Веб-квест "Smile and be healthy!"

Про матеріал

Веб-квест (webquest) як технологія навчання — проблемне завдання з елементами рольової гри, для виконання якого використовуються інформаційні ресурси Інтернету. QUEST в перекладі з англійської означає тривалий цілеспрямований пошук, який може бути пов'язаний з пригодами або грою; а також служить для позначення одного з різновидів комьютерной ігор.

Перегляд файлу

                      Веб-квест "Smile and be healthy!"

  1. Introduction

Children, do you like to go hiking?And play fun games?And swim in the sea, lake or river? It is fine when the people are healthy and they want to do everything. And you can rest, play, learn, and go in for sports. And when you are sick, what is your feeling? Every person needs health to learn, grow and strong. To be healthy is the most important in our life. People say: "It would be health, and all other will make".
Dear children, I invite you to take part in a Web-Quest “Smile and be healthy!” You are waiting for exciting tasks!I wish you success!

  1. Process

Організація квесту

1. Термін проведення - 1,5 тижні.

2. У змаганні приймають учні 8 класів.

3. При вирішенні завдань необхідно використовувати мережу Інтернет, творче натхнення та хороший настрій.

4. На вирішення кожного завдання дається 2 доби.

5. Відповіді відправляйте на мою електронну адресу 

vik60519099@yandex. ru не пізніше 18.00 останнього дня виконання кожного завдання.

6. Підсумки підведемо 10 грудня, а нагородження - 11 грудня  о 15. 00.

7. Проілюструй результати свого пошуку стінгазетою з фотографіями.

8. Веб-квест у нас по типу "змагання", тож бажано виконувати завдання як тільки вони з'являтимуться на сторінці, адже відповіді Ви надсилатимете поштою, де зазначатиметься час і дата отримання листа. Будьте уважними, зараховується не тільки швидкість, а і правильність виконання завдання!

9. Кожне питання має певний бал.

10. Переможців чекають призи, а учасників - грамоти. Але перед початком роботи перегляньте презентацію "Квест. Що це?"


Для пошуку відповідей на запитання Ви будете користуватися Інтернетом. Але щоб не потрапити "вловушку" повторіть основні правила поводження в мережі Інтернет.


Перед початком виконання завдань перегляньте Інструкцію до квесту:

1. Прочитай тему і термін проведення квесту.

2. Ознайомся з організаційними моментами квесту.

3. Уважно прочитай сюжет квесту.

4. Знайомся із завданнями квесту і лише потім починай їх виконувати (можливо склади план дій виконання квесту).

5. Виникають будь-які запитання – пиши на електронну адресу .

6. Створи власний проект-захист, презентацію або стінгазету і представ перед однокласниками у класі на уроці.

Для захисту свого проекту тобі допоможуть такі фрази, скористайся!!!


7. Отримай оцінку за роботу.

8. Поділися враженнями у розділі «Мої враження від квесту» на сторінці квесту. Всім учасникам квесту бажаю сил, натхнення і успіхів!!!

І так, займай своє місце біля компа і почнемо!

Let's start our Qwest "Health"!!! You are welcome!

Під час виконання завдань, я пропоную Вам користуватися Перевірочним листом прасування роботи:


My dear pupils! Today we are going to a trip. As you know "Health is the greatest wealth" Health, health and health...it's the main part of our life. When, where and why: these quistions we ask when we have the problems with our health and we are going to visit a doctor. But our health depends on ecology too. Nowadays the problems of ecology become very pressing. Let everybody remember: we live only once and not a very long life. We have one earth for all those who love it and who do not. In order to be healthy we must follow special rules. And during our trip we shall try to do it. In the web-qwest "Health" we find answers the questions, but...to use our favourite English. Do these tasks!

  1. Step 1

Look! Find! Make! Look at the sentences! I ... to ... ...and... .

Find out the missing words and get an extra score. Let's go!

Once Socrates said, "What is the most important in the people's life – a wealth or fame?" The great wiseacre answered: "Neither wealth nor fame does not make a person happy. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king". That's why the health is very important for human. 

  Ok, I propose to create an associative chain "Health". You can use your knowledge of the world and the words of famous people about health. You must find these words through the Internet. Find 5 statements about health (5 points) and create a knowledge map (5 flow-charts) using these expressions. I propose to use a very popular service http://bubbl.us/ (10 points) your expressions and map knowledges send to my email address. 

Step 2

Read! Find Answer the Questions! Create a Power Point Presentation!

Laughter therapy is the most developed and used in the United States. An American, a journalist and a teacher of psychology starts the beginning of this science. He had no other choice, because he had a disease of the bones and connective tissue - he could not move, even an ordinary meal (to open your mouth and chew) was accompanied by pain - the doctors threw up his hands and explained that the medicine can not help you in this situation! At the time (70 of the last century) in magazines was published the articles by neurologist William Frey. He did the research and decided to try: he was discharged from the hospital, moved into the hotel, ordered a room with a projector and a nurse! During all day his nurse showed different comedies. The first days he didn't laugh. A few days later he became funny and sad: he is real and stupid looking comedies and hoped that laughter will save his life. And he began to laugh like crazy, then he undrestood that he has less back ache. After a few weeks he was already observed persistent improvement. And after 2 years of "laughter therapy" he was a normal person and even started to play a musical instrument! Then he founded the centre, which operates successfully until now, and wrote about the benefits of fun are some serious books.




Find and send me on my email address.

1. The name an American, a journalist and a teacher of psychology. (1 point)
2. The name of the disease, which he was sick. (1 point)
 3. His portrait or picture (e.g. the person who initiated the science of laughter therapy) (1 point)
4. What the center was founded by American-journalist-teacher of psychology?

Write down the title. (1 point)

5. What the musical instrument he started to play? (1 point)
6. Write 5 sentences about teaching laughter therapy. (2 points)
7. What research was conducted by neurologist William Frey? (1 point)
8. Create a presentation of 5 slides about the science of laughter therapy. (7 points)

But first of all I invite you to look the recommendations about creating presentations:


Good luck!!!

Step 3

Read! Find an Internet research and Answer the Questions!American scientists have discovered a laugher - it's kind of "internal aerobics".  When people struggling smiles, laughs, filled with laughter, improves heart function, blood enriched with oxygen and calories burned faster.  Laugher gives us positive emotions.  Did you know that "Of all living creatures only man peculiars laugher."  In addition, laugher is not an innate quality, child begins to laugh, not earlier than forty days after birth, and only become complete human being.  First 5 - 8 weeks kid learns mother’s laughing eyes when she looks at the baby, smiling to several hundred times a day.  After two months babies start to smile and laugh more consciously and independently.  Studies show that the more we laugh and smile, we become to feel happier!  Laughter normalizes blood pressure, relieves pain.  And 5 minutes healthy laugher change 40 minutes a relaxed holiday.  Patients who smile and laugh more, much more quickly healthy.  And laughter acts on the skin as a good massage.


Search the answers through the Internet (Wikipedia): 1. What helps the body fight positive emotions? (1 point)

2. Who is the author of the words "From all living creatures only man peculiars laugher." (1 point)

3. How many times a day smiling and laughing child in six years? (1point) And if you count, you can also tell how much child do it during year? (1 point)

4. Who suffers less: funny kids or smiling?(1 point)

5. Try to find on Youtube English cartoon “Funny Story for Kids”, duration 20.56 about funny animals, such as: an elephant, a snake, an ostrich and many other friends who live in a meadow.Check out the video and smile. (20 points) Answers and links to video send to my email address. Wish you success!

Step 4

Read and Create!

 In the early 80 of the last century the famous American circus director Michael Krystensen organized "ER clowns", which employees visited children suffering from cancer. Doctors noticed that after the visit of the clown treatment increased many times. And now, in many countries public schools to train the profession – a medical clown! And you can make caricatures friendly using a special computer program Photoshop. I suggest to fun and try to create Demotivator “We are so funny” using own photos services: http://demotivatorium.ru/demotivators/create/  http://www.photoprikol.net/?do=dem http://www.rusdemotivator.ru/?do=add_dem     http://bighugelabs.com/motivator.php http://demotivation.com.ua/add.html

Your ready works send to my email address, but for the right task gets 50 points. I think that you convinced again that healthy laughter, funny smile are your health.  And most importantly, remember that laughter and smiles must be generous, from all your heart and give joy to others. A now read: "Smile and be healthy!"

                 4. Evaluation



         5. Conclusion


My congraduations with a great job! I hope you enjoyed the webquest!

You’ve finished your first web-quest “Smile and Healthy”, learned lots of information, improved your English and developed your Internet competence.I hope you feel good! Share your thoughts, please. My congratulations with the ending of the quest! The results and announcement of the results, you will learn on a school ruler. Prizes and diplomas of participants already waiting for you! And finally, read, answer the questions and send your answers to my emailik)))
1. What's your name, surname and form?
2. Do you take part the first time in a Web quest?
3. Is your English better now?
5. Have you got new knowledge on the topic?
6. Was surfing the Net difficult for you?
7. What task was easy for you and why?
8. What task was difficult for you and why?
9. Are you proud of your results?

10. Are you going to take part in another web quest?

 Thank you for your answers!

    6. Teacher’s page

This webquest can be a very useful and interesting for all those 
teachers who want to improve or develope their students' creativity.
              In this webquest students develope and learn:

                              speaking English



                              sense of responsibility


                              communicative competence in English


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