Урок-змагання "Чи знаєте ви Велику Британію та Північну Ірландію"

Про матеріал

Матеріал для використання на підсумковому уроці з теми "Сполучене королівство Великої Британії та Північної Ірландії". Урок проводиться як змагання команд. Завдання квесту розрахлвані на 50 хвилин.

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Мета та завдання:

- повторити вивчений матеріал;

- тренувати роботу з текстом;

- розвивати логічне мислення та швидку реакцію;

- виховувати вміння співпрацювати.


There are 4 “STOPS”. In each STOP you’ll find tasks.

1 STOP – Britain

2 STOP – Wales

3 STOP – Scotland

4 STOP – Northern Ireland

At the finish of each STOP teams will get a group of numbers which they transform into the sentence. If the sentence is correct the quest will be passed.



Combine the phrases and photos with the persons.

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  1. This person has written Romeo and Juliet.
  2. This person is the musician and member of The Beatles.
  3. This person has created stories about Harry Potter.
  4. This person has invented penicillin.
  5. This person was a Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1940-1955
  6. This person founded the hypothesis that man came from apes.
  7. This man is a famous footballer. He gained his fame playing in Manchester United.
  1. Charles Darwin
  2. David Beckham
  3. Alexander Fleming
  4. Shakespeare
  5. John Lennon
  6. Winston Churchill
  7. Joanne Rowling

Combine the photos with the sights.

Westminster Abbey    St/Paul’s Cathedral

Double-decker    Tower

Buckingham Palace    London Eye



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Intermediate task

Read the sentence and guess the next topic.

This country’s capital is Cardiff. (ответ : Wales)


Pupils get hint: 5 12 9 26 1 2 5 20 8 20 8 5



Solve the crossword.










































































1. The capital of Wales (Cardiff)

2. The national park of Wales (Snowdonia)

3. It is represented on the flag of Wales (Dragon)

4. How to be Валієць in English (Welsh)


1. Name of actress who was born in Wales, she acted main role in “Titanic” (Catherine (Zeta-Jones)

5. Wales is washed by ………….. sea  on the north and on the west (Irish)

6. National emblem (Daffodil)

7. National currency (Pound)

8. The very popular kind of art in Wales (Song)

9. National sports of Wales (Rugby)

Pupils get hint: 19 5 3 15 14 4 9 19 20 8 5


Intermediate task

Answer the question about the next topic.

In what part of Great Britain people wеar kilts? (Scotland)





According to the instructions, find destination points and write down their names,


1 ROUTE -You are on the Leith Walk near Royal Yacht Britannia. Go straight ahead along Leith Walk to Picardy Place. Then turn to the left to Leith Street and go to Princess Street. Go to the end of Princess Street and turn to the left to Queensferry Street, pass by the roundabout and turn to the left. You should go along Belford Road and there on the right side you will see your first point of destination.

(You are on the Leith Walk near Royal Yacht Britannia.------ go to Modern Art and Dean Galleries)

2 ROUTE – You are on the Potterow near the Royal and Museum of Scotland. Go straight ahead then turn to the right to Meiville Drive. Go to the end of Meiville Drive , pass by Tollcross. Turn to the left then to the right to Lothian Road. Go past some quarters and turn to the left to Morrison Street. Go to the end of Morrison Street and turn to the left again. Driving along Maymarket territory to the first turn to the right. There on the left side you will see your second point of destination.

(You are on the Potterow near the Royal and Museum of Scotland. ----------- go to the Zoo) Hilton hotel




Pupils get hint: 17 21 5 5 14 15 6 20 8 5 21


Intermediate task

Guess the answer about the next topic

The United Kingdom doesn’t own (владеть) this whole island. (Northern Ireland)





Read the text and do the task.


Northern Ireland


Northern Ireland is the smallest part of the UK. "Ulster" is sometimes used as equivalent to Northern Ireland because it contains six counties of the historic province of Ulster. Eire ['ɛərə] is a poetic name for the whole Ireland (Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland).

Ireland is often called "the Emerald Isle". In this name its lush (пишний) greenery is reflected. Thanks to the winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean the soil and the air are warm and damp. That is why fresh green grass coveres the ground in Ireland and it makes the island look so beautiful.

Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. It is a great industrial centre and a large port.

The Irish flag dates from the 1800s. The colours have a symbolic meaning. Green represents the Roman Catholics of Ireland, orange the Protestants of Ulster and white represents peace.

The shamrock and the red hand are the national symbols of Northern Ireland.

The shamrock is said to be connected to St. Patrick, Ireland's Patron Saint. Irish people wear this symbol on the National Day on March 17th. This celebration is called St. Patrick's Day. Some legends say that Patrick raised people from the dead.


Write “True” or “False”

1. Northern Ireland is not a part of the United Ringdom. (False)

2. The another name of  Ireland is "the Crystal Isle".(False)

3. The climate is warm and damp in the Isle. (True)

4. The main city of Northern Ireland is Cardiff. (False)

5. The national symbols of Northern Ireland are the red hand and shamrock. (True)

6. The worthy saint of Northern Ireland is Patrick. (True)


Pupils get hint: 14 9 20 5 4 11 9 14 7 4 15 13



Now, you last task is to match numbers with the letters and to read the sentence.

5 12 9 26 1 2 5 20 8 20 8 5

19 5 3 15 14 4 9 19 20 8 5

17 21 5 5 14 15 6 20 8 5 21

14 9 20 5 4 11 9 14 7 4 15 13

If the sentence is : “Elizabeth the second is the queen of the United Kingdom”,
















































20 грудня 2018
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