Урок "Здоровий спосіб життя"

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Розробка уроку "Здоровий спосіб життя"

Мета уроку: систематизувати та узагальнити знання учнів за темами “Health Foods”, “Health Highlights

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Мета уроку: систематизувати та узагальнити знання учнів за темами  Health Foods”, “Health Highlights

Задачі уроку:


  • Узагальнення лексичного матеріалу з тем "Health Foods", ”Health Highlights”,
  • Закріплення граматичних навичок.


  • Розвиток комунікативних навичок за темою “Healthy Way of Life”,
  • Розвиток творчих здібностей учнів,
  • Розвиток пам’яті, уваги,мислення,
  • розвиток вмінь узагальнювати і робити висновки.


  • виховання здорових звичок та культури здорового способу життя,
  • виховання вмінь співпрацювати.

Форма уроку: урок-мозаїка, узагальнюючий


Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент







  1. “ Key Parts of a Healthy Way of Life”:
  1. Introducing the topic























  1. Pupils’ commenting the proverb 





  1. T → Ps





  1. { Ps reports

{ Individual tasks




  1. Grammar work













  • Ps comments



  1. T →P1→ P2

       -individual tasks

         (Lexical works)






















  • -individual tasks (Pupils’ reports)


  1. Teacher’s commentary




  1. H/T check up















  1. Summary 
  • Good morning, friends! Is the morning really good for you?

(- Yes, it is/No, it isn’t because…)

- Today on the lesson we’re going to define for ourselves the components of healthy lifestyle which is  the way of love and harmony between our body, mind and soul. We shall do it by setting up mosaic of the material concerning the topics Health Foods”, “Health Highlights  we have learnt.


  • Look at the picture. What is it associated for you with?

(-If it’s associated with life, then what kind of life?)

 - Let’s cut this picture into some pieces and write down the key components of a happy and healthy life. These are the following:

             - daily regime

             - healthy meals

             - avoiding bad habits

             - keeping fit

             - good mood

             - following doctors’ advice when necessary

- I propose you to divide into small groups, take a mosaic and work with it. But today we shall stop not on all the components of healthy lifestyle.

I. Daily regime.

- Comment the proverb “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”

Which moments does the notion “daily regime” include? (enough of sleeping hours, regular meals, proper time for work and relax). Will you share your opinion on these moments, please?

II. Healthy meals.

  • Had you breakfast today? What did it consist of?
  • Every should have hot meals every day, shouldn’t he?
  • Is it good for one’s health to have heavy supper?
  • “We eat to live, but not live to eat” (Moliere)
    • Our body needs six things to grow and be healthy. Can you remind us what are they? (carbohydrates, fats, fibre, minerals, proteins, vitamins). What are their particular functions for our organism?

Some pupils get cards with the tasks: “Propose the daily menu of a sportsman”. “Make up        a menu for a sick child”. “Give a recipe of healthy breakfast”.

III. Avoiding bad habits.

"Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of." Author Unknown 

  • Here’s an interview with a student in London having difficulties with grammar. All the following sentences contain grammar mistakes. You’ll have to correct them. The student was asked about his health and his attitude to it.
  • I started smoked a year ago.
  • I know it’s bad for me but I tried to give up a several times and failed.
  • I play in football and basketball.
  • I have many energy since I’ve been playing.
  • But it’s not always best for your health.
  • Once I broked all the bones in my left arm, I had three operations.
  • My arm won’t be the same again.
  • AIDS scare me a lot.
  • I’ve knew two people who have died of it.
  • It’s really quite emotional time, realizing someone is going to die, just because they wasn’t careful.
    • Now imagine you are interviewed. What would you say about yourself, about your health and your attitude to it?

IV. Following doctors’ advice when necessary.

- Friends, what do you think people hate most of all? (diseases)

       “Health is not valued till sickness comes”   (proverb)

Ask your partner:

  • - What diseases he has been down with
  • - What medicine he takes for the headache
  • - If he has ever suffered from bronchitis
  • - What specialist he consults if he has a stomach-trouble (a broken arm, a tooth-ache,           a bad eye)
  • - If he always follows the doctor’s instructions (ask him give the reasons)

Lexical works:

Card 1.Choose synonyms or antonyms or give the nouns:

-illness = (disease)

-to fall ill ≠ (to recover)

-to treat = (to cure)

-pain = (ache)

-to prescribe→n (prescription)

-to treat→n (treatment)

-medical→n (medicine)

-to recover→n (recovery)

Card 2.Complete the word combinations:

-to (examine) a patient

-to (gargle )smb’s throat

-a (splitting) headache

-to bring down the (temperature)

-a (clogged / running) nose

-to strip (to the waste)

-to have smb’s chest(X-rayed)

-to (keep) one’s bed



Oral cards with the task “What should you do if you have bleeding (choking, a burn or scald,         a broken bone, shock)?

V. Keeping fit helps you to be in a good shape, to feel more energetic after working out, to get rid of stress with the help of physical charge. Today you have a great variety of methods helping to keep fit: morning exercises, gym, swimming pool, jogging, aerobics, yogi, fitness training. We shall speak on sports in details in some lessons.

“Sickness in the body brings sickness in the mind” (English proverb)

VI. Good mood.

-Joy and good mood are very powerful cleaning and healing energy for your mind, body and soul.

At home you tried to make poetic translations to the poem on page 125

Life is given as a gift,

So wonderful and new.

We need to live it day to day,

Being careful as we do…

To create well I have to be in a good mood, happy and cool”

                                                                    Marc Newson

-Let’s raise our mood with your talented poetic translations.


  • Following healthy way of life makes you more energetic, active, gives you new emotions and wonderfully changes all aspects of your living









12 серпня 2018
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