Reading.
  6. Conclusion.

Theme:  summer holidays


Тест, спрямований на формування вмінь предикції

Формат тестового завдання: multiple choice.

Інструкція: predict the content of the text.

Завдання 1: Look at the heading and choose suitable words you think are connected with the content of the text

  1. Europe, be washed by, border with
  2.  Starfish, ocean, sand;
  3. Afraid of, winter, Christmas

Тест, спрямований на формування вмінь визначати значення незнайомого слова

Формат тестового завдання: matching.

Інструкція: look at the words below and think of their definition.

Завдання 2: Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:









a mass of land that is surrounded by water and is smaller than a continent

a very large stretch of sea, esp one of the five oceans of the world, the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic


an animal shaped like a star that lives in the water


an extensive area of sand or shingle sloping down to a sea or lake, esp the area between the high- and low-water marks on a seacoast

ІІ. Текстовий.

Тест, спрямований на вміння знайти головну думку в тексті.

Формат тестового завдання: multiple choice.

Інструкція: read the text. Find its main idea.

Завдання 3: . Which of three statements express the main idea of the paragraph?

  1.             Summer is the best tie in the year.
  2.             We should save as many starfish as we can
  3.             If you want to change the world for better, start with yourself

The Starfish

Last summer I took a trip to an island. I had a lot of fun. I sat and watched the waves and listened to the ocean. I learned to identify birds. I discovered pretty things and enjoyed the taste of new foods. It was a very nice time.

 One evening I took a pleasant walk by the ocean. When the waves came in, many starfish* fell on the beach. Some starfish went back into the water, and they were safe. But other starfish were still on the sand. They would die if they

did not get into the water. There were many starfish on the beach that night. It made me sad, but I knew I could not fix the problem. I stepped very carefully so I did not damage them.

Then I saw a little girl. She was also sad about the starfish. She wanted to prevent all of them from dying. She asked me if I could perhaps help her. “To be frank, I don’t think we can do anything,” I said. The little girl started to cry. She sat back against a rock and thought for a while. Finally, the emotion was gone. She stopped crying and stood up. Then she picked up a starfish and threw it into the water. “What are you doing?” I asked her. But she did not answer me. She just threw as many starfish as she could. “You cannot save all of them!” I said. She stopped to look at me. “No, I cannot save them all,” she replied. Then she picked up a very big starfish and said, “But I can save this one.” And then she smiled and threw the starfish as far as she could into the ocean.

*starfish - an animal shaped like a star that lives in the water


Тест, спрямований на вміння розуміти послідовність поданої в тексті інформації.

Формат тестового завдання:ordering.

Інструкція:put sentences (A-D) of the summary of the text in the chronological order.

Завдання 4:put sentences in the order as they are given in the text. Write your answers in the boxes below the text.

  1.             She took a pleasant walk at the ocean.
  2.             She tried to save as many starfish as she could.
  3.             The girl had a rest at the seaside.
  4.             She saved the largest starfish.











Тест, спрямований на вміння працювати з деталями.

Формат тестового завдання: matching.

Інструкція: find and remember important events.

Завдання 5: Read the text and find answers to questions

1. What is this story about?

2. What causes the little girl’s emotion?

 3. What does the man think is NOT good about the island?

4. What does the girl think the man can perhaps do?

5. Which starfish were safe on the beach?


  1. A girl who wants to save starfish
  2. She cannot prevent starfish from dying in the sand.
  3. Those starfish that were in the water.
  4. The starfish dying on the sand
  5. Help her save starfish











 Тест, спрямований на вміння самостійно визначити з контексту незнайомі слова.

Формат тестового завдання: multiple choice.

Інструкція: work with vocabulary. Find the meaning of the word.

Завдання 6: the word to break here means

2. to break something

A) identify

B) maybe

C) damage

D) ocean

Завдання 7: the  word honest here means

  1.             frank
  2.             shy
  3.             appealing

Тест, спрямований на самостійне вміння виділяти в кожній смисловій частині головну ідею

Формат тестового завдання: matching headings to paragraphs.

Інструкція: read the text again and find main idea of each paragraph.

Завдання 8: Choose heading for each paragraph

  1. summer trip
  2. little girl near the ocean
  3. saving starfish
  4. dying starfish









Тест, спрямований на вміння самостійно знаходити конкретну інформацію

Формат тестового завдання: completion.

Інструкція:complete the statements below using a maximum of three words.

Завдання 9: Complete the sentences

  1. Last summer I took a trip to an ….
  2. One evening I took ….
  3. Some starfish went back into the water, ….
  4. Then she picked up a …. and threw it into the water.

ІІІ. Післятекстовий

Тест, спрямований на вміння самостійно робити висновки

Формат тестового завдання: short answers.

Інструкція:think of the problems in the text.

Завдання 10: Write out 4 main problems of the given text





Формат тестового завдання:creative task.

Інструкція:write mini-composition (12-15 sentences).

Завдання 12: tell about your summer holidays